Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Happenings this past week.
I've had a few busy days the past week. Last weekend a Antique Faire in a local town, which my daughter and granddaughters met me and we explored together. It was fun, and I found a few things for them, as well as a couple of things for myself. It is always fun to do things with them, instead of going alone. They all have different things they collect and get excited over finding!! Then this past Thursday, the middle granddaughter graduated from 8th grade. Next fall will be a new beginning for her. High school!! Yikes, seems only yesterday it was the beginning of kindergarten for her. Time is one thing that goes by quickly, and you can't stop, so you go with the flow!! Wow!! before you know it, they will be in college, and own their own. Stop!! That means that I will be older!! Well, I won't think about that, as that goes without question, and I won't or can't do anything about that. :-)!! Anyway, I went to an estate sale on Friday, and found a cute bedspread, and some other rose items. It was fun, and I am using the spread. It was quite nice after I washed it, no stains, and it fit my bed just right. A really good price, my daughter informs me, compared to the ones she's seen on the blogsites she checks. So I got a good deal!! Yea, for me. I heard from my grandson, he is fine. Hadn't heard from him in a while, he said I hadn't written, but I had, don't know where the messages went, somewhere in computerland, as he said he didn't get them!! That really is frustrating when that happens, but that is a computer for you!!! Perhaps I hit the wrong button or something like that. :-( I will have to be more careful, won't I?!! Well, I have to get busy and do a few things to get ready for the new week, and new month, where did May go!?!! Months are going by like weeks. Oh, yes, did go to valley this weekend too, everything there is fine, and had a great lunch out at our favorite Japanese eatery. Thanks to the sister in law, who treated us to lunch!!! Ta Ta Antique Rose
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Rest of recent trip.
Hello again,
thought I would finish the trip thing. I had felt too blah to finish the other day, as I caught a bad cold on the last day or so of the trip. Came home a bit early so I could rest without hearing the snoring of my dear hubby!!!!
The second day of our trip we got off to Santa Rosa and the local antique mall there. I looked for some time and didn't find a thing, but still enjoyed the hunt! I went to one other store there before leaving, it was something like the Discovery shops here. I did find a couple of nice plates there, and then we continued on to Healdsburg. Healdsburg is a very nice town, with a very nice portion of the old town being filled with lots of Antique places, and also cute little cafes'. We had a nice time looking, and there was one shop in particular that I liked. Really cute cottage type stuff that I really liked. Because of the heat(nearing the 100 mark) we decided to move on up the coast and perhaps it would be a bit cooler. We planned to come back on the way home, so knew that I could shop there again. We went on to several other small towns, Willits, Cloverdale, and others before going into Yreka and staying the night there. It was bit cooler as we thought it would be, so stayed at a nice hotel, and in the air conditioned room until dinner time, and then called it an early night. Had a nice breakfast the next morning and then off we went once more. Still enjoying everything, and stopped at several other little towns before getting into a place called Fortuna, just before our next destination. Fortuna was a neat little town, and had two very nice antique shops. I found things at both places. Plates(roses of course) and also some very pretty shell boxes. Different shapes than I had previously found. So of course had to have them. We had lunch there, and continued on to Ferndale. A place we had heard about and wanted to stay overnight. But alas, things were just a bit too high in the stores, and when we checked on the hotel, and found it to be a whopping $249 plus taxes for one night we decided to go on to Eureka. Well, couldn't see paying that much for any place, call me tight if you like, but not stupid!!!! Eureka was okay, we did manage to find a nice shop there before it closed for the day, and of course wouldn't be open the next day, being Sunday. Got some nice old pictures there, plus a couple of old linens and a beautiful cookie plate with whatelse, roses. We checked into a nice hotel, and then went to dinner at the local Applebee's and had a nice meal. We were then ready for some rest. Nite. With the morning, and a nice breakfast, we once again left for the road. Had planned to go back same way we had come, but then Hubby decided that maybe it would be cooler and fun to go across and hit highway 1. Oh, boy, was I in for a scary ride there!! It took a long 2 1/2 hours to get to the highway 1 that also went into Ft. Bragg. Yikes, talk about cooler, it was down right cold!!! Plus windy. Couldn't wait to get checked into the hotel and warm up aa bit. We cleaned up a bit, went for a dinner. Had it at a local Bistro and I had a good meal of fresh halibut and hubby the pork loin. Nice dinner and so far okay there, but then night came, it got colder, and there wasn't any heat in the hotel. I got cold, and hubby snored to high heaven, and I didn't get much rest!! Combine the cold and no rest, and that meant a nice cold for me. Yuck. Stuffed up, nose runny, you get the picture, rather yucky for the next few days, but I get ahead of myself. We had a nice breakfast, and off we went back to 101, but on a better, less scary highway, and didn't take as long to get back to a town called Willits thats on 101. Warmer too, so that was good. Stopped at another little town or two and found a lovely pitcher in one town, so wasn't a total loss. :-) We got back to Healdsburg and found a hotel and crashed for the night. Next morning, I shopped at the neat store I told you about on the way up. Got lots of nice plates, and a couple of other things there. I would go back there again, :-) I have told you some of the high lights, I am sure that there were other things, but have forgotten all the details, but all in all a very nice trip, and I appreciated getting back home and my own bed. Going away does that for you. You don't know how good it is until you are away for a while. ::-), so Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
thought I would finish the trip thing. I had felt too blah to finish the other day, as I caught a bad cold on the last day or so of the trip. Came home a bit early so I could rest without hearing the snoring of my dear hubby!!!!
