Antique Rose
Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A Day with loves.
Had a delightful day driving around the various towns near where my daughter lives. The grand daughters were with us also. Was treated to a nice lunch of Mexican food, which we all like, and I enjoyed especially with their company!! Found some wonderful little shops and a few treasures, which is always fun! We didn't have nearly all the time needed to explore all of the ones we saw, but then we have something to look forward to another time. :-) Got a couple of pictures, that will be just the beginning of the new trove of pictures to add to my computer. Of course I will have a backup for these, won't be silly enough to lose more!!! Had a brief, but scary beginning to my day. My blood sugar was quite low this morning(after many that weren't!!) and thought I was going to pass out. My husband was here, thank goodness, so he helped me get it back up. Thought for a bit I would have to call and cancel my day with my daughter, but after an hour or so, felt like my self again! So had a slow beginning, and a wonderful in between, with a lovely ending. Ta Ta
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A stressful Day
Hello, haven't had my computer since Christmas night. As it turned out, my computer crashed, and now has a new hard drive. That meant I lost my pictures, and all my email blogs, except for the ones on this blog!! I really thought I had lost those too, but seems I could get those!! For that I am thankful!! Would hate to think that I had to start from scratch!! I was quite stressed about the pictures, as many were taken by digital camera, and I have no way to replace. Hard lesson learned, get a back up hard drive!!! Will soon, and that won't be a problem again!! Anyway, I have to let it go, or else I really will be sick!! Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and the new year will be great. We are getting much needed rain, yea!! It has been on the cold side too, but managed to get some walks in, between the rain and so that makes me happy. I have not made any New Year resolutions, have you? I just hope that I can keep my blood sugar level on the low side, and continue to exercise as usual. One thing I am happy that the holidays are over with is because I bake too much, and that means I eat too many sweets. I can resist most of the time, but no always!!! Take care, will write again soon. Antique Rose
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!!!! May it bring you much happiness and joy!!! Antique Rose
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Looking forward to Christmas
Yea, I have my decorating finished. Not as much as in recent years, but I am happy with what I have done! Just too busy with going to the senior center and volunteering to do more. Also walking everyday cuts done on the time too. Can't stop that, so will be happy with it. I did finish my cards, made some fruit cake, so I am ready to make some cookies, etc. Got my out of state cards off and heard that they received them, so that is good. I was hoping for pictures, but guess I won't be getting any for a while. I don't need anything, but I do like pictures. It is something you can look at whenever you get the lonesomes to see them, and know that is not possible. I have always loved pictures, old and new. We have had some lovely rain, and they say we are in a rain pattern, and will get more, so that is great!! Was worried about having to cut back on water, the old "water rationing" has been mentioned in recent months if we do not get enough this year. I can remember when I was younger, we had flooding every year in certain areas around here!!! Times, they have changed!! My hubby's birthday is tomorrow. I am glad that he is around still!! He is a keeper!!! Even when I am having problems with my medications, etc and am grumpy, he is there for me. He makes me laugh each day, and tells me I am still a good looking chick, even with my new wrinkles, etc. I feel sorry for other women who don't have a good one like me. I am indeed lucky!!! Well, I have heard from most of my "chicks" and they are pretty healthy, so I am happy about that as well. Have company coming this weekend, my daughter has a birthday on Sunday, and they are taking us out for a birthday dinner. Have a gift and card all ready, and looking forward to seeing them. Hope that all my friends are happy and looking forward to Christmas. Antique Rose
Monday, December 7, 2009
Yikes, it's December
Okay, another month slipped in while I was not looking!! Well, should say, not ready for! Anyway, it is here, and I have made some progress. Got cards made out and sent off, some fruitcake made, and going to my Antique club Christmas luncheon tomorrow. Things are just coming too fast. This week especially is busy. Perhaps I will be done with the decorating soon. Have the tree up, but not decorated, fall stuff taken off the various places, but haven't got the Christmas ones up. Okay, I am working on it, just a bit slower this year!! Dealing with an allergic reaction to a medication(new), then having to be taken off of it, and taking another one to counteract that one! Since I was allergic to the oral ones, now have to take insulin!! Bummer, but what can I do, but comply!! So with all that going on, I haven't been as successful with the decorating, this is in between going for my walks, volunteering, etc. I guess when yo consider all those things, with a few unexpected happenings, I am not so off the calendar. Anyway, on another subject, we had snow on the hills around here, got mighty cold last night,and will be again tonight, with rain coming in also. We could do without the snow, and cold, but rain we need badly!! Well, after the luncheon, I will let you know how things went. Should be fun, and with good food, good company and also a great bill of entertainment, it should be a great day. Ta Ta, Antique Rose
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Saturdays, good and bad.
Hi again. I don't know if I mentioned that my new diabetes medication was making me itch, well l guess I was allergic to it, so now I can't take it. What was next was small doses of insulin. I have been fighting this step for some time, but guess this is it. Will start tonight at bedtime. Who knows perhaps I will feel better for it. I had a good cry, then got the prescription, and that was that!!! Hubby felt sorry for me, and took me to a local town to look in the Antique shops to keep my mind off of it. It was nice, I looked in the shops, he rode his bike, then we stopped for lunch at a local Mexican restaurant that we used to go to years ago. It was yummy as we remembered. :-) We then went to another shop and browsed awhile. I found a couple of books, a plate, and a pitcher with roses that I liked. So it was fun, and I didn't spend too much. Just a few hours away put me in a more pleasant mood. I didn't have to have a reason to go looking, but it was nice and a thoughtful thing for my husband to do. We also stopped for a good cup of coffee at a local McD's before heading home. Later, Antique Rose
Friday, November 27, 2009
A Lovely Day
Did everyone have a wonderful day, spent with family and friends? I had a wonderful day, filled with good food, good company and laughter spread through out the day. Got some nice pictures of the granddaughters and enjoyed helping my daughter get the feast on the table. Yummy turkey, cranberries, potatoes, stuffing, veggies, and salad rounded off with some really great rolls. I was just so full, couldn't enjoy the pies as much as I would have liked!!! Good thing this wonderful holiday only comes once a year!!!! Heard from some of the others who couldn't be with us, so that was wonderful too. Nice to hear from them, and know that they had a good day too. As you get older, you realize that is the most important thing of all, if the ones you love are happy and content. If they are, you are. Very simple isn't it?!! If people only realized this, it would be a happier world. So now the count down starts for the last holiday of the year, well I have the cards done, now for the fruit cake(yes, I know you don't all like it), but mine is good. I look forward to it. Then then what's next, I better get those lists made!! :-) Ta Ta Antique Rose
Did everyone have a wonderful day, spent with family and friends? I had a wonderful day, filled with good food, good company and laughter spread through out the day. Got some nice pictures of the granddaughters and enjoyed helping my daughter get the feast on the table. Yummy turkey, cranberries, potatoes, stuffing, veggies, and salad rounded off with some really great rolls. I was just so full, couldn't enjoy the pies as much as I would have liked!!! Good thing this wonderful holiday only comes once a year!!!! Heard from some of the others who couldn't be with us, so that was wonderful too. Nice to hear from them, and know that they had a good day too. As you get older, you realize that is the most important thing of all, if the ones you love are happy and content. If they are, you are. Very simple isn't it?!! If people only realized this, it would be a happier world. So now the count down starts for the last holiday of the year, well I have the cards done, now for the fruit cake(yes, I know you don't all like it), but mine is good. I look forward to it. Then then what's next, I better get those lists made!! :-) Ta Ta Antique Rose
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to family and friends!!! I made five pies yesterday, will take four of them to my daughters today for our Thanksgiving feast!! Also made a dip that a granddaughter requested. Oh, yum, can't wait to have all that wonderful food and good company!! Hope all will have a wonderful day as well. A time to remember old times, and make new memories. Antique Rose
Saturday, November 21, 2009
LifeIs what we make it.
Good Morning, another weekend has arrived. I feel much better today than the last few days, and am thankful for that!! I feel like I can now catch up on the few things that I have let go in recent days. :-) I even started my Christmas cards, yea!! Can't wait to make pies this week. Yum!! Today is the 80Th birthday party for our friend that I told you about that was sure he wouldn't be around to celebrate it!! Well, he continues to improve, and he's made it to his birthday. Isn't that great!! Will fill you in about the party later. Antique Rose
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Yikes, yet another week almost gone.
I wrote a bit last week, and some how it got all jumbled up, and so I deleted it, will try once again. I was feeling a bit blah, at the beginning of the week, then felt better, but tired the rest of the week. I think my new medication is the problem, but not sure. At any rate, I had a nice weekend beginning with an estate sale, and then the flea market. Found a few treasures, but find I am much more selective than I have been. A couple of plates, and a picture. Finally got a couple of the pictures put up in the hallway that I purchased earlier in the year. The time is going much too quickly, seems that I don't have the time or energy to get everything done for one holiday before another comes along!! I am looking forward to Thanksgiving next week and the get together of the family. I will make apple and pumpkin pies the day before. The house will be quiet as my hubby will be on the golf course, so that I can do things without interuption. My great grandson has the flu(swine), and so that is something to worry about, hopefully he will recover without complications. He seems to catch all that comes along. I feel really bad for him. As far as I know all the rest of family members are fine. So thankful for that! Happy baking everyone. Antique Rose
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My Thankful List
1. My wonderful husband who still treats me like the young gal he first met!
2. My family near and far.
3. Food and money to pay my bills.
4. A home to live in and enjoy.
5. Good health.
I should be thankful all year long, and I am, but I forget sometimes to let the people that mean the most, told that!! I am very thankful for family and friends. Can't wait to sit around the table again with family and eat that wonderful Thanksgiving feast. Wish that all could be here, but since they cannot, I wish them a happy Thanksgiving where ever they are on that day!!!
2. My family near and far.
3. Food and money to pay my bills.
4. A home to live in and enjoy.
5. Good health.
I should be thankful all year long, and I am, but I forget sometimes to let the people that mean the most, told that!! I am very thankful for family and friends. Can't wait to sit around the table again with family and eat that wonderful Thanksgiving feast. Wish that all could be here, but since they cannot, I wish them a happy Thanksgiving where ever they are on that day!!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Weds, Weds.
Hello, I was under the weather on Monday, but by the evening felt some better. I had my monthly Antique Meeting on Tuesday. It turned out very well. The salads and breads were yummy and cookies for all were yummy too. Our speaker was quite knowledgeable on her topic of knife "rests". She had all kinds that she brought as samples of her fourteen hundred collection! Some were crystal, also cut glass, porcelain, pottery, silver, and ivory just to name a few. She had some from the 1700's up to the present time. She has been collecting and writing about these for some forty plus years. She was really fun to listen too, and learn from. so we had a really great time. I am still feeling rather blah, don't know if my new prescription of medicine for my diabetes is working well, have had really high blood sugar readings, which shouldn't be. Doctor will call me back after regular hours to talk to me about it. Possibly of changing once again. :=(
Had a day off of regular walking today, as well as volunteering for the local senior center. Our national holiday remembering our fallen and present soldiers all over the world. Have our flag flying proudly. Do you? I always think of my Uncle Dave, a WW2 veteran on days like this. I miss him a lot. Also have grandsons in the service, one Army and the other a Marine. Thanks guys! Ta Ta Antique Rose
Had a day off of regular walking today, as well as volunteering for the local senior center. Our national holiday remembering our fallen and present soldiers all over the world. Have our flag flying proudly. Do you? I always think of my Uncle Dave, a WW2 veteran on days like this. I miss him a lot. Also have grandsons in the service, one Army and the other a Marine. Thanks guys! Ta Ta Antique Rose
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I'm back.
I can't believe I haven't written anything in eight days! It was a rather hectic week. My sister was having lots of pain, and as it turned out had to have her appendix removed!! She had just got over the flu, and before that her cancer surgery!! She has really had it. I am hoping that nothing else happens to her, or anyone else in the family for awhile. This year has not been kind!! I also had to get my letters out for our monthly meeting of the Antique club. I had really good hostesses this month, and everything is a "go"!! Yea, didn't have to sub for anyone, and don't have to bring anything! Most of the time there is something I have to bring, or someone can't preform their duties. So I am looking forward to a great meeting. It is our Thanksgiving luncheon, and also our time to plan the Christmas get together, and everyone signs up to bring something. It is always fun and we give a decorated tree to a family that needs one. I stayed overnight at my daughters house too, to take the granddaughters to school as my daughter had to take her husband for a doctor's appointment early in the morning. It was nice a nice visit too. Came home in time to help the hubby with his turn having a Oktoberfest. A monthly get together of his friends. I get the food ready and leave so they can have their "man" talk!! Gives me time to shop and be out and about too. Works out!! Ah, another busy week coming up. So ta ta for now. Antique Rose
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Welcome November
Ah, it's November. The weather doesn't seem so, but of course the mornings are a bit cool. It will be Thanksgiving before we know it. I like Thanksgiving, not only for the delicious food, but for all my family and friends, who I am very thankful for. I look forward to what the month brings.
Antique Rose
Antique Rose
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday once again, so quickly time is passing!! I had a busy week. My walking partner was not here today, so I went alone. It was quite pleasant, and I enjoyed the quiet walk and took my camera with me in case there was anything worth capturing. Although I enjoy the company and usual talk we have each day, I truly enjoyed my time alone. The morning sun was just peaking over our local mission peak, and there was a pink cast to the sky. The ducks and geese taking their morning baths was neat too, as it was not quite light, but not complete darkness either. I finished up my 2.2 miles rather quickly. My mind was not on the walk, but other things that I could mull over while the quiet morning was mine. I picked up painting that was given to me by an artist that visited our senior center, it was not framed, and I took it to a local frame shop where they stretched and framed it. It came out just beautiful. I will bring it to the center next week to show him, and thank him once again. Got a letter off to my great grandson, and a card to my grandson for his birthday on Monday. The little guy called me to say he got it today, and he was very happy with it. It was nice hearing his voice saying "I love you". You never tire of hearing from all your "chicks". Our friend is improving too, so the week was a nice one!! My daughter will come on Sunday, so the week will end quite nicely too. Antique Rose
Monday, October 26, 2009
My Punkin, among the pumpkins. :-)
Wow!! I was looking at old albums today, came across this picture of my first grand baby. He is turning 30 on the second of November. Where has the time gone!!?? Babies are so neat, but they just get older, too fast!! I now have nine grands, and four great grands. They are all precious!!!! But of course there is only one"first" for that short while, and of course a special spot in your heart. :-)Now he has a special punkin of his own, who just turned five. What fun he is going to have with him this Halloween. Antique Rose
Saturday, October 24, 2009
End of week .
Well, another week has come and gone. Although there wasn't anything too exciting happening, there was a few things that came about. My friend and partner in walking has come up with a very sore knee(doctor says it is arthritis), and so I had to go it alone on Thursday and Friday. Not only that her daughter is due for surgery, and her step daughter is in the hospital with an ailment that they can't determine. She was pretty stressed out about all this, as any Mother would be. Her husband is going to have surgery for knee replacement in December, when it rains it pours!! Back to my own, granddaughters have been sick this past week, one with the flu, the other bronchitis.The flu couldn't be treated with antibiotics, but the other could, both are on the mend. Just hope that they don't get behind with studies, as they are both in college prep classes with lots of homework. I think teachers give too much busy work!!! When holidays come, they are always swamped with it, takes away from the family time!!!! Then Friday, there was an estate sale going on. I got a couple of things, but the best was an old frame. I like them for old family pictures that I have. :-) Today we went to our usual route to the valley to do the yard work for my hubby's Mom and Sister. Had a nice visit and lunch, then back home. I was hoping to catch up on some work around the house, but while gone, got a call from an out of town friend who wants to get together tomorrow for dinner. A sad time for him, as his son just passed away!!! It will be good to see them, but sad too. Tonight it is off to my Son's house for dinner. M-m-m- wonder what good dish he decided on, guess I will know that later!!! Antique Rose
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Life in the Pink House
Well, I had a busy week-end. Went to my daughters house for my granddaughters birthday celebration. Had fun visiting with them, and going to a Japanese Restaurant. She turned 17 last week. Ah, they grow up much too fast!! My daughter made a lovely Pineapple Upside Down cake, at her request as her birthday cake. It was quite yummy!! My son and his gal were there as well. On Sunday we had a surprise rain, and that was nice. After having quite a rain storm just a week ago. I am hopeful that means we are in the rainy season and perhaps the drought is over!!! I am not a rain person, but we sure need it!! My yard looks much better since it did rain. Even the tomatoes, which I thought had come to an end, have new blossoms!! Had the son over for dinner tonight, as usual on Tuesday. No granddaughter though, she is away at Science camp. Good visit non the less. A funny thing happened today, at the senior center, an artist(who I had talked to the previous week) came and he had two paintings to show us. He had told me a couple of weeks ago that he wanted to do a painting and hang in at the center. I had told him that would be very nice, and I thought that the center would appreciate. Well, after showing us the paintings, I commented on one of them, and jokingly stated that he could give it to me, that I loved it. He paused a moment, then said, it is yours!!!!! What a surprise thing to happen, I was very happy to say the least to be chosen. He signed and dated it, and I took it to be framed. I think it is going to be quite lovely on my wall.:-) The were quite impressed at the frame shop. Oh, another note, a estate sale is coming up on Friday, yea, I am looking forward to it, as there were none in September. Perhaps I will find yet another treasure or two, then there is a Christmas Open House at a local Antique/collectible store here. Oh, why do they all come at once!!! I love this time of the year with all the holiday boutiques, etc. Don't you?!! Antique Rose
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Antique Club Trip.
Yesterday was our second annual trip of the antique club. We had a full bus signed up, but then a rain storm came in, and only eight people showed up. I guess we could have postponed the trip, as it was very rainy, windy, and not the most pleasant weather, but we didn't!! The eight of us went on the trip to one of our favorite places and enjoyed it anyway. We had to have our trusty umbrellas with us at all times, as the rain did not let up at any point!! We went on our way, looked in the various shops, bought a few things, or at least I did!! Then we had a nice lunch and looked some more. I got a really neat book of poetry for my granddaughter who, is 17 today!! She writes poetry and likes the old poetry books. I also found a creamer with roses, Victorian I think, and also a beautiful rose plate. The plate will go to my daughter. All in all a good trip. I wish that it would have been sunny, so we could have walked without carrying an umbrella, but we needed the rain badly, as we've had a couple of drought years, so won't complain at all. :-) You make what you can of what you have, and if you can manage that, you can be happy!!! I got up early as usual to walk, but walking partner's knee was bothering her, so walked alone after the volunteering was done. I got some nice pictures around the lake and ducks, so was happy, and felt better for having walked. Antique Rose
Monday, October 12, 2009
"Calls" they are so sweet.
I have a five year old great grandson. He is getting over tonsil surgery, and he had some complications with it, so he is just now getting back to normal. He called me tonight, to thank me and to say that he liked the package I had sent to him last week. The movie "Where The Wild Things Are" is coming out soon, and I sent the book plus the little boy who is in the book to him. I also write to him and put other books, etc in the package. He was very excited and he liked them all. It makes your day when you hear their little voices, doesn't it? It does mine!!! Antique Rose
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Perfect Sunday.
I was up at 5 AM and having breakfast with Hubby before meeting my daughter and granddaughters. We met at an Antique Faire in a local town. It was packed with people and lots of really neat stuff to go through. My daughter found table clothes and Christmas decorations, and perhaps a few other things, I was busy walking and talking with the grands and finding things for myself. I also found some old pictures, and of course the grands like looking through those, and they picked out a few they wanted. My middle grand loves old cameras and and she found a booth with lots of those, and bought two!!! She was so excited. They each found a few things they liked, and then it was on to lunch. Hubby/Pa treated us to that at the local Mc D's. After that it was on to another local town and another antique place they all like to see. I found some really neat old cards, and will post those eventually. All lin all a very nice day with my loves. Nice to get those hugs and hear their laughter. :-) Driving home, the roads were packed, and slow!! It took almost an hour to drive perhaps 10 miles. There is some road work on the road back(I could have taken another road had I thought about it, but I did make it home before my husband got too nervous. :-) Too bad the local football team didn't win, but hey can't have everything going your way!!! Antique Rose
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Flea Market
Had a fun day looking through two different flea's. One an annual one at a local Mobil Park. got a couple of scarves and a bedspread and then a couple of cups without their saucers. They were made in England and had beautiful roses on them, so I wanted them, saucers or not. The spread will go to my daughter. She doesn't always get out and about and find the bargains that I do!! Then on to the flea market that comes every month on the second Saturday. It was larger this time, but I was more selective than usual. Although I saw some things I might like, I didn't buy, as I am trying not to get anymore things until I get some of the stuff put away, or rid of that I don't really like anymore. My tastes have changed over the years, and guess that it is changing once more. I did find a couple of books however. They were old, and one had neat poems and pictures of the early 1900's in it. The other one, a collectible by John Steinbeck. A issue of 1938. A good year! :-) Oh, forgot one thing! Duh!! A beautiful medium sized mirror that was framed by shells, my weakness!! Very pretty, and put to use right away. So all in all nice hunting expedition! We came home for lunch, and then went to see our friend in the convalescent home. He was in good spirits and even had a few funny stories. It was nice to see him smiling again, and his color better. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Midweek Happenings
Well, I got my flu shot this past Monday, and felt good about that. The weather is getting cooler and colds will abound soon. It has been a bit nippy on our morning walks. I also got an appointment for a mammogram and got that over with. Everything clear, at least according to the technician who preformed it. So that is two down, also tried to get an appointment to have some spots on my hands checked, as well as my annual mole check. Seems my doctor has gone back to school to become a surgeon!! Now have to try a new doctor of dermatology. I liked the other, but no choice here, so got on her list. Filled up and probably won't get in for six weeks. Unless there is a canceled appointment. :-( Oh, well six weeks will past very quickly! Time seems to be flying at my age! We also went to see our friend who is recovering from cancer surgery. He was happy to see us, and was much better than last time we saw him. Hopefully things are looking up, and he will gain strength back to walk again. Well, that is it until the weekend, which is going to be a busy one, more on that later. Antique Rose
Monday, October 5, 2009
Good News
Good news, our friend who had recent cancer surgery is on the mend. The cancer was confined to his bladder and had not spread any further, so now he can recoup and get well. We are so happy for him and his family. Hope to go see him in a couple of days. Today was the first time he had solid food. A good sign that he is feeling better, and probably out of ICU. Also the little great grand son is beginning to eat once again after having his tonsils removed. He had been quite sick, and wasn't wanting any food. Not even the ice cream, etc that he could have had. Hopefully he will now be on the mend also. A cooler Monday, it got down in the 40's last night. Our walk was a crisp one!!! My walking partner, was told by the doctor that she has arthritis in her knee and that is why she has been having some pain, and swelling . So she is checking out herbal remedies. Before she does anything else with medications. The usual at the senior center. Plenty of bread to give out. I made my mammogram appointment, and was surprised to have gotten it this week. I thought I would have to wait for a few weeks. My Dermatologist doctor is back to school to become a surgeon, so now I will have to check out a new one! Poo!!
This will be the third one in two years!! Oh, well the moles have to be checked, plus some places on my hands that need to be looked at. All in all a nice day all around. Hope everyone else had a great day too. Antique Rose
This will be the third one in two years!! Oh, well the moles have to be checked, plus some places on my hands that need to be looked at. All in all a nice day all around. Hope everyone else had a great day too. Antique Rose
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Weekend Happenings.
This was our weekend to go to the valley, ho, ho, ho!! My husband takes care of his Mom's yard work, and we visit and have a nice lunch. My sister in law, always has lunch for us, or takes us to lunch as she appreciates our help. She lives with hubby's Mom. As it turned out the other sister was there too, so we had a nice visit with all. The three gals went to Home Goods, one of our favorite stores, and looked to our hearts content. I found a nice pumpkin(not real), but with a nice turkey carved on it, will look good on the dinning table for decoration for Halloween as well as Thanksgiving. Also Kohl's is nearby and I found some undies there as well. Nice!!! Came back, and had a nice salad/sandwich lunch and some more visiting while the guys watched some football. Our favorite teams won this weekend which made it even nicer. Stopped by Mc D's for a cuppa coffee and a nice apple pie. All in all a nice day. Today, got my haircut, and it looks and feels much better. Probably will be a bit cool tomorrow morning, as it will get down in the 40's tonight, but I will do okay, just add an extra layer of clothing for our morning walk at the lake. It was a nice lazy day, didn't do much, and guess that is the way a weekend should be, right? Anyway, am ready for the new week. Got to make some appointments for mammogram and dermatology. Need to have my moles checked as I usually do annually. So with that thought. Good night. Antique Rose
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Cooler times.
Another cool morning walk!! You can tell autumn has arrived. I had long sleeves and a jacket.:-) It was a nice change, and I am enjoying it. Later, when I came home, I made homemade apple sauce. It smelled soooooo good!!! Also baked some sweet potatoes to go with our left-0ver stew for dinner tonight. The house warmed up a bit from the oven, and that was good, as I am not ready to turn on the pilot lights to the heaters!! Once you do that, the PG&E bills start to rise!! I will wait as long as possible before we do that. Hope all that read this is having a great start to the fall season as well. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Cooler weather.
Woke up to a cool morning, with just a few sprinkles that let me know that the weather is now like fall should be. I took an umbrella, but didn't need it. It was a nice crisp morning to walk. The leaves are turning and the mornings are darker when we walk. Might have to go a bit later if that continues. My walking partner is having a knee problem, so we have slowed a bit when we walk. Had for me as I usually walk at a faster clip!! :-) I don't want to lose her though, so will slow down for her to get better. I put on a nice stew to slow cook for the rest of the day, smells so good in the house. That is one thing I miss when it is too hot to cook!! Smells of stews, beans, etc and the baking. I want to start that soon too. I can't always eat everything I cook or bake, but I like to at least enjoy the fragrance! Nothing like a pie, cake or bread to make the whole house smell wonderful. So not only the land scrape changes, but the smells as well. Autumn has never been my favorite time of year, but it is growing on me. I like the colors, so bright, pumpkins, leaves, and even those rainy dark days. I have always dreaded the rainy days, but now even enjoy those. I guess it pays to change with the seasons, since we don't have a choice. :-) Antique Rose
Monday, September 28, 2009
Well, just got news that our friend came through surgery and there is a good outlook for recovery!! We had prepared for the worse. Now looks like he will be okay with lots of care. We are keeping our fingers crossed and our prayers going. :-) On to the next, our great grandson, is home recovering from surgery as well. A bit of nail biting, but everything is now okay. Yea!!! I feel relieved and thankful for that too. The week will be so much more relaxing now!!! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I am sure they helped. Just knowing that so many care is really great.
Made a pot of homemade soup, just the thing for an overcast day we are having, There is a fall feeling this week. Crispier mornings as we walk the lake and soon the rainy season will be here. I am ready for this. I tire of the hot days. I am sure in a few weeks, I will be saying just the opposite. :-) Well that is just the way us humans are. Never quite satisfied with what the weather is any given day. I am thankful for all today, could have turned out so differently. Antique Rose
Made a pot of homemade soup, just the thing for an overcast day we are having, There is a fall feeling this week. Crispier mornings as we walk the lake and soon the rainy season will be here. I am ready for this. I tire of the hot days. I am sure in a few weeks, I will be saying just the opposite. :-) Well that is just the way us humans are. Never quite satisfied with what the weather is any given day. I am thankful for all today, could have turned out so differently. Antique Rose
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A Lazy Week-end.
I was ready for the week-end, it was a rather rough week. Sick grand children, money woes, etc. I was in a blah state of mind all week. Didn't sleep well, just was not myself. As the week came to an end, it got some what better(thank goodness), and hopefully I will have a better one coming up. Not only grands have been sick, but a dear friend is in the hospital, not doing well at all. It's really is sad to see friends sick, and not much that you can do, but be there for them. Some days are better than others. I am not sure he will recover, and that is hard to take too. He is a great guy and very active with lecturing, writing, etc. He taught with my husband for years. It used to be showers, weddings, etc, now is visiting the sick and funerals. I do appreciate the fact that I can still get out and walk, and do most things that I have always done. I think perhaps we forget how lucky we are until we see a friend that can't even get out of bed much less do as they always have done. I will be thankful for each day as they come. :-) I will not be grumpy if I have an ache, as at least I can feel it. I did hear from my sister who just had surgery. No cancer in the lymph nodes, and that is very good news. She is waiting to hear if that is all and she won't have any chemo. That is great!!!!! I am going to enjoy the week-end. Hope you have a great one too. Antique Rose
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Need some Guardian angels for my sweeties.
Well, the fall didn't start off too good. My great granddaughters are sick as well as one of the great grandsons!!!! I just hate it when children, especially small ones are sick, you feel so helpless! My youngest had such a high fever today, she had a seizure. I am praying that she is better soon, she will be at doctors tomorrow. My great grandson has had so many spells of strep throat that he has to have his tonsils out this month, that is if his present bout with it is over by the time he is scheduled for surgery!!! Makes my heart sad, as I am not close enough to give a hand for the mommies to get some rest!!! Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers!! I hope to hear that they are better, soon. It is still not the season for really cold weather, so I am glad of that. You would think by now, I would not be such a worry wart, but you never get past worrying about your children whether they are two or fifty two. Antique Rose
Monday, September 21, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
End of the week happenings.
Another busy week filled with walking, visiting old friends, and waiting. My sister had cancer surgery on Thursday, finally heard from her on Friday. She was fine, had just got home after a long day. She said everything went well, and they wouldn't know all the results for a couple of weeks. Why, it takes so long to find out the results, is something that should be changed!! The tension, stress of the unknown is hard on a person!!! Especially the one that has had the surgery. They can put men on the moon, make all kinds of gadgets, etc, etc but you still have to wait forever to get results!!! I am glad that everything went well, and she came home to recoup. That makes all three sisters that have had similar surgeries. Seems like cancer is everywhere, and affects all areas!! My little great grandson has strep, and was to have his tonsils removed this coming week, does that mean he has to postpone surgery? I haven't heard yet. Poor thing sure has had his share of being sick. On the good news side, my granddaughter and family like his new post in Okinawa!! Thank goodness, she had been stressed over moving so far away!! Everyone else seems to be fine, so I have lots to be thankful for. Antique Rose
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
After my morning walk at the lake, and volunteering at the senior center, I cam home with the hopes of doing some gardening. I began, I had ninety daffodil bulbs to plant!!! I wasn't sure if I could get them all planted in one day, but I surely was going to try!!! The soil was hard, I first turned it over with a shovel, then raked, then dug with a trowel. I then began my planting. The first thirty were not bad, then on to the second thirty, it got a bit harder, my hands were beginning to feel rather stiff, but I carried on. The last thirty was the hardest, but I was successful in my endeavor !!!!!!!! Oh, yes, forgot that I had some "naked ladies" to plant also. A friend at the senior center had dug up some for me, from his yard, and they needed to be planted right away, so I also planted those. Doing yard work is like therapy for me, and I enjoy it, even if I do get sore and stiff from doing so!! I feel I have accomplished something, and I know that in the spring I will reap the rewards with lots of wonderful yellow and pink blossoms from my hard work!!! Stay tuned for pictures in the spring. :-) Another thing I like, taking pictures of my flowers as they come into season and bloom. I feel now that I am ready for the fall/winter season in the garden department. Weeds will have to be pulled and some more trimming on the plants that are now winding down, but I have a handle on things, and it won't take long to do those things. Until next time. Antique Rose
Monday, September 14, 2009
First rain of the season.
We had our first rain last evening and into last night. Had said it would only be a shower, but no it came down quite hard for a period of time. Very nice, and the air was fresh and crisp for our walk around the lake this morning. We also had lots of bread to give away at the center, unlike last week when there was very little. The people was quite pleased to get four plus loaves. I don't know what they do with it all. I can hardly use a loaf in a week. But perhaps they have large families or give to neighbors. It was nice to say, take more if you like. Also got a lot of stuff taken by the local charity truck, after they forgot our street last week. Glad that I had the stuff covered, with the rain we got!!! I also got a package off to the great grandson, So I had a very productive morning. Even got my ingredients for my dinner for tomorrow as it is Tuesday and my son and granddaughter are here for dinner. Some days just go the way you want. :-) My friend at the center also brought me some lovely red tomatoes from his garden. They are yummy!! Nothing like home grown tomatoes. They are great to just eat, or put in a lovely salad. I can remember eating them by the apron full at my Mom's garden. All you needed was a shaker of salt and that was heaven!!! I do miss them and their wonderful garden, those green beans, okra, corn, etc were just yummy. I bet they are in charge of the heavenly garden spot. Makes me smile just to think of them doing so. Well, on second thought, my Dad is probably off leading a few new people around the area. He loved to go and he didn't stay in any one spot long. Well, I'll leave you with that picture!! Antique Rose
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
New week!! Starting my fall decorating.
This week has been busy and it will be over soon. I did accomplish some things, however. I always dread the thought of putting all the one seasons stuff away, and getting out the next, but when I actually start, it is not bad. I have the pumpkins and fall decorations out and ready to put on the shelves. Getting everything dusted, and put in their boxes is a all day affair but that is what comes with having so many knick/knacks!! I have not collected anything new for a while, really don't need anything else, but I know that I probably will find some even though I shouldn't!! There's always something new to look at. Ah well it is fun to hunt and look even though I don't buy. Life would be on the dull side if not for "wishes" or the thrill of a hunt. I hope never to grow up and not be able to "play". That keeps you young!!! I did have another successful Antique club meeting, and all the hostesses were great. Lots of food, and a good speaker on Halloween, and her collectibles. Quite interesting and her collectibles, charming! She is having a Christmas tea, early in December that will be lots of fun, most of the club is going. A thing to look forward too. Even though I am not ready for that season as yet. :-) Our next adventure is a trip to a local town, which will be all decorated for the fall/Halloween season. Still have seats on the bus to fill, want to come?? Well, my sister is having surgery next week. I will keep her in my prayers and thoughts, and hope all comes out for the best! I just hope that this is the last surgery for our family, there has been too many!!!
Oh yes, the local flea is this weekend too. Like I said, it is the hunt that is fun, seeing people I know, etc. So ta ta for this time. Antique Rose
Oh yes, the local flea is this weekend too. Like I said, it is the hunt that is fun, seeing people I know, etc. So ta ta for this time. Antique Rose
Monday, September 7, 2009
Another Wonderful Day
Another lovely afternoon was spent with my daughter and granddaughters. It always goes by so quickly!! She liked the plates and cups I brought her and I got to see new pictures, and of course got to bring some home of the granddaughters. They're getting older, much too fast!! Of course they are beautiful!!! The girls and I played the game of "Life" which was fun. Helped with the last bit of dinner preparations and and then shared a wonderful dinner of "ribs" and salad, plus other things. My daughter is an excellent cook!! Yum, everything tasted quite yummy!!! She made this really yummy dip that was called "Georgia Caviar" made with black-eyed peas, and other ingredients. It was soooooo yummy!! Brought the recipe home to make myself. :-) I think it could be used as a salad also. Quite addicting!!!! My oldest granddaughter took an art class over the summer, and she showed me her art that she had done at that time, quite good!! I hope she goes to an art school after high school and expands her talent. She gave me my choice of some of her work. I intend to get it framed and put on my walls here. I am amazed at what she does. I hope that she knows she is good, and pursues her dream. I only wish I was half as good at drawing things!! My son does great art work too. I wondeer where they get their talent, it seems to have skipped me!! Drat!!!!!!! With all the hard classes to prepare for college they seem to have little time to do artful things, hopefully they will not suck all that creativity from them while preparing them for life!!!!!!!!! I know that my grandson stopped drawing at an early age, as he said that they only wanted everyone to do the same way in everything, nothing different and he quit doing his art work!!!!!! Which made me very sad. He is now doing more in his twenties. Yea!!!! Back to my day. A nice one that I can tuck into my memories to savor yet another time in the future. Antique Rose
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Dad
Today is my Dad's birthday, had he lived he would be 97 years today. He lived a full 93 as it was, but I miss him and wish that he was still around. :-) No matter how old they are when they leave us, it still is sad!! I was close to my Dad, and miss him a lot. I am sure he is looking down and smiling, and is very busy traveling those unknown roads in heaven!! He had a restless foot and kept us moving around most of our lives, up until I married, and I haven't moved much since! ha
It is a month full of birthdays, and school beginning for another year. Last evening my son and his girlfriend took us out to a nice Japanese restaurant and a pleasant hour or so of visiting. It was fun, and nice of them to do this. Yesterday morning, my niece brought a creamer that my sister, her Mom, had sent to me a while back. She had put it away, and forgot about it. Thanks sis, it was one I did not have!! Then later she brought me some yummy ripe, red, tomatoes from her garden, oh did they taste yummy this morning on toast. :-) She also brought an album of old pictures from my Mom and Dad's early years, and I spent time up to midnight scanning them on to my iphotos. Such a treasure. I love the old pictures of my relatives. Don't you?? I had not seen some of them, and some not for years. I had looked for this particular one for a long time, and no one seemed to know what I was talking about, or had not seen it, or didn't have it, etc, etc !! Now I have a copy and I can make copies for my children. Yea!!!!!! So happy about that. Well, on to another jaunt this afternoon. Will write about that tonight. Ta Ta Antique Rose
It is a month full of birthdays, and school beginning for another year. Last evening my son and his girlfriend took us out to a nice Japanese restaurant and a pleasant hour or so of visiting. It was fun, and nice of them to do this. Yesterday morning, my niece brought a creamer that my sister, her Mom, had sent to me a while back. She had put it away, and forgot about it. Thanks sis, it was one I did not have!! Then later she brought me some yummy ripe, red, tomatoes from her garden, oh did they taste yummy this morning on toast. :-) She also brought an album of old pictures from my Mom and Dad's early years, and I spent time up to midnight scanning them on to my iphotos. Such a treasure. I love the old pictures of my relatives. Don't you?? I had not seen some of them, and some not for years. I had looked for this particular one for a long time, and no one seemed to know what I was talking about, or had not seen it, or didn't have it, etc, etc !! Now I have a copy and I can make copies for my children. Yea!!!!!! So happy about that. Well, on to another jaunt this afternoon. Will write about that tonight. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Thursday, September 3, 2009
First week in September
My, my, the week has gone by quickly. Am I the only one that seems to think this? Monday came and now it is Thursday, and the long weekend is almost here. This Saturday we will go to dinner with the son, and then on Sunday a day at my daughters. Usually we don't go out on the holiday weekends, just because the traffic is so bad, but we will make an exception this time. We are also invited to my brother's on Monday if we wish to come. They recently moved to a new home. It would be fun to see them all, so we might go. The center will be closed on Monday, so that won't be a problem. My walking partner says she is taking a day off, so guess I will too. Today is my baby sister's birthday. And what is she doing, sitting at the hospital, getting her last treatment of chemo!!! I am sure she is happy as can be with that!!!! Being the last treatment I mean. No one is happy about getting the treatment itself. Makes you weak and nauseous!!! Happy birthday, sis!!!!
My great grandson has strep!! Poor little guy, and they are going to set up a date for his tonsils to be removed. They think that will help him!! He just started his kindergarten year, so hopefully they are right, and he can be healthier with that being done. You always feel so helpless when the young are sick!!! He has had his share of strep, seven times this year!!!! Hey that doesn't seem fair now does it!!!! I remember those days when every tooth meant a ear infection, or something!! That part I do not miss, but I do miss those wonderful sweet things, I just love babies, and kids in general. They do the darnest things, and cutest things too. Wish I were a bit closer to the grands and great grands for those wonderful hugs and kisses!!!!! :-)Antique Rose
My great grandson has strep!! Poor little guy, and they are going to set up a date for his tonsils to be removed. They think that will help him!! He just started his kindergarten year, so hopefully they are right, and he can be healthier with that being done. You always feel so helpless when the young are sick!!! He has had his share of strep, seven times this year!!!! Hey that doesn't seem fair now does it!!!! I remember those days when every tooth meant a ear infection, or something!! That part I do not miss, but I do miss those wonderful sweet things, I just love babies, and kids in general. They do the darnest things, and cutest things too. Wish I were a bit closer to the grands and great grands for those wonderful hugs and kisses!!!!! :-)Antique Rose
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Bye Bye August.
I told you about the estate sales I went to over the week end, but as it turned out I wasn't finished! After lunch on Sunday, I asked my hubby if he wanted to go by and see if the table was still there. We had been looking for a round one, and the first day of the sale, there was one for 195 dollars. A set, table and five chairs. A bit more than I had wanted to pay. Also didn't need the chairs, as I had some from another table that I would use. Well, it was still there, and the lady who was running the sale, said that if I wanted it, I could have it for 60 dollars. Yea, we got it, and a neighbor went with my hubby to pick it up!!! I will get rid of the chairs, and the table looks great in the dinning area. What a great buy!!! Pays to wait. Of course it could have been sold too, but then there is always another estate sale or garage sale just around the corner!!! Well, this was suppose to be about another month flying by. As it goes, it did go very quickly. Had several birthdays and anniversaries in August. Before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving and then Christmas!! I am not ready for the summer to be over yet, have stuff to get rid of on the patio, and I am determined to get that done. Not having a truck really sucks sometimes!! I have to wait on the charity trucks to come to get rid of things I no long want or need. One will be here next week. Yea!! Then let the fall/winter seasons come. :-) Still no address from my Granddaughter who now is in Japan. Hopefully the paper work the service lost, is now completed again!!!! That way I have an address and the great grandson can go to school. The little great grandson is sick, and had to miss the beginning of the second week of his first year of school!! Guess he won't be getting a record for perfect attendance. :-( Ta Ta Antique Rose
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Estate Sales
Yea, the weekend is here once again. Yesterday I went to an estate sale nearby. I got a few things, not as many as in the past, but then I said before, I am being a bit more selective. Nice quilt, a really pretty Japanese storage container, I am sure it has a fancier name, but it will be great to serve a nice dessert, or large amount of cookies for a buffet. Three tea cups and matching saucers and a timer for when you are practicing your musical instrument. One of my granddaughters can use it. One already has one. We'll see if she likes it. Had a leisurely breakfast,this morning, then had a visit from the valley people on way to San Jose. Also my son came by on the way to do some things at his school. Nice visit, although short. After lunch my hubby went with me to another estate sale at another location. Found two plates(with roses of course) and a lovely tea cup and saucer from the 40's that I like. Later today it is off to a barbecue at a friends house. I hope that it not quite so warm then. Tomorrow is the big once a year Flea that a local town has!!! I haven't decided if I will go to that or not. If it is as hot as today, I don't think so!!! I know there will be tons of garage sales on all the side streets too. :-)
It will be hard not going, but then you can only go to so many. :-( I go enough, so will not be too sad to miss it. The parking is really the problem. I don't want to stand around or walk around too much waiting for a ride home. Hubby usually drops me off and then comes back for me.
Ta Ta Antique Rose
It will be hard not going, but then you can only go to so many. :-( I go enough, so will not be too sad to miss it. The parking is really the problem. I don't want to stand around or walk around too much waiting for a ride home. Hubby usually drops me off and then comes back for me.
Ta Ta Antique Rose
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thoughts of the day.
Well, yesterday I was dreading my dental appointment today. But It turned out well, have a new filling and also cleaning. My mouth feels nice. I also had another procedure done as I am having four implants in the coming months. Each thing takes time, and healing before the next step, so hopefully it will be all done by this time next year. It won't take quite that long, but it does take several months. I should be in good shape for those 50Th anniversary pictures!! I never take good pictures in my opinion, but perhaps my smile will be better after all the dental work!!! I know I certainly will have a expensive smile, be it better or not!!!!!!!! I will think positive. :-)
Last evening my sister gave me the results of her D&C she had a week or so ago. It was not good. She has endometrial cancer and will have to have a complete hysterectomy as soon as it can be scheduled. :-( It makes me very sad that she will have to go through this too. I say also, as my younger sister is just now(Sept) completing her chemo from Ovarian cancer!!!! Fourteen years ago I had cancer of the Uterus and had that surgery, although mine was caught in the very early stages, and I didn't have the chemo. Which was good. They are not so lucky. I had a good cry!! A dental appointment did not seem so bad after that news!! She will be in my thoughts and prayers!!!!! Antique Rose
Last evening my sister gave me the results of her D&C she had a week or so ago. It was not good. She has endometrial cancer and will have to have a complete hysterectomy as soon as it can be scheduled. :-( It makes me very sad that she will have to go through this too. I say also, as my younger sister is just now(Sept) completing her chemo from Ovarian cancer!!!! Fourteen years ago I had cancer of the Uterus and had that surgery, although mine was caught in the very early stages, and I didn't have the chemo. Which was good. They are not so lucky. I had a good cry!! A dental appointment did not seem so bad after that news!! She will be in my thoughts and prayers!!!!! Antique Rose
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
First Days of school.
Well, the first day of school was great, no tears, well, not by the little student!! Can't say the same about Mom and Dad. I remember when my first one went to school, and the the last one two. I went home and cried, I missed them so much!!! It was hard on me, as I was a stay at home Mom, and although sometimes it was nice being alone, I had not been alone for some time, and it was hard to get used to that!! As the last one went to school, I taught myself to sew. Since there was not anyone around to show me, it was a struggle at first, but then I learned, and sewed until my daughter was in high school and learned to sew for herself! I wish sometimes that I had kept up with that very special talent, but alas I have not sewed anything for some time. I have purchased a few patterns though, and have it in mind that I will make some cloth purses. I have recently found out how to put pictures on cloth, and want to try it out. Hopefully soon. I need a deversion to keep my mind off the up coming dental appointments. Something I really hate going too!! I guess there aren't too many people who do!!! Anyway, I got away from the subject. The second day of school, there were some tears from the little one when Mom was to leave. I guess he managed though, and the rest of the day was fine. Oh, they grow up much too quickly!!! :-) Antique Rose
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Valley happenings.
It was our weekend to go to the valley(where my hubby's Mom and sister are). He does the yard duties, mowing lawn etc, and I get to visit. We go out to lunch later and usually it is at our favorite Japanese restaurant. This time our son, was visiting(had stayed overnight) and he was there too. My sister in law and son went to visit her Aunt. Found out she did really neat rugs on the loom, she has. She draws the patterns herself and then weaves them. Really pretty, I saw them as our son took pictures. Who knew we had such talent in the family!!! One never knows how much we have, being busy with our own lives. She also collects old bottles, and other things that really interested me as well. I will go next time and see them for myself!! He(son) wants to go again soon, and said he could live in that area, even though it can get quite hot there. He loves to camp too. We did all go to the Japanese place and of course I had my Sesame Chicken as usual. Yum!!! All in all a nice visit!! Antique Rose
Friday, August 21, 2009
Babies and showers, oh yes.
Just returned from a baby shower given to our Chef at the Senior Center. He's a really nice guy, and it was much deserved. He and wife are expecting a son. They have a 3 1/2 year old girl, very pretty. She was so excited, kept saying and this is for my baby brother.:-) They received lots of nice outfits, as well as blankets and quilts. Some were handmade, and all very nice. His chef helper made some very tasty tidbits to eat, and there was punch and cake as well. Quite yummy. I am going to get rounder if I keep going to these things!!! Had already had lunch, but had to taste some of the goodies, and a small piece of cake!!! Surprise, surprise, my hubby went with me, and impressed the ladies with his impeccable manners. They all thought he was great!! Show off!! ha
He had heard their names and stories, but had not met most of them. He thought they were very nice. And vice a versa. :-) Well off to the valley tomorrow, ho, ho, ho!! Ta Ta Antique Rose
He had heard their names and stories, but had not met most of them. He thought they were very nice. And vice a versa. :-) Well off to the valley tomorrow, ho, ho, ho!! Ta Ta Antique Rose
Happy Anniversary.
I neglected to tell you that Thursday the 20Th was our 49Th wedding Anniversary!!!!! Had so many things going on all week!!!! My husband gave me a beautiful anniversary ring, as well as a dozen beautiful Roses. Next year the big one!! Always thought (when I was young) that people who had their 50Th had to be very old people!! Well, have changed my tune as that one is fast approaching!!!!!!!!! And I don't feel like an old person!!!!! Funny how things change, isn't it?? It doesn't seem that long ago that I was going to my Mom and Dad's 50Th celebration!!! Better enjoy those years as they come, cause let me tell you, they come and go fast!! That old saying, " I still feel young inside" is true. So I won't worry about those new wrinkles, as my hubby still looks at me with those "young" eyes!! :-) and tells me I still look good. That is a good, smart man, I have!!
Antique Rose
Antique Rose
Friday, Friday
Well, another busy week has come and almost gone. Monday, my granddaughter and family left for Okinawa, Japan. Then on Weds my hubby and I went to Aptos to visit his sister and husband. The men played golf, and us gals went to a nearby town and went to the outlets. Had fun looking in various ones, bought a couple of small things, and went to lunch. A yummy half sandwich and cup of soup and then back to her house. Not hungry at all, but the men were(silly things didn't eat anything since breakfast), and so we had to start preparing the dinner. Hubby barbecued steaks and my sister in law the rest. By the time it was ready, it tasted good, although I could have waited a bit longer. It was a pleasant day, and one I hope to repeat sometime soon. Since Hubby doesn't like to go too often, might have to go it alone. :-) They are not far from the ocean, and we like to walk on the beach and pick up shells. I like shell items, have a lot of shell boxes in different shapes. They have a beautiful home, fixed up so nice!!! He has done lots of work around the yard since they moved there. Looks great!!! Perfect hosts too. :-) Oh, by the way, granddaughter and family made it to their destination , and are waiting to move into housing. Nice to hear from her!!! Isn't the Internet wonderful?!!! Heard from my daughter yesterday as well, the granddaughters are doing well in their respective schools. Also a note from grandsons in Florida and New York. Always nice to hear from all the "chicks"!! Going to valley tomorrow, so stay tuned for the happenings there. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Monday, August 17, 2009
Monday, Monday
I get up at 5AM during the week, so by the time I have walked, volunteered, did errands, housewhole tasks, etc I am tired. Did get some important mail off, though, that is always a good thing. Forgot to say on the weekend I went to the Farmer's market and got some yummy tomatoes, cukes, grapes, and most importantly, some okra!! My husband loves it, as I do. I fixed it tonight for dinner. It was yummy, yummy. Now since I am from Oklahoma you would expect that, but before we were married, my dear husband had never, never had it. Most people either hate it, or love, well thank goodness, he loves it. He never tires of it. In soup, fried, he likes it. Wish that it was a veggie you could buy fresh all year, but instead, after summer I buy it frozen. He likes it just as well, but I like the fresh when I can get it. Also got word that my granddaughter made it okay the first leg of their long trip. They are on the way to Japan for a period of three years!!!!! She has a blog, so she and I can keep in touch that way. Looking forward to hearing all about the new places she will see and the adventures she will have. Won't be so bad that she is far away that way. :-) Ta Ta Antique Rose
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Weekend Happenings.
Started off the weekend by sleeping in, and then going to McD's for breakfast. Try to get something different than the bowl of oatmeal I eat all week. :-) Tasted extra good today!! Came home and worked in the backyard, pulling weeds, trimming old dead flowers, and laundry all at the same time. Got the old green bin quite full, so stopped and finished some of the other tasks of the day. Got my hair washed and then showered. Ready for the rest of the day. Hey, got a call from my granddaughter from North Carolina. They are getting ready for a long flight on Monday to Japan!! Her husband has been transferred there for a three year period! It was so nice hearing from her. :-) I had been thinking of them all day, knowing that they were leaving soon. I know that they will be having quite the adventure there. I hope that she gets to work at the library as she would like that very much. She will keep a journal for all the different things that happen. That will be nice, she won't forget things that way. Not that she would, but as I get older, if I don't write things down once in a while, I forget some things that happen day to day. Just a fact of life!!! I have been checking on the son's cat while they are camping. She was happy to see us today, and liked the cat treats that hubby brought to her. He is such a softy!!! Seems like it got hotter as the day went by, you can smell smoke from all the fires around the area too.
I hope that they can contain them soon. Not a healthy at all for those folks with asthma and other ailments. I also heard from my grandson, who is in New York to go to school, so that was special as well. As they get older and have busy lives of their own, they don't email as much. :-( Just happy that they are all well, and happy!!!!!!!! Antique Rose
I hope that they can contain them soon. Not a healthy at all for those folks with asthma and other ailments. I also heard from my grandson, who is in New York to go to school, so that was special as well. As they get older and have busy lives of their own, they don't email as much. :-( Just happy that they are all well, and happy!!!!!!!! Antique Rose
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The week, she's almost gone!
If the weeks go by any faster, I think I will just spit!! I had a busy one so far. It was Monday, and then Tuesday a meeting of the club. Weds was here and a visit to the dentist, not my favorite thing as it means money, money, and more money flying out the door!! After sixty-five the old insurance is not there, and you hope that your teeth last until you don't need them anymore, but alas, that is not the case. A tooth goes bad, pulled, and before you know it, you find out about implants, bridges, etc. etc!!! I am in for a few dozen visits to the oral surgeon and the dentist. Yikes!!!! Did I mention that it wasn't my favorite thing to do, oh, yes, I did. Bears repeating!! Perhaps I will be beautiful for my 50Th wedding anniversary, right? Lets hope I get it all done and I am eating normally by that time next year. My 49Th is on the 20Th of this month. It is not fun eating without any teeth on the lower sides of your mouth. Yuck!! Looks rather odd too. :-) Well, I might as well grin and bear it, nothing else I can do. At least I have a goal to reach for. Just hope all goes well with all the procedures that they are going to do, as they do one thing, wait, then another and so on. Not a fast process at all. I will learn to be patient, or else!! I can do it, if I say this enough, I will believe it. Oh, yeah. At least there was a bright side for one day of the week, today my hubby and I saw the movie Julie and Julia. It was quite entertaining. I recommend seeing it. Oh course my hubby would have preferred to see GI Joe. That is a man for you. But he said it was quite good, and that he could see that "guy" one later. Thanks sweetie!!! Well, tomorrow is a baby shower for the cook at the local senior center. Should be fun to go to. Our little volunteer group gave money and will have a gift certificate for him, to go with all the other groups. Week end coming up. Sales anyone???? Antique Rose
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Another Antique Meeting-Sucessful luncheon
Yea, for another successful luncheon yesterday. The Hostesses for this one were really great, and the food very yummy!!! They were helpful with the setup as well as the cleanup. :-) Not always the case, so I was very pleased. My hubby once again vacuumed the whole place before hand too, which was very much appreciated. We had a speaker on old time music boxes. Very interesting, although a bit long. The ladies were getting restless after sitting for almost an hour. At our next meeting, we will announce the trip for October and collect the money for it. We will be going to Danville once again. Our trips are limited, as we have to stay within a twenty five mile radius. So until we can find something else we have to go various places more than once. I think the ladies like this trip just fine though, we always have ladies that want to go, that can't as the bus fills up rather quickly. Stay tuned. Antique Rose
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Birthday Celebration
Had a great time visiting and going to dinner for my beautiful granddaughter's birthday. We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for a pasta dinner. Oh, yum said my tummy!!! :-) The waiters
sang Happy Birthday to her, although I am not she liked it, but maybe!! Had some yummy cake later too. Had leftovers to bring home, as they always give you lots. That will be good at lunch. :-) Got good pictures, and memories tucked away for the future. Ta Ta Antique Rose
sang Happy Birthday to her, although I am not she liked it, but maybe!! Had some yummy cake later too. Had leftovers to bring home, as they always give you lots. That will be good at lunch. :-) Got good pictures, and memories tucked away for the future. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Estate Sales
In my haste yesterday, I forgot to mention that I had gone to an estate sale after my walk at the lake. I got some fourteen items for 2o dollars. I brought them home and began to clean them, they had numerous stains and I was afraid that some would not come out. I first soaked them in Oxi-clean for a while then washed them in hot water and some bleach. Well, they turned out great, now just have to starch and iron them. Yea!!! This morning after a late breakfast, my husband and I went to same estate sale to see what else we could find. Well, I found some!! Two
chenille bedspreads for 5 dollars, I couldn't believe my ears, when the lady told me the price!! They were in perfect condition, and ready for use. White in color. I plan to use them on my bed!! On to the flea market that was today. I found a couple of necklaces I liked, and also a shell box for a dollar. The necklaces were good prices too at ten a piece. I have seen same kind for 25 dollars and up. So I really got some nice buys both places. Isn't that nice! Well, silly me, the fourteen items I told you about earlier, were table cloths, and dresser scarves. Embrodried and crocheted like I collect. Ta Ta Antique Rose
chenille bedspreads for 5 dollars, I couldn't believe my ears, when the lady told me the price!! They were in perfect condition, and ready for use. White in color. I plan to use them on my bed!! On to the flea market that was today. I found a couple of necklaces I liked, and also a shell box for a dollar. The necklaces were good prices too at ten a piece. I have seen same kind for 25 dollars and up. So I really got some nice buys both places. Isn't that nice! Well, silly me, the fourteen items I told you about earlier, were table cloths, and dresser scarves. Embrodried and crocheted like I collect. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Friday, August 7, 2009
Week of 2-7th of August
Hi Again, it has been another fast week, could they get any faster?? I hope not. It was Monday than Friday, where did the other days go??!! Time is going so quickly, before you know it, I will be an old old lady!!! :-( I was taking medication for an infection in my gum, and also for the gum to heal from an extraction that took place last week. Oh, joy, lots of appointments in the future months, and money flying out too. Such is the plight of getting older, seems things just began to fall apart rather quickly. Perhaps I have just been too busy over the years to take notice. Raising children can keep you busy, and not thinking of all those things! Anyway, another week of walking at the lake and volunteering at the center. I did have a nice lunch with my sister today, which doesn't happen often enough. It was really good to see her, and I think she looked good. She is going through chemo. That is something I hope never to have to do, but she is holding up quite nicely. She's my baby sister, and I feel for her. :-) Today was also a special day, my granddaughters birthday. She will start high school this month. Yikes, how did she get that old!! I wish her many more. Family get together tomorrow at the old spaghetti factory. Yum!! It should be lots of fun for the whole family. I will take some pictures, for later memories. I will be able to look at the pictures and smile yet another time. I also have a great greatson that will have a birthday on the 30th. He will be 5 yrs old, and starting to school. Sigh!!!! Wish I could see him. He is growing much to fast. He is in Florida, and too far away!!!!! Antique Rose
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Week of July 27-31st
This past week has been very busy!! On Monday my grandson started his trek back home to N. Y. He came for his sister's birthday, a surprise to us all. We were very happy to see him!!! I dreaded to see him go, but he was to be back in time to start his new classes. It was a long, long, trip!!!!!! He drove some 58 hundred miles plus!!!!!!!! Yikes!! Only the young can do this and still be okay!!!
Then on Tuesday I had a dental appointment to have a tooth repaired, I thought, instead it was too far gone, and had to make an appointment to have it pulled. Oh, and then of course it lead to other things. Implants, etc, etc, and will cost an arm and leg before it is all done!! Well, I have to have some choppers to eat, and look half way decent, so there you are. I told the dentist I would look beautiful for my 50Th anniversary next year and it would be worth it. :-) Except for Tuesday, I walked my usual at the lake and volunteered at the local senior center. Can't keep a good woman down! :-) Although yesterday I did not feel that great, today I feel normal, well normal as I get. :-) Granddaughter will be over later, and will stay the night. We will go to the art and wine festival later and have fun looking at all the crafts. Hubby is gone until Sunday, he is in valley giving his sister a break and he is looking after his Mom. So things are rather quiet here. I was glad of it, when not feeling well. I got a call from my grandson in Florida this morning, and that was nice!! They were fine. He has been interviewing and photographing lots of different celebrities these past few weeks. Snoop Dog is one coming up. He is getting quite good at it. Well, need to get a bite to eat, so bye for now. Antique Rose
Then on Tuesday I had a dental appointment to have a tooth repaired, I thought, instead it was too far gone, and had to make an appointment to have it pulled. Oh, and then of course it lead to other things. Implants, etc, etc, and will cost an arm and leg before it is all done!! Well, I have to have some choppers to eat, and look half way decent, so there you are. I told the dentist I would look beautiful for my 50Th anniversary next year and it would be worth it. :-) Except for Tuesday, I walked my usual at the lake and volunteered at the local senior center. Can't keep a good woman down! :-) Although yesterday I did not feel that great, today I feel normal, well normal as I get. :-) Granddaughter will be over later, and will stay the night. We will go to the art and wine festival later and have fun looking at all the crafts. Hubby is gone until Sunday, he is in valley giving his sister a break and he is looking after his Mom. So things are rather quiet here. I was glad of it, when not feeling well. I got a call from my grandson in Florida this morning, and that was nice!! They were fine. He has been interviewing and photographing lots of different celebrities these past few weeks. Snoop Dog is one coming up. He is getting quite good at it. Well, need to get a bite to eat, so bye for now. Antique Rose
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Duh! Forgot Something.
Hello again, started off by telling you about the week-end, forgot that
it was about an estate sale. Yikes, just went off on what I found, who knew
where I got them!! Well, now you know. :-) Antique Rose
PS- Tried some new "burgers", which are made up of black beans, etc. quite
yummy, and husband liked them too, which was a great plus, otherwise never to
be seen again. Till next time~~~~~~~Bye!
it was about an estate sale. Yikes, just went off on what I found, who knew
where I got them!! Well, now you know. :-) Antique Rose
PS- Tried some new "burgers", which are made up of black beans, etc. quite
yummy, and husband liked them too, which was a great plus, otherwise never to
be seen again. Till next time~~~~~~~Bye!
Busy Weekend
Friday started off the weekend. A pretty good one this time, wished I had more money to spend, but got some great buys non the less. Some creamers, cups and saucers, and so old pictures which I think one of the granddaughters will like as they chronicle the life of one from baby to her 5o Th wedding anniversary. Interesting, I believe. We'll see how she likes them. Then Saturday we went back, husband wanted to check things out, and everything was 20% off, and I found some really great buys on old linens. I got six large scarves and five small ones and a hand-painted Nippon plate for a total of six dollars and 60 cents!!! Whoopee!!! What a buy!!! I don't often find those bargains. :-) Then after lunch my husband and I took a ride to Danville. I found a bargain figurine(new) at 75% off that was a 4Th of July theme/patriotic with a soldier on a horse with a flag(he was a 1776 type). Nice. Can always use that for different holidays. Then got two bags with cute painted ladies on them, one for my sister who collects watermelon. I have decided that we will go there on our next Antique trip. One of my favorite stores, "The Cottage Jewel", is moving to a larger facility and she said that there was going to be a couple of other stores opening soon. The ladies of the club have enjoyed our other trips there. You are limited to 25 radius for our trips and so we repeat certain areas. I don't think they will be disappointed at all. I found out today that my grandson who is visiting from New York will be leaving tomorrow, so that is sad, but we loved getting to see him two times instead of the usual once a year visit. He will be attending classes for 10 months in Syracuse, New York. Well, that is it for now. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Friday started off the weekend. A pretty good one this time, wished I had more money to spend, but got some great buys non the less. Some creamers, cups and saucers, and so old pictures which I think one of the granddaughters will like as they chronicle the life of one from baby to her 5o Th wedding anniversary. Interesting, I believe. We'll see how she likes them. Then Saturday we went back, husband wanted to check things out, and everything was 20% off, and I found some really great buys on old linens. I got six large scarves and five small ones and a hand-painted Nippon plate for a total of six dollars and 60 cents!!! Whoopee!!! What a buy!!! I don't often find those bargains. :-) Then after lunch my husband and I took a ride to Danville. I found a bargain figurine(new) at 75% off that was a 4Th of July theme/patriotic with a soldier on a horse with a flag(he was a 1776 type). Nice. Can always use that for different holidays. Then got two bags with cute painted ladies on them, one for my sister who collects watermelon. I have decided that we will go there on our next Antique trip. One of my favorite stores, "The Cottage Jewel", is moving to a larger facility and she said that there was going to be a couple of other stores opening soon. The ladies of the club have enjoyed our other trips there. You are limited to 25 radius for our trips and so we repeat certain areas. I don't think they will be disappointed at all. I found out today that my grandson who is visiting from New York will be leaving tomorrow, so that is sad, but we loved getting to see him two times instead of the usual once a year visit. He will be attending classes for 10 months in Syracuse, New York. Well, that is it for now. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
A Perfect Surprise.
Today was to be a birthday party for my granddaughter, and it was, but it also had a surprise!!
