Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Yard theraphy
I am so happy, I got my front yard rid of most of the weeds that were bugging me! Such a satisfied feeling to have when it is finished. I tackled the mound first, and then turned over the patch of soil that was bare(will get a couple of plants for that), then proceeded to trim what needed it too. Looks so much better. On to the side of the front fence, trimmed back some plants there, and on to the front right side where the Peonies are arriving in force, they have lots of buds this year, and I have one that hasn't had any the first two years it has been around. I was so pleased to see this!! Trimmed some more plants that were growing over the wood border, then pulled more of those weeds!!! I have a bit more there to do, but wanted to continue to pull weeds on the other fence on the right side, so that I could come back to the other spot another day. Found a beautiful pink rose hiding among the Daisies that have taken that spot with a vengeance! I took a picture of that later, but I am getting ahead of things!! When I had disposed of the two bins of weeds, and trimmings, I then watered some plants that were needing it, and am pleased to tell you that most of the Dahlias that were planted before the rains, are coming up!!! Yea, I thought they had rotted with all the rain that they got just after being planted!!!!!! Wow!! a lot of surprises, yes? Well anyway, looks so much better and I feel better having done it, although I know for sure I will be sore big time tomorrow!!!!!!! But it will be worth all of the pain to know that I have done a good job of ridding the yard of most of the weeds that were bugging me to know end!!!! The last goodie I wanted to tell you about was all the butterflies that were fluttering around the yard all afternoon. They are Monarchs, I am almost sure, will look them up, but it was so neat they way they kept coming in waves all afternoon, like they had a journry to make and were in a hurrry to do so. This was in the back yard as well, I got a picture of one on my Lilacs!!!!!!! Lucky me!! Ah, such small things make me happy!!! Well, that's a gardener for you. :-) Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
I am so happy, I got my front yard rid of most of the weeds that were bugging me! Such a satisfied feeling to have when it is finished. I tackled the mound first, and then turned over the patch of soil that was bare(will get a couple of plants for that), then proceeded to trim what needed it too. Looks so much better. On to the side of the front fence, trimmed back some plants there, and on to the front right side where the Peonies are arriving in force, they have lots of buds this year, and I have one that hasn't had any the first two years it has been around. I was so pleased to see this!! Trimmed some more plants that were growing over the wood border, then pulled more of those weeds!!! I have a bit more there to do, but wanted to continue to pull weeds on the other fence on the right side, so that I could come back to the other spot another day. Found a beautiful pink rose hiding among the Daisies that have taken that spot with a vengeance! I took a picture of that later, but I am getting ahead of things!! When I had disposed of the two bins of weeds, and trimmings, I then watered some plants that were needing it, and am pleased to tell you that most of the Dahlias that were planted before the rains, are coming up!!! Yea, I thought they had rotted with all the rain that they got just after being planted!!!!!! Wow!! a lot of surprises, yes? Well anyway, looks so much better and I feel better having done it, although I know for sure I will be sore big time tomorrow!!!!!!! But it will be worth all of the pain to know that I have done a good job of ridding the yard of most of the weeds that were bugging me to know end!!!! The last goodie I wanted to tell you about was all the butterflies that were fluttering around the yard all afternoon. They are Monarchs, I am almost sure, will look them up, but it was so neat they way they kept coming in waves all afternoon, like they had a journry to make and were in a hurrry to do so. This was in the back yard as well, I got a picture of one on my Lilacs!!!!!!! Lucky me!! Ah, such small things make me happy!!! Well, that's a gardener for you. :-) Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A Lazy Saturday
Up this morning with pancakes on my mind, after having oatmeal every morning, this was indeed a treat!! Enjoyed very morsel!!! My dear husband promised a day of fun and going to see something we had not seen before. So we left with Lafayette as a destination, with Moraga next. There was a shop called Nifty Thrift that I had read about, and after looking a bit, found it. It was a very interesting shop, cute! The clerk was so entertaining , she was talking and joking the whole time I was there and would have given the comedians a run for their money. Everyone was laughing while they shopped, as she said you wouldn't get this at Macy's!!! Found some goodies and of course they were quite reasonable. Next stop Moraga, a small college town, didn't see the college, but they had a Home Goods store, as well as TJMax and TuesdayMornings. I looked for sometime, and found my favorite SaraBeth's Marmalade. Yummy!!! Can't always find it. We then found a shady spot, and had our picnic lunch. Yummy egg salad sandwiches and chips with root beer to drink as well a thermos of coffee. Nice, and the egg salad was excellent. Hadn't fixed that for a while. After our lunch, we went back by way of Danville and spent an hour or so there before coming home. Did I find anything there, well of course!!! I have a favorite store there called Cottage Jewel. I found a rose cookie plate, and also a small plate with pink roses. Have you heard of china chard jewelry? Well, I found some there, for necklaces. Got some for my granddaughters for Easter(they are too big for Easter bunnies), and the lady also gave me ribbon to put them on in colors I thought they would like. If not, I will have some necklaces to wear!!!!!!!! I think they will like them , though. Wouldn't you?? Well home after that, and as usual dear hubby brought his bike and rode around while I looked and shopped. So that is all for now, until next time. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Birthdays and Friends
Today was a friends birthday, she turned 80. Wow!!! Not everyone reaches that number, she is very lucky! Had a cake for her and friends were there to help eat it, and wish her many more!!
I haven't posted for a few days, the start of the week was very cold, but it has gradually warmed up a bit, and now feels rather like spring, which of course it is!! Easter is not far away, and the Easter bunnies will be out in force soon. I have always liked bunnies, cute little things that they are, but of course we know that is not the real reason that Easter is celebrated as Christians from all over the world could tell you. But, little kids enjoy the extra little things, like coloring eggs, the candy which of course are many, and the Easter Egg Hunt. It is fun when they are very young and the joy that appears on their little faces when they find an egg or two for their individual baskets. The Easter bonnets and new shiny shoes along with the "very special" dress or outfit is priceless for Mommies and Daddies and of course the all important pictures for the future generations. What fun, and what memories you will have for your golden years, for we know that we will make those when we have those fun family holidays and get togethers along life's way. I have good ones, hope all of you do too. I left out one important thing, food!!! Those yummy ham or other meats of your choice and the many special dishes and desserts, of which we all can recall. My thoughts alone can put on pounds! :-) Ah, are you ready?? I think I am. I will just have to be more careful of what I eat, but I will be there will bells on!!! Camera in hand, and arms waiting for those wonderful welcome hugs. See at the dinner table!! Have fun, and remember to make new memories for later.
Ta Ta Antique Rose
I haven't posted for a few days, the start of the week was very cold, but it has gradually warmed up a bit, and now feels rather like spring, which of course it is!! Easter is not far away, and the Easter bunnies will be out in force soon. I have always liked bunnies, cute little things that they are, but of course we know that is not the real reason that Easter is celebrated as Christians from all over the world could tell you. But, little kids enjoy the extra little things, like coloring eggs, the candy which of course are many, and the Easter Egg Hunt. It is fun when they are very young and the joy that appears on their little faces when they find an egg or two for their individual baskets. The Easter bonnets and new shiny shoes along with the "very special" dress or outfit is priceless for Mommies and Daddies and of course the all important pictures for the future generations. What fun, and what memories you will have for your golden years, for we know that we will make those when we have those fun family holidays and get togethers along life's way. I have good ones, hope all of you do too. I left out one important thing, food!!! Those yummy ham or other meats of your choice and the many special dishes and desserts, of which we all can recall. My thoughts alone can put on pounds! :-) Ah, are you ready?? I think I am. I will just have to be more careful of what I eat, but I will be there will bells on!!! Camera in hand, and arms waiting for those wonderful welcome hugs. See at the dinner table!! Have fun, and remember to make new memories for later.
Ta Ta Antique Rose
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturdays Happenings
Had a very nice day with family yesterday. It was a celebration of granddaughters 11th birthday. We had a good visit, laughter, dinner and of course a good piece of birthday cake. For dinner we went to a Japanese restaurant. It was very yummy!! Of course I had something with veggies, and no rice, so even though I had a piece of the delicious birthday cake my blood sugar was fine this morning!! Yea for me! Took some pictures, although some were not too good, because I had put it on the wrong setting. That's what happens when your eyesight gets bad! Don't know when I did it, but saw it when I was putting the pictures on the net. :-( Will watch closer next time! I did get enough good ones though, so it was not a complete loss. :-) Granddaughter liked her gifts, and so that was a good !! I will have to go back soon and see how one of them looks on her bed. It does get harder as they get older, as their tastes change. Oh, for the days when they were excited about just about anything!! It rained hard last night, and windy too. Cold again even though the sun finally came out. Is it really spring? Feels like winter. Hopefully it didn't due harm to my lilacs and other flowers that were just coming out!! I am ready for some warmer weather so I can clear out a room that is much too cluttered. I can hardly wait, want the hallways painted too. If not done by my husband and myself, then I will hire someone. It has to be done, and not any later than springtime, oh yes, that's now!! But it much too cool to leave the windows and doors open to air when we do paint. So guess you could say I am rushing the days by, and I am always saying how time goes by too quickly. Can't win can I?!!! Well, must get a letter written so I can send it off on Monday with a package. So
Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
Friday, March 20, 2009
TGIF again, looking forward to weekend.
Well, another week gone by, rather quickly! First day of spring today, and it was overcast and cooler than the other days of the week. Go figure!! Rather tired today, as I didn't sleep well the last two nights, had a premonition that something was wrong with the grandson and family. As it turns out the wife and son had strep. She might lose her job as she was out this week, who would want someone to come in with strep, anyway!! Well, besides that, the other family members seem to be fine. Going to go to Granddaughters house for a family birthday celebration. Everyone is going to a Japanese place for dinner. Should be fun and good food too. Will have to forgo the rice however!! Today, I went to an estate sale. Found a few treasures , tea cups(saucers), cookie plate, and a couple of pitchers(with roses). A few other things, but nothing too important. It was fun and I was the 3rd person to get in!! :-) that always is a plus!! Nothing is picked over, and you see most things before anyone else. There were ninety some others after me! The people who do the estate sales, know me by name, guess that tells me that I go to them all to often, nah, just the fact I am there means they make more money!! They like that!! So we are both happy. :-) Well, guess that is all for this time around. Will be back soon. Antique Rose
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Buttons, buttons, who's got the buttons?
As I told you on my post about the flea, I found a gallon jug of buttons, and purchased them. Last night my granddaughter and I started sorting them into colors. Didn't realize how many different colors were in that jar!!! Well, we did some and then she went home, and I did a few more, than stopped for the night. This afternoon, I continued the job! Wow, what pretty colors and so many jars later, I finally finished. My eyes were practically crossed by the time I finished up!! :-) But I like the results, don't you?? Thanks Missy Monkey for helping last night!! Now will be on the look out for more in my many future adventures. :-) I told you there were always something new to look for. Ta Ta for now, Antique Rose
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Caroline
Today, is a very special day. My granddaughter, Caroline was born this day. Happy birthday to her and many, many more may she have!!! We will go to celebrate it this coming week-end. What fun it will be. :-) I have 6 granddaughters, and they are all very special to me. Aren't I lucky, you
betcha I am!!! Not to say the three grandsons aren't but were are not talking about them today.
I want to be around when they are married, and I can say I have some great great grands. Of course I might be too old to get down on the floor and play with them like I did the first grands, but that will be okay!! I wouldn't count on my being too old to do it though, I love to play with the grandbabies, so sweet and so loving they are!!! Ta Ta, Antique Rose
betcha I am!!! Not to say the three grandsons aren't but were are not talking about them today.
I want to be around when they are married, and I can say I have some great great grands. Of course I might be too old to get down on the floor and play with them like I did the first grands, but that will be okay!! I wouldn't count on my being too old to do it though, I love to play with the grandbabies, so sweet and so loving they are!!! Ta Ta, Antique Rose
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Saturday flea
This morning I had breakfast, where else but McD's with hubby, then he was off to the vallley. I stayed behind as the flea was today and I don't like missing the chance to hunt for treasures, a little something that catches the eye. Something that shouts, buy me, please. :-) I had just begun the walk into flea when I met up with my sister. Wasn't sure she would come, as it was a cold windy morning, but there she was. It was nice walking around with another person that likes old things like me. We don't get together enough, but then she is not retired yet!! First off, found a large(gallon) size jar of buttons. Yea, hadn't seem that many together for that price it was, ever!! So of course I bought it. Don't know what I will do with it yet, but something. :-) Walked around for sometime before finding treasure number two and three. Two purses, that have promise, perhaps the granddaughters will like them, if not, I could use them, just were a great price, and me the thrift queen bought them! I saw other things, that I liked, but didn't buy, as they were just too high. Could get them cheaper at an Antique/collectible store. You know thrift stores!! Anyway, did find one ww2 picture. Another granddaughter collects those.
We were practically frozen, nose red, so decided to call it a day/morning, and we left. On my way home decided to hit the local discovery shop and found a shirt and a purse there, that I will wear and use. Also found a floor lamp that hubby said to watch for, so put it on hold, will pick it up later today. Well, more laundry bids me, so will say Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
We were practically frozen, nose red, so decided to call it a day/morning, and we left. On my way home decided to hit the local discovery shop and found a shirt and a purse there, that I will wear and use. Also found a floor lamp that hubby said to watch for, so put it on hold, will pick it up later today. Well, more laundry bids me, so will say Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday, Yea!!
Hello, well another week has flown by, seems like only in a blink of the eye!! If they get any quicker, it will be quite scary!! It was Monday, now Friday. I guess with walking everyday, helping at the center, then coming home and doing the usual, time just slips by. I shouldn't complain, but happens I am not getting younger, and I certainly would like to enjoy several more years before I get too old to do so!! :-) Oh, well the day started quite well, then silly me locked my keys in the car, first time for that. Had to call hubby twice before he looked at the answering machine. Wasted a bit of time waiting, but then guess not too much wasted, as I just sat there and visited with the guys at center, some of the guys who come later, are so entertaining and funny!! I did have time to come home and get ready for lunch with my younger sister. I should do it more often, as I really enjoy it. When I got back home, seems my son had done the same, locked his keys in the car, and dear hubby once again had to go rescue him as well. My granddaughter had a early release from school, so had lunch here and then helped me change my music on this blog. Thanks again Missy Monkey!! I needed the change. :-).
Visited with my son a while when he came to pick up my granddaughter. Then it was off to get a bite to eat. No cooking on Friday evenings!! Yes, I am spoiled that way!!! Hey, retirement has some benefits. :-) I am ready for the weekend, tomorrow is the flea market, and who knows what treasures lie waiting to be discovered!!! I love the hunt and I usually see someone I know while there. Sounds like a bit of fun, doesn't it?? So Ta Ta for now~~~~~Antique Rose
Visited with my son a while when he came to pick up my granddaughter. Then it was off to get a bite to eat. No cooking on Friday evenings!! Yes, I am spoiled that way!!! Hey, retirement has some benefits. :-) I am ready for the weekend, tomorrow is the flea market, and who knows what treasures lie waiting to be discovered!!! I love the hunt and I usually see someone I know while there. Sounds like a bit of fun, doesn't it?? So Ta Ta for now~~~~~Antique Rose
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A visit with Daughter and Grands
The day began with a cold walk around the lake. Pat, my friend, and I brave the lake each day whether or not it is raining, shiny, or just plain cold!! Today, we had the cold as the other days this week. But with our brisk walking and talking it is over before we can complain too much! :-)
After helping out some at the center, we both left with trips that we were to make, hers to Oakland and mine to Tracy. I don't get there as often as I did before walking everyday. I enjoy it, when I do however. After getting there and visiting for a bit, we left to do a bit of shopping at the nearby Pier One store, which is closing,(only in Tracy). They had some cute Easter decorations which we wanted. Went to another nearby store, and then on to lunch. Subway here we come!! Not a bad place to get a decent sub and not that much in calories. It was almost time for her to pick up the oldest granddaughter from high school, and the other two from grade and middle school were home soon after that. She had a meeting at the grade school, and so I got to visit with the girls until I came home. They always want me to stay longer, but of course I had to leave around 4:30 and couldn't. But while there enjoyed them for an hour or so.
They of course had homework to do, and the older one rehearsal for a church service in which she will be playing the Oboe. The middle one had to finish her homework and had two dance classes. The younger one had violin practice and so on and on the schedule goes~~~~~~~~~~!
My daughter has such a busy day with taking them too their different classes, practices and so forth, I am tired just thinking of it!! Good thing you are young when kids come along, or else you wouldn't have the energy to do it. :-) They are growing up so quickly!! Much too quickly. Before you know it they will be going away to college, ah time goes by much to quickly, and you feel like saying stop!!!! But that is not going to happen, just hope I am around until all finish and have families of their own. Well, enough, time for bed, 5 am comes around too quickly, seems I use that word a lot!! Oh, Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
After helping out some at the center, we both left with trips that we were to make, hers to Oakland and mine to Tracy. I don't get there as often as I did before walking everyday. I enjoy it, when I do however. After getting there and visiting for a bit, we left to do a bit of shopping at the nearby Pier One store, which is closing,(only in Tracy). They had some cute Easter decorations which we wanted. Went to another nearby store, and then on to lunch. Subway here we come!! Not a bad place to get a decent sub and not that much in calories. It was almost time for her to pick up the oldest granddaughter from high school, and the other two from grade and middle school were home soon after that. She had a meeting at the grade school, and so I got to visit with the girls until I came home. They always want me to stay longer, but of course I had to leave around 4:30 and couldn't. But while there enjoyed them for an hour or so.
They of course had homework to do, and the older one rehearsal for a church service in which she will be playing the Oboe. The middle one had to finish her homework and had two dance classes. The younger one had violin practice and so on and on the schedule goes~~~~~~~~~~!
My daughter has such a busy day with taking them too their different classes, practices and so forth, I am tired just thinking of it!! Good thing you are young when kids come along, or else you wouldn't have the energy to do it. :-) They are growing up so quickly!! Much too quickly. Before you know it they will be going away to college, ah time goes by much to quickly, and you feel like saying stop!!!! But that is not going to happen, just hope I am around until all finish and have families of their own. Well, enough, time for bed, 5 am comes around too quickly, seems I use that word a lot!! Oh, Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
Luncheon at Antique Club
Our meeting for this month was a great success. The food was excellent and visiting with new and old friends was quite enjoyable. We had a very good speaker on Silent Films that were produced in the town of Niles. The speaker was quite knowledgeable and also had pictures to show us of old film stars and the settings as well as old old pictures of Niles. Our theme for decorations was St. Patrick's Day. The tables looked very festive and fun was had by all. Our trip for April will be on the 14th and our bus has already been filled. We had to turn away eight of the ladies who would have liked to come, but there was no more seats available. Perhaps the next trip they will be able too come. The ladies of the club like our planned trips very much. So guess we have been successful in our endeavors to make fun, reasonable trips. The present officers will remain in tact for yet another year, a sigh of relief was heard all round by the other members of the club! :-) So in June we will have installation of officers at the luncheon at Jk's house. A fun time and good food as usual, I am sure. We have such nice ladies, it is a pleasure to be around them and for that reason have been a club for forty-one years!!! That's a wrap for now. Antique Rose
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A Saturday's Wanderings
Ah, yet another adventurous day around the bay. Started off the day eating at my most favorite place, Mc D's. They have great potatoes, and the coffee is the best!! Cheap too. We've eaten other places, and been disappointed. Oh, well, as you know, I am thrifty, and hate to spend money on places that are way to expensive and not any better. We came back home, got ready and went to one of the places that I had to check out for my Antique clubs April trip. I got there just before the places opened, so I could get a good parking place, and then checked out the stores and let them know that a group of very nice ladies would be visiting them next month. Yippee, one is opening early for us, sweet guys that they are, and also will have treats for us and a discount, can't ask for anything more, now can you? Another store will be having their annual 50% off sales, and they will love that! On to another place, I have visited before, and now know quite well, as my dear husband rode his bike while I checked the stores. He found we were not that far from the other place I love! Of course we had some lunch then I checked out the newest find of mine, once more. Got some lovely rose plates and pitchers. I was informed that the owner was to have a great sale coming up in the next couple of weeks on some things I collect. Yea! She will call and let me know when, I am so excited about it!! Also got to check out another couple of thrifts, found a shirt I liked in one, nothing in the other. I was ready for a good, hot cup of coffee after all this, so we headed home. Of course there were phone messages for me. Seems like that always happens when I am gone! I got a call from my youngest great grandson, he was so excited to receive my letter, he took a picture(phone) and sent it to me. So sweet, nothing like a call from grandkids. Also got a call from my daughter, she had picked up a table I was interested in. Isn't that wonderful!!! So I had a great day all around. :-) Life is wonderful. I also discovered that my newly planted Dahlias that I thought probably got too much rain and rotted, were beginning to peak through the soil, that really is good news. Now I will not have to replant. Yippee!! Can get to pulling weeds instead in the next few days with sunny weather on the horizen! Well, I have to get another letter composed and sent off tomorrow, so I had better say Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The rain has been coming down for several days now, I fear my Dahlias are not fairing so well, I can see the future now, will be digging the old bulbs up and replanting them. I guess I should have been more patient and known that there would be more wet weather when I planted them, but we had a few beautiful spring like days, and the gardener in me just had to plant something. I guess I will just have to smile and redo. Unless, maybe, could be that they are just waiting for that period of sunny days ahead to pop up. I guess I can hope, after all I am an optimistic person. Yes I think I will go that route, why not, if it doesn't happen, I won't fret. Actually waking up this morning, listening to the pitter patter of the rain was quite pleasant until I realized that I had not set the alarm for that 5 AM wake up call, was running late the rest of the morning. I did get a nice walk however before the real heavy rain began again.Lucky me. I feel much better when I get that in and start the day refreshed and feeling active. I could go to the mall of course, but I can't seem to breathe right in the indoors, too stuffy for me. Well, the week will be half over tomorrow once more, and the week-end promises to be dry, so I may have some trips, or thrifts to go too, and who knows what I will find. Another rose plate, picture, or perhaps something entirely new to collect. One never knows, does one??? Ta Ta Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.