The second day of our trip we got off to Santa Rosa and the local antique mall there. I looked for some time and didn't find a thing, but still enjoyed the hunt! I went to one other store there before leaving, it was something like the Discovery shops here. I did find a couple of nice plates there, and then we continued on to Healdsburg. Healdsburg is a very nice town, with a very nice portion of the old town being filled with lots of Antique places, and also cute little cafes'. We had a nice time looking, and there was one shop in particular that I liked. Really cute cottage type stuff that I really liked. Because of the heat(nearing the 100 mark) we decided to move on up the coast and perhaps it would be a bit cooler. We planned to come back on the way home, so knew that I could shop there again. We went on to several other small towns, Willits, Cloverdale, and others before going into Yreka and staying the night there. It was bit cooler as we thought it would be, so stayed at a nice hotel, and in the air conditioned room until dinner time, and then called it an early night. Had a nice breakfast the next morning and then off we went once more. Still enjoying everything, and stopped at several other little towns before getting into a place called Fortuna, just before our next destination. Fortuna was a neat little town, and had two very nice antique shops. I found things at both places. Plates(roses of course) and also some very pretty shell boxes. Different shapes than I had previously found. So of course had to have them. We had lunch there, and continued on to Ferndale. A place we had heard about and wanted to stay overnight. But alas, things were just a bit too high in the stores, and when we checked on the hotel, and found it to be a whopping $249 plus taxes for one night we decided to go on to Eureka. Well, couldn't see paying that much for any place, call me tight if you like, but not stupid!!!! Eureka was okay, we did manage to find a nice shop there before it closed for the day, and of course wouldn't be open the next day, being Sunday. Got some nice old pictures there, plus a couple of old linens and a beautiful cookie plate with whatelse, roses. We checked into a nice hotel, and then went to dinner at the local Applebee's and had a nice meal. We were then ready for some rest. Nite. With the morning, and a nice breakfast, we once again left for the road. Had planned to go back same way we had come, but then Hubby decided that maybe it would be cooler and fun to go across and hit highway 1. Oh, boy, was I in for a scary ride there!! It took a long 2 1/2 hours to get to the highway 1 that also went into Ft. Bragg. Yikes, talk about cooler, it was down right cold!!! Plus windy. Couldn't wait to get checked into the hotel and warm up aa bit. We cleaned up a bit, went for a dinner. Had it at a local Bistro and I had a good meal of fresh halibut and hubby the pork loin. Nice dinner and so far okay there, but then night came, it got colder, and there wasn't any heat in the hotel. I got cold, and hubby snored to high heaven, and I didn't get much rest!! Combine the cold and no rest, and that meant a nice cold for me. Yuck. Stuffed up, nose runny, you get the picture, rather yucky for the next few days, but I get ahead of myself. We had a nice breakfast, and off we went back to 101, but on a better, less scary highway, and didn't take as long to get back to a town called Willits thats on 101. Warmer too, so that was good. Stopped at another little town or two and found a lovely pitcher in one town, so wasn't a total loss. :-) We got back to Healdsburg and found a hotel and crashed for the night. Next morning, I shopped at the neat store I told you about on the way up. Got lots of nice plates, and a couple of other things there. I would go back there again, :-) I have told you some of the high lights, I am sure that there were other things, but have forgotten all the details, but all in all a very nice trip, and I appreciated getting back home and my own bed. Going away does that for you. You don't know how good it is until you are away for a while. ::-), so Ta Ta for now. Antique Rose
Saturday, May 23, 2009
"Road Trip"
Hello again,
Wrote a long blog yesterday, only to have the middle disappear into no where land! So am trying again today. Last week my hubby and I went on a non scheduled, no reservations road trip. One where you could stop and look and buy if you wanted too, without any time limit or have to get to somewhere at a certain time . It was fun, and I enjoyed it for the most part, except for the ladder part when hubby began his snoring like a freight train after the third night! :-)
Our first stop was for a late breakfast at a place called "Toast", you say, how appropriate. The help was very friendly and the food good, so our trip started out right! A bowl of Irish oatmeal with a cup of delicious fresh fruit and I was ready to roll, and find those treasures!!! I knew there were some out there, and I hoped to have fun in the hunt. We went into the town of Navato and it began! A couple of stops later and I had a beautiful embroidered table cloth and some old iron on patterns that you can't find anymore for doing some embroidery yourself. Back in the car and on the road again. We stopped at another small town of Petaluma. It was fun to look, and I did look, but no buys there, as didn't find anything that said "buy me", so on again we went. Our next stop was at Seabastopol. A nice little town, also known for it's apples and wineries. We went to the local antique shop, named Antique Society. We had been there before and it is big! I looked for sometime while the hubby went to check out the hotels. After looking for an hour or so, and finding some really neat rose plates, and a couple of poetry books, we left to get checked into our resting place for the night. We had stayed at this particular one before, beds are great, as well as the breakfast next morning. We dined at a local Mexican restrurant and the food was excellent. :-) Ah, those beds felt nice, and except for the upstairs room(above ours) being rather busy all night, we had a nice stay. After our breakfast, we were off once more. Stayed tuned. More later. Antique Rose
Wrote a long blog yesterday, only to have the middle disappear into no where land! So am trying again today. Last week my hubby and I went on a non scheduled, no reservations road trip. One where you could stop and look and buy if you wanted too, without any time limit or have to get to somewhere at a certain time . It was fun, and I enjoyed it for the most part, except for the ladder part when hubby began his snoring like a freight train after the third night! :-)
Our first stop was for a late breakfast at a place called "Toast", you say, how appropriate. The help was very friendly and the food good, so our trip started out right! A bowl of Irish oatmeal with a cup of delicious fresh fruit and I was ready to roll, and find those treasures!!! I knew there were some out there, and I hoped to have fun in the hunt. We went into the town of Navato and it began! A couple of stops later and I had a beautiful embroidered table cloth and some old iron on patterns that you can't find anymore for doing some embroidery yourself. Back in the car and on the road again. We stopped at another small town of Petaluma. It was fun to look, and I did look, but no buys there, as didn't find anything that said "buy me", so on again we went. Our next stop was at Seabastopol. A nice little town, also known for it's apples and wineries. We went to the local antique shop, named Antique Society. We had been there before and it is big! I looked for sometime while the hubby went to check out the hotels. After looking for an hour or so, and finding some really neat rose plates, and a couple of poetry books, we left to get checked into our resting place for the night. We had stayed at this particular one before, beds are great, as well as the breakfast next morning. We dined at a local Mexican restrurant and the food was excellent. :-) Ah, those beds felt nice, and except for the upstairs room(above ours) being rather busy all night, we had a nice stay. After our breakfast, we were off once more. Stayed tuned. More later. Antique Rose
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Antique Meeting yesterday
Yesterday was the monthly meeting of the Antique club that I belong too. I am the co-ordinating hostess and was also the chair for this months meeting. Had three really good hostesses that helped with the duties, one did not show, but will deal with her in future. The decorations were really lovely, flowers from various hostesses yards decorated the main table as well as the six tables where the members sat. Beautiful roses, alstroemerias and geraniums, and some dolls. As our speakers were giving a talk on Antique/vintage dolls. A very well presented talk as well as interesting tales from the members themselves. Didn't know that so many of our ladies collected dolls, or had dolls from their childhoods. Very nice!!! The sandwiches and fruit/veggie trays were excellent. Plenty for all, and had lots of compliments on each things. Our business meeting went very well, and our next monthly get together will be our installation luncheon at our members house, which is always a treat!!! The July meeting will be our White Elephant sale. Should bring in some extra cash for our club. Last years was a last minute thing, so everyone didn't have things ready, which shouldn't be the case this year!!
I was told by many of the members that I was the best thing to happen with the hostesses, and they had enjoyed the last year since I took over!!! Very nice to get a pat on the back for a job well done. :-) Also smart of them, since when you get a compliment, you try even harder!!!!
I will be away from my computer for a week starting tomorrow, but hope to have many nice things to put on the blog when I come home. Should be fun looking for treasures in new places, as well as eating out and doing nothing but enjoying life for a few days. Ta Ta for now, be back soon. Antique Rose
I was told by many of the members that I was the best thing to happen with the hostesses, and they had enjoyed the last year since I took over!!! Very nice to get a pat on the back for a job well done. :-) Also smart of them, since when you get a compliment, you try even harder!!!!
I will be away from my computer for a week starting tomorrow, but hope to have many nice things to put on the blog when I come home. Should be fun looking for treasures in new places, as well as eating out and doing nothing but enjoying life for a few days. Ta Ta for now, be back soon. Antique Rose
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
This morning, my son came with his daughter, and brought me a bouquet of beautiful flowers, for Mother's Day. Cards, bought and homemade were with it. He makes very funny cards, and this was one of the best. He gave me a stone cat for my garden, which I promptly named "Henry" after my cat of many years, who watched me work in the garden. I miss him still, but now have a cat which I don't have to feed or brