Hi there,
Today, I was stripping my bed, and doing other chores, when asked if I would like to go back to my recently found store in San Jose! Silly question right? Of course I would. Got ready right away!! I had thought I wouldn't be back, as I had only been there days before. Ah, never turn down the chance to go on a thrifting adventure!!! :-) Here we go, off the great unknown, not really, but we did take a wrong turn once and had to double back, that was close!! My sweetie took his bike and rode around the town as to not rush me, and that was nice. I did find another beautiful rose picture, a table cloth and a rose creamer. Alas there was a neat white shelf, that had just sold before I got there!! Drat it, would have loved that. I can see it now, those cups hidden here and there would have looked great on it!! The man said he would put my phone number and name down just in case that person changed their mind. Doubt it, as I certainly wouldn't, but it was a nice thing to do non the less. A girl can always hope, can't she? We hit a couple more thrifts, that were not great, and didn't buy anything, but it was nice to get the chance to do so!! We had lunch at McDonald's and that was fun, now where else did you expect for us to go and eat, after all I am the thrift queen ! I enjoy that as much as a elegant place and being a thrifty person, would rather spend my money, where else, but at a thrift store!!!! Instead of food. :-) Well, came home happy and finished the other tasks at hand.
Ta Ta Antique Rose
Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
End of week journal
Gosh, this week went flying by!! I got in all my walks in!! That is always good! Had rain and a sunshine mix. So didn't have to miss one time. Got some good pictures on my walks too. The volunteering went well, and I enjoyed it. Lots of bread to give away, and that is always a plus!! Good people to visit while doing so. I have met so many nice seniors since I come to the senior center. Sorta like a family away from home. :-) I still don't know if my bulbs survived the onslaught of rain just after being planted. I have my fingers crossed that they don't rot and have to be planted all over again!! My daffodils have been beautiful in spite of being rained on a lot!!!
My friend and I hit the thrifts today, but nothing said "buy me", so we came away empty handed. I must say much to my dear hubby's relief!! No, he is quite good about not saying too much, even when I overdo. He took me to an estate sale this afternoon. I did find a few things there, some very pretty dollies(love those), a couple of dresser scarves, and a table cloth(will have to work on those spots), but pretty otherwise. I have been pleased with getting others almost like new. I think this will be one of them. Didn't spend much, and that is also a plus!! I heard from loved ones by phone, and always love that. Makes life really sweet!!! Well, that is it for this week. Ah, but the weekend is still awaiting!! :-) Antique Rose
My friend and I hit the thrifts today, but nothing said "buy me", so we came away empty handed. I must say much to my dear hubby's relief!! No, he is quite good about not saying too much, even when I overdo. He took me to an estate sale this afternoon. I did find a few things there, some very pretty dollies(love those), a couple of dresser scarves, and a table cloth(will have to work on those spots), but pretty otherwise. I have been pleased with getting others almost like new. I think this will be one of them. Didn't spend much, and that is also a plus!! I heard from loved ones by phone, and always love that. Makes life really sweet!!! Well, that is it for this week. Ah, but the weekend is still awaiting!! :-) Antique Rose
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Week-end wanderings
Well, just before the week-end I got to check out a new store that another blog had recommended. It was truly a jewel!!! Found a few treasures there. I have found that if you find something you have to get it right then, as it won't be there when you go back!! Been there,done that and since these are "used" treasures, there won't be replacements the next week!!!! The name of this store is "Not Too Shabby" and it is in San Jose. Thanks Cindy!! I plan to go back again, soon. Then on Friday, an estate sale(unfortunately didn't hear about it until it had been going on for a week), where I found a nice wall shelf. Good buy, hope to get it up soon. Then on to a garage sale in a nearby neighborhood. Got two boxes(old wooden jewelry) for just a couple of dollars. Great buy!!! Yesterday went to the valley to take care of the lawn, etc at my mother-in-laws. It was a nice visit with everyone. Got to go to a store I like there, called Home Goods. Always a fun thing to do. Got a neat quilt toput over a couch. Will put it on when spring arrives. Will go good with the Easter decorations. Got home before the rain arrived, and today will be just a lazy day to relax and get ready for the new week. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Glorious Sunshine
What a wonderful day, it was rain free after several days of steady rain!! The walk around the lake was quite invigorating and lovely!! The sun was just coming up and everything was bright and the air clean. Although I was tired of the rain, we needed it very badly for our water count. Water rationing is something no one wants to contemplate and certainly not if you are one to plant new flowers/veggies in the spring!! The birds were all singing, duck bathing and even the flowers and trees seemed to sparkle from the rain and also happy to have a bit of sun for a while. I planted Dahlia bulbs a week or so before all this rain, so am hoping that all the rain didn't make them rot!! I don't know if I can find more of the bulbs. I had such good luck with them last year, and the blooms were really big and beautiful!! Wish me luck! I am going to hold off planting anything else for a while. Needed to do some weeding but it is too wet. Guess I am just getting imatient for Spring to get here! Well, you can't blame me for wishing!! Until the next time. Antique Rose
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Estate sale ramblings
I told that I was going to an estate sale on Friday, and I did. I found some great things, a few plates that had beautiful roses, several cups and saucers to match, a lovely candlestick that of course had hand painted roses on it, and a old corner shelf. It needs tender loving care, as it had a few areas that are not perfect, but can be fixed or camouflaged. I don't know what it is about old things that I like so well, but I do!! Things that have been loved by others, and just need another home and to be loved once more. :-) Did I mention a creamer or two also. I made a trip over today, and found yet another room I had not explored and found a few more plates, and a white pitcher. So happy that I went again!!! Before that I went to the local flea that is the second Saturday of the month, and found some old pictures, and post cards, plus a beaded purse. The old pictures are for the granddaughters and the old purse also. Always on the look out for things that they collect too. One last thing, some old buttons in a bag. After seeing a blog with the gal that collects them, I decided to look and see if I too could find some old ones. I believe these are. Anyway, fun to look for and perhaps use in a craft. I guess that is enough for one week end except there is an Antique fair going on in a local town, don't know yet I will go, it is suppose to be a rather severe storm coming our way tomorrow, and might be a good thing to stay in and be cozy with a good cup of tea. I will say Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Morning walk
This morning I walked around the lake, and just as I was finishing the 2.2 mile walk, I saw my friend Pat. She was back from her trip and was just beginning the walk. She asked me to walk with her, so I did another trip around the lake. So I got 4.4 miles in for today!! I felt good, so guess the extra miles were good for me!! She was happy to be home and I was happy to have my walking partner back! :-) I missed her a lot. No one to talk to and make the time go quickly!! You don't realize how much a person means to you until they are not there. We go to our favorite thrift stores and have fun finding that little treasure or two we find. We don't always buy, but the hunt is fun. Isn't that what life should be!? We've done our thing, kids are grown, and we're retired and need that little spice in life. We know we don't need a lot, and so don't feel like we have to have a "new" something, the old is fine with us. Looking forward to that estate sale tomorrow!!!!!! I'll let you know if I find that special something. :-) Antique Rose
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Antique Luncheon/Meeting
I am a hostess co- ordinator for an Antique club that I belong too. It entails writing letters to the monthly hostess's and having them bring the food, decorations, and the clean-up for that particular meeting. I have the duty of also being at the place of meeting, opening it up and putting the coffee/tea on and putting out tables and chairs, etc. Then sending out thank you's for their help. I have met lots of nice ladies, and getting to know them has been fun. February is our anniversary month, and in that month, the officers of the club put on the luncheon and that was today. It looked very festive with our theme of Valentines!! Each officer had a table to decorate and our food was different salads, rolls and a lovely veggie tray with dips. Had a very pretty birthday'anniversary cake, decorated very pretty with pink roses, and it tasted great too!!!Got lots of compliments on my "red" outfit, and on the great job I was doing, which always makes you want to do more! :-) I also am the trip planner along with my best friend. We will have a mystery trip in April. That will be ready to go in our March meeting for sign-ups and the fee for the bus. Looking forward to that, as we usually go to another town and have our lunch out. Of course we look for treasures at various stores there, and manage to find a have to have treasure!!! TaTa for now. Antique Rose
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A Day Away
I had a really relaxing day after a hectic week!! My husband took me to Los Gatos, Campbell and San Jose to look in several stores. He found a couple of great shirts, and I found a neat bottle for a project I want to do. Later, found an estate sale, and got a "cookie/cake plate like I collect. Hand painted with roses. Very pretty, and a good price. Good combination!! After all that, we stopped in and had a dinner at the Spaghetti Factory. Yum!!! Had a very good waitress which always makes the dinner that much more special. All in all a very good day away from all the usual "work" that comes with the week-end. Don't know why I am tired, but ready for a nice shower and a good book! Started a really funny one, that is easy to read, and won't last long as I am half way through it already! :-) Now, for sunday~~~~~~ who knows what adventures I will find. Might go to my favorite little town and check out a couple of places. Ta Ta, Antique Rose
Friday, February 6, 2009
Things I love and collect
Here are some of the things I like to collect.
Shell boxes of all sizes, old embroidered linens, Charming Tails Mice, tea sets, tea cups, hand painted rose plates, old rose pictures, bird figurines, creamers, old Christmas ornaments, vintage suitcases, Lusterware from 40's and 50's, cookbooks, and decorator books. I have other collections that I no longer collect, but have. My husband has threatened to move to our shed to give me more room, but then takes me looking for more treasures. I also look out for collections that my granddaughters like. It is fun, and never gets old, always looking for that treasure of the day, or week to give you that thrill and satisfaction of having found something that you love!!!!Ta Ta, Antique Rose
Shell boxes of all sizes, old embroidered linens, Charming Tails Mice, tea sets, tea cups, hand painted rose plates, old rose pictures, bird figurines, creamers, old Christmas ornaments, vintage suitcases, Lusterware from 40's and 50's, cookbooks, and decorator books. I have other collections that I no longer collect, but have. My husband has threatened to move to our shed to give me more room, but then takes me looking for more treasures. I also look out for collections that my granddaughters like. It is fun, and never gets old, always looking for that treasure of the day, or week to give you that thrill and satisfaction of having found something that you love!!!!Ta Ta, Antique Rose
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lunch with Friends/family
Today my brothers and sisters went to lunch together. It was nice to talk about old times, and what was happening at the moment. We seldom get to do this as we live in different states, and we are getting older and not inclined to travel too often. Well, some do not like to fly, which of course would cut the travel time, but non the less we cherish our too few times together. This one being our oldest brother's memorial. It seems to be the case in life, as we get older, we meet either at weddings or funerals!!!! This time the latter. :-( Of course we are sad, but happy to be able to see each other! :-) Hopefully tomorrow won't be too full of sad memories, but of good ones from the past. I always dread funerals, per se , but they are a fact of life!!! So until tomorrow I will say bye for now. Antique Rose
Monday, February 2, 2009
Working in the yard.
Yesterday, the first day of February I began to work in the yard. I dug up the dahlia bulbs and turned the soil over, and worked it good, then replanted the bulbs that I had separated. Now have the second half to do and then plant the new bag of dahlias that I just purchased. Should have a very colorful garden in late spring. Pictures will be coming later! I like working in the soil and planting. Last year I had peonies, dahlias, hollyhocks, and the usual daffodils, and roses. I hope the roses do better this year!! I think they need more sun than they get, but I don't want to move them at this point. Hopefully the Lilacs will be as pretty as last year also. I finally can plant things and they actually live!! I can hardly wait to try some new annuals. Hit the nurseries and get new ideas !! Perhaps a tomato plant or two. Miss my uncle's tomatoes, he had the best!! My you be watching over my garden Uncle Dave!!! Miss you ole thing!!!!!! Took a picture of my daffodils earlier, and put it on. Enjoy!! Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.