My grandson drove all the way from New York to be here and help celebrate her birthday!! So it was a really extra special day !! A complete surprise, as he had not told anyone he was coming!! I was really happy to see him, as well his father and Auntie and family! So not only did we have a good visit, there was good food and fun too. I took lots of pictures, ,and filed away memories for yet another day. :-) He will get to stay a week before heading back to New York and classes that he will attend for the next 10 months. And just think, he will get to come home another time around Christmas although, don't know that he will drive at that time, being the weather probably would not be that great across the country. Thank goodness he had a safe trip here, and since I didn't know he was driving, I didn't worry any. :-) Well, it is late so off to bed I go. Ta Ta Antique Rose
My grandson drove all the way from New York to be here and help celebrate her birthday!! So it was a really extra special day !! A complete surprise, as he had not told anyone he was coming!! I was really happy to see him, as well his father and Auntie and family! So not only did we have a good visit, there was good food and fun too. I took lots of pictures, ,and filed away memories for yet another day. :-) He will get to stay a week before heading back to New York and classes that he will attend for the next 10 months. And just think, he will get to come home another time around Christmas although, don't know that he will drive at that time, being the weather probably would not be that great across the country. Thank goodness he had a safe trip here, and since I didn't know he was driving, I didn't worry any. :-) Well, it is late so off to bed I go. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Friday, July 17, 2009
Happenings this week.
Hi, this week so far has been busy, but rewarding. My antique meeting last Tuesday went well. The ladies and I made some yummy salads, and with another bringing some really great bread and spreads, the ladies of the club ate well at the luncheon. We had a white elephant sale that went very well and club now has over two hundred dollars for our various needs. Found some nice old jewelry, at great prices. Also a wall hanging made by a good friend. The rest of the week went by quickly with walking at the lake, and then volunteering at the senior center. With chores around the house thrown in, the week was gone in a flash!! Where did the time go!! Well, today, I went to an estate sale in San Jose. Got a plate, a couple of old prints(framed) and some necklaces that were okay, as I plan to use them in a craft. Then I went to my favorite antique/collectible store that was not too far away. Got a pretty rose picture, which I love, but needs to be reframed to look really great. Good price, I think, also. Which makes me happy!! Tomorrow a family gathering for a granddaughters birthday. Should be fun. Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Another week has come and gone.
Can't believe that another week has gone by already! Last Sunday was a fun day, had my daughter and granddaughters over. We went to Niles, and looked in the Antique stores. It was a fun day filled with laughter and silliness. Found a few treasures, but just the fact of being together was fun and that was the important thing. We later went to dinner at a local Mexican place that all of us like. We always have another hour or so of visiting before they have to hit the road. Hugs and kisses all around and a promise to see each other again soon. :-) It was a week of walking and volunteering at the local senior center, plus I am trying to clear the computer room of some of the clutter. I took three boxes of books to the local library for their book sale this coming week-end. I have more to take!! After an afternoon of going through lots of stuff, lifting, etc. I was ready for a day of doing nothing!! Of course that is not the thing to do if you want to get it all done. I took the day off anyway!! :-) Getting too old to overdo, and so I used common sense way! Wouldn't you? Anyway, I am getting there!! Had to also get ready for another Antique club day. coming up on Tuesday. Had to get all the hostesses notified and ready for that. One isn't going to do it, not able, health wise, so of course I will fill in, thus making it a bit more hectic. We're having a white elephant sale as well that day, and I haven't got to getting those things ready, hopefully I will get that done today!! Also this coming Saturday is another granddaughter's birthday party. A Hawaiian theme for the day. Should be fun. Also heard from my grandson that is in the service, he made it to Syracuse New York for a semester of classes there. He will be looking for a place to board there. Hopefully he will be successful lin that endeavor this week. He has so many days to do it. Early August the classes begin. Also got a call from my youngest great grandson. So nice to hear his little voice. Makes my day, since I can't see him(he's in Florida).:-) So another week begins today, I hope not to be so long in writing. You forget details if you wait too long! Antique Rose
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The 4th
The day started off leisurely, husband fixed a lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon(very good)with coffee and toast of course! After a second cup of coffee and reading the paper, I just piddled around for an hour or so. During the week at that time I am already half way round the lake! I checked my emails, and then got dressed. Fixed a lovely platter of fresh fruit to take to our neighbors for the 4th celebration. Hubby went to the range to hit a few balls and I did a few things around the house. We were to be at friends at 2:00pm, so plenty of time to just relax. Our son came by and picked up mail and some pictures I had printed for him. Nice to see him on the weekend when he is not harried from work. Didn't go to the locall parade, as my brother takes pictures every year, and sends them to me. I got them later, I don't think it was as big as the last one, but always fun to look at. When we went to the friends for the 4th, it was nice seeing friends that we only see at these occasions. Not as many there this year, as in the past few months another frined has passed on. It is always nice to visit, and be with them, as you never know which ones will be next. We are all getting older. Much laughter and good food was had. So another 4th has come and gone. Enjoy those times, they are memories to put away for later, to smile about. I had another surprise when I returned and checked my emails once more. A beautifull picture of my great grandson and his mommy, and aa video of him dancing with the music at a show they went to at Sea World. So cute, and a great gift for me, to look at when I want to have a smile! Love those grands!!!!! Antique Rose
Monday, June 29, 2009
New Week
Well, another Monday come and gone, but with some fun before it was. I had a day with yet another granddaughter. She came to the center with me, and said she had fun talking with the ladies there. We first walked around the lake. She kept up with me!! I was rather surprised as last summer she didn't want to walk. We finished, had a refreshing drink, and then she watched and talked while I did my volunteering. After being there til almost 10:00, we left for home. Had a pit stop, and then hit the local thrifts. She had fun looking, and found a pair of jeans, and on to the next one where we found a couple of tops. She had fun looking as well as me. I found a neat belt, and also some "rose" curtains(all cotton) to make a purse out of. I have been looking for some time for just the right material to do this. So I was lucky to find what I wanted. Know one will know that it was from a curtain. Ho Ho. Well, the ones who read this will! :-) Anyway, we went to Mc D's for lunch and then home. Grandpa was home by that time from his golf game. He measured her, and she had grown almost another inch!!! She is now 5' 2'' and and 1/8 inches. That was in two months!!! Not yet eleven either!! Guess I will have a tall one here!!
Dad came soon there after and she was off to the swimming pool. Will see her again tomorrow. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Oh, she had checked out the new Aqua Adventure at the Park, and pronounced it "fun". So guess the other granddaughters will have to check it out. It certainly was hot enough to enjoy the water!
Dad came soon there after and she was off to the swimming pool. Will see her again tomorrow. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Oh, she had checked out the new Aqua Adventure at the Park, and pronounced it "fun". So guess the other granddaughters will have to check it out. It certainly was hot enough to enjoy the water!
Hot Weather is here.
Seems like the week was very busy, and the weather was hot! Had some Estate sales to go to, and family events as well.
The estate sale was pretty good, got a few things such as table cloth, small embroidered table cloth, and some really neat tea towels with embroidery as well. Usually not full sets, and not the really nice price either. I also found some old annuals from the high school that I attended. These were from the 1930's and had pictures of my in-laws in them. Rather neat. Even my husband had not seen the senior picture of his Dad. I will try to in large them and give the kids copies. You never know what you will find on these expeditions! It is always fun, if not a cheap way to spend an afternoon. :-)
Next, a fun day at my daughters. My granddaughter was having a dance recital. It was a hot day there, a lovely 109 degree's!! Now that is what I call hot. Of course we didn't have to be out in it long, just long enough to get out of car and walk to the Theater. It was really nice inside, and the show very cute/pretty. Of course our granddaughter was the best, and prettiest. What did you think I would say!! Grandma's can be that way!! And besides it is true, I have the prettiest granddaughters that you could ask for. It is always a treat to be with them, and of course always a surprise or two awaits to happen. We also had a fun dinner with them. Only the star was missing, she had to be at a Matinee for dance. We saw the evening show. A birthday for another granddaughter is coming up in July. Stay tunned. I am sure it will be a great time then too. Got to get a letter written, so until next time. Antique Rose
The estate sale was pretty good, got a few things such as table cloth, small embroidered table cloth, and some really neat tea towels with embroidery as well. Usually not full sets, and not the really nice price either. I also found some old annuals from the high school that I attended. These were from the 1930's and had pictures of my in-laws in them. Rather neat. Even my husband had not seen the senior picture of his Dad. I will try to in large them and give the kids copies. You never know what you will find on these expeditions! It is always fun, if not a cheap way to spend an afternoon. :-)
Next, a fun day at my daughters. My granddaughter was having a dance recital. It was a hot day there, a lovely 109 degree's!! Now that is what I call hot. Of course we didn't have to be out in it long, just long enough to get out of car and walk to the Theater. It was really nice inside, and the show very cute/pretty. Of course our granddaughter was the best, and prettiest. What did you think I would say!! Grandma's can be that way!! And besides it is true, I have the prettiest granddaughters that you could ask for. It is always a treat to be with them, and of course always a surprise or two awaits to happen. We also had a fun dinner with them. Only the star was missing, she had to be at a Matinee for dance. We saw the evening show. A birthday for another granddaughter is coming up in July. Stay tunned. I am sure it will be a great time then too. Got to get a letter written, so until next time. Antique Rose
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
This week~~~~~~~~~~~
This week so far has felt a bit more like summer. I didn't have to layer so much when walking early in the morning at the lake. The mother ducks were out with their ducklings, and there was a feeling of hope that things were looking a bit better in the world. I heard that my brother was looking for a house in Tracy. That was a bit of a shock, will have to go see him and find out the details. I hope he is not moving his shop as well. I would miss seeing him fairly often. I will have lunch with my sis tomorrow. She is feeling a bit weak with having Chemo recently. Not a fun thing to endure. She also shaved her head, not wanting to wait until her hair fell out. That does take a a bit of courage. I will be glad to see her. Hopefully she will be over this trial and be up to her old self in the fall when the treatments are over!! It makes me sad to see her have to go through this mess. She is my baby sis and it is never easy to see people you love dearly, suffer. My thoughts are with her, and hope she knows I love her, and pray that she is okay. We don't get together often enough, she still is working, and I am retired, which makes it that way. Life can be a real bitch at times, I guess for most people at any given time. I have another letter to send off tomorrow for my great grandson. I would love to see him, but Florida is a bit out of the way to go too often, and I dread a long flight that I would have to take to see him. Perhaps sometime next year before he starts school. We'll see. In the meantime, I will just have to be happy with a call once in a while and letters. He likes getting mail. I guess most of us do. I think most of us get used to sending emails, and forget that letters can be read over and over when you want that hello from a long distance. I miss letters that I used to get from my Mom and also my Aunt. I wished I had saved them all. But when you are young, you really don''t think of things like that, or don't have the room, or what ever reason. Hindsight is great, isn't it. Well, until next time. Be happy, and smile. Antique Rose
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Summer will be here soon.
When I saw these pictures of melons, it made my mouth water! I love eating a piece of sweet, red, watermelon. The kind that makes juice run down your chin. Oh, yum! I was born in Oklahoma and they have great melons, red and yellow. Yellow ones are even sweeter than the red, but harder to find. My Dad used to bring one home if I were visiting as he knew I loved them. I miss that moment in time. I try to find yellow ones here in Calif, but am not always successful. I will settle for the red however. My hubby likes them cold. I like them any old way. Can't be a more refreshing fruit in the good old summer time. With that thought, I will be on the look out for them. These days they are smaller, even personal size no seed ones, which will do in a pinch, but I mean to look for those larger ones, that even though they have seeds taste better. Well will leave you now, hope I made you want some watermelon too. Chow! Antique Rose
Monday, June 8, 2009
Niles wanderings.
Yesterday I met my Daughter and Granddaughters in Niles. They were having Charlie Chaplin days. We had a fun day of shopping and seeing the museum with the books, etc about Charlie. We might even see the movies next time, but there were lots of people in a very small area, and we didn't want to wait. We looked in several shops however and enjoyed ourselves!! I also took pictures of the granddaughters with the "Charlie Chaplin" look alike. Quite the character. It was fun to just look and talk, and later we went back to my house and got ready for dinner in San Jose at the Spaghetti Factory. Always a fun place to eat, and the girls liked it too, which made it even more fun!!!!!! We came back home and visited until they had to leave. The older granddaughter had an art class that started today, so had to prepare for that. The others probably got to sleep in. Not me, I was up at 5 am and out the door at 6:30 to go for my walk at the lake. Saw lots of ducklings this morning. I had my trusty camera ready, and got a few nice pictures of them and also the Canada Geese for my great grandson's letter I will get off soon. He likes the pictures and I like taking them. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Yesterday and today my husband and I painted the hallway in our house. What a job, messy, and tiring. I had paint all over my hands and clothes, I looked like I had been playing that paint ball game. We laughed about that. It looks so much brighter and better than before. The paint these days doesn't smell like the older ones did, so that helped a lot. I will have to decide now on how or where to put the plates(rose) and a few pictures. I have plenty, but need to decide where they will look best and how I want to arrange them. That is a hard job too. I don't want to put them up. then change them and have holes all over. Sorta defeats the paint job, so now I have those things to decide. Will wait a week, as tomorrow I am going to the Charlie Chaplin days in Niles. My daughter and family will meet me there, as well as my son and his daughter. Should be fun. Will take my camera for those candid shots, to put on the i photo page. Always room for more pictures, right? I will post all the adventures of tomorrow on Sunday night or Monday. Stay tuned for that. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Happenings this past week.
I've had a few busy days the past week. Last weekend a Antique Faire in a local town, which my daughter and granddaughters met me and we explored together. It was fun, and I found a few things for them, as well as a couple of things for myself. It is always fun to do things with them, instead of going alone. They all have different things they collect and get excited over finding!! Then this past Thursday, the middle granddaughter graduated from 8th grade. Next fall will be a new beginning for her. High school!! Yikes, seems only yesterday it was the beginning of kindergarten for her. Time is one thing that goes by quickly, and you can't stop, so you go with the flow!! Wow!! before you know it, they will be in college, and own their own. Stop!! That means that I will be older!! Well, I won't think about that, as that goes without question, and I won't or can't do anything about that. :-)!! Anyway, I went to an estate sale on Friday, and found a cute bedspread, and some other rose items. It was fun, and I am using the spread. It was quite nice after I washed it, no stains, and it fit my bed just right. A really good price, my daughter informs me, compared to the ones she's seen on the blogsites she checks. So I got a good deal!! Yea, for me. I heard from my grandson, he is fine. Hadn't heard from him in a while, he said I hadn't written, but I had, don't know where the messages went, somewhere in computerland, as he said he didn't get them!! That really is frustrating when that happens, but that is a computer for you!!! Perhaps I hit the wrong button or something like that. :-( I will have to be more careful, won't I?!! Well, I have to get busy and do a few things to get ready for the new week, and new month, where did May go!?!! Months are going by like weeks. Oh, yes, did go to valley this weekend too, everything there is fine, and had a great lunch out at our favorite Japanese eatery. Thanks to the sister in law, who treated us to lunch!!! Ta Ta Antique Rose
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Rest of recent trip.
Hello again,
thought I would finish the trip thing. I had felt too blah to finish the other day, as I caught a bad cold on the last day or so of the trip. Came home a bit early so I could rest without hearing the snoring of my dear hubby!!!!
The second day of our trip we got off to Santa Rosa and the local antique mall there. I looked for some time and didn't find a thing, but still enjoyed the hunt! I went to one other store there before leaving, it was something like the Discovery shops here. I did find a couple of nice plates there, and then we continued on to Healdsburg. Healdsburg is a very nice town, with a very nice portion of the old town being filled with lots of Antique places, and also cute little cafes'. We had a nice time looking, and there was one shop in particular that I liked. Really cute cottage type stuff that I really liked. Because of the heat(nearing the 100 mark) we decided to move on up the coast and perhaps it would be a bit cooler. We planned to come back on the way home, so knew that I could shop there again. We went on to several other small towns, Willits, Cloverdale, and others before going into Yreka and staying the night there. It was bit cooler as we thought it would be, so stayed at a nice hotel, and in the air conditioned room until dinner time, and then called it an early night. Had a nice breakfast the next morning and then off we went once more. Still enjoying everything, and stopped at several other little towns before getting into a place called Fortuna, just before our next destination. Fortuna was a neat little town, and had two very nice antique shops. I found things at both places. Plates(roses of course) and also some very pretty shell boxes. Different shapes than I had previously found. So of course had to have them. We had lunch there, and continued on to Ferndale. A place we had heard about and wanted to stay overnight. But alas, things were just a bit too high in the stores, and when we checked on the hotel, and found it to be a whopping $249 plus taxes for one night we decided to go on to Eureka. Well, couldn't see paying that much for any place, call me tight if you like, but not stupid!!!! Eureka was okay, we did manage to find a nice shop there before it closed for the day, and of course wouldn't be open the next day, being Sunday. Got some nice old pictures there, plus a couple of old linens and a beautiful cookie plate with whatelse, roses. We checked into a nice hotel, and then went to dinner at the local Applebee's and had a nice meal. We were then ready for some rest. Nite. With the morning, and a nice breakfast, we once again left for the road. Had planned to go back same way we had come, but then Hubby decided that maybe it would be cooler and fun to go across and hit highway 1. Oh, boy, was I in for a scary ride there!! It took a long 2 1/2 hours to get to the highway 1 that also went into Ft. Bragg. Yikes, talk about cooler, it was down right cold!!! Plus windy. Couldn't wait to get checked into the hotel and warm up aa bit. We cleaned up a bit, went for a dinner. Had it at a local Bistro and I had a good meal of fresh halibut and hubby the pork loin. Nice dinner and so far okay there, but then night came, it got colder, and there wasn't any heat in the hotel. I got cold, and hubby snored to high heaven, and I didn't get much rest!! Combine the cold and no rest, and that meant a nice cold for me. Yuck. Stuffed up, nose runny, you get the picture, rather yucky for the next few days, but I get ahead of myself. We had a nice breakfast, and off we went back to 101, but on a better, less scary highway, and didn't take as long to get back to a town called Willits thats on 101. Warmer too, so that was good. Stopped at another little town or two and found a lovely pitcher in one town, so wasn't a total loss. :-) We got back to Healdsburg and found a hotel and crashed for the night. Next morning, I shopped at the neat store I told you about on the way up. Got lots of nice plates, and a couple of other things there. I would go back there again, :-) I have told you some of the high lights, I am sure that there were other things, but have forgotten all the details, but all in all a very nice trip, and I appreciated getting back home and my own bed. Going away does that for you. You don't know how good it is until you are away for a while. ::-), so Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
thought I would finish the trip thing. I had felt too blah to finish the other day, as I caught a bad cold on the last day or so of the trip. Came home a bit early so I could rest without hearing the snoring of my dear hubby!!!!
The second day of our trip we got off to Santa Rosa and the local antique mall there. I looked for some time and didn't find a thing, but still enjoyed the hunt! I went to one other store there before leaving, it was something like the Discovery shops here. I did find a couple of nice plates there, and then we continued on to Healdsburg. Healdsburg is a very nice town, with a very nice portion of the old town being filled with lots of Antique places, and also cute little cafes'. We had a nice time looking, and there was one shop in particular that I liked. Really cute cottage type stuff that I really liked. Because of the heat(nearing the 100 mark) we decided to move on up the coast and perhaps it would be a bit cooler. We planned to come back on the way home, so knew that I could shop there again. We went on to several other small towns, Willits, Cloverdale, and others before going into Yreka and staying the night there. It was bit cooler as we thought it would be, so stayed at a nice hotel, and in the air conditioned room until dinner time, and then called it an early night. Had a nice breakfast the next morning and then off we went once more. Still enjoying everything, and stopped at several other little towns before getting into a place called Fortuna, just before our next destination. Fortuna was a neat little town, and had two very nice antique shops. I found things at both places. Plates(roses of course) and also some very pretty shell boxes. Different shapes than I had previously found. So of course had to have them. We had lunch there, and continued on to Ferndale. A place we had heard about and wanted to stay overnight. But alas, things were just a bit too high in the stores, and when we checked on the hotel, and found it to be a whopping $249 plus taxes for one night we decided to go on to Eureka. Well, couldn't see paying that much for any place, call me tight if you like, but not stupid!!!! Eureka was okay, we did manage to find a nice shop there before it closed for the day, and of course wouldn't be open the next day, being Sunday. Got some nice old pictures there, plus a couple of old linens and a beautiful cookie plate with whatelse, roses. We checked into a nice hotel, and then went to dinner at the local Applebee's and had a nice meal. We were then ready for some rest. Nite. With the morning, and a nice breakfast, we once again left for the road. Had planned to go back same way we had come, but then Hubby decided that maybe it would be cooler and fun to go across and hit highway 1. Oh, boy, was I in for a scary ride there!! It took a long 2 1/2 hours to get to the highway 1 that also went into Ft. Bragg. Yikes, talk about cooler, it was down right cold!!! Plus windy. Couldn't wait to get checked into the hotel and warm up aa bit. We cleaned up a bit, went for a dinner. Had it at a local Bistro and I had a good meal of fresh halibut and hubby the pork loin. Nice dinner and so far okay there, but then night came, it got colder, and there wasn't any heat in the hotel. I got cold, and hubby snored to high heaven, and I didn't get much rest!! Combine the cold and no rest, and that meant a nice cold for me. Yuck. Stuffed up, nose runny, you get the picture, rather yucky for the next few days, but I get ahead of myself. We had a nice breakfast, and off we went back to 101, but on a better, less scary highway, and didn't take as long to get back to a town called Willits thats on 101. Warmer too, so that was good. Stopped at another little town or two and found a lovely pitcher in one town, so wasn't a total loss. :-) We got back to Healdsburg and found a hotel and crashed for the night. Next morning, I shopped at the neat store I told you about on the way up. Got lots of nice plates, and a couple of other things there. I would go back there again, :-) I have told you some of the high lights, I am sure that there were other things, but have forgotten all the details, but all in all a very nice trip, and I appreciated getting back home and my own bed. Going away does that for you. You don't know how good it is until you are away for a while. ::-), so Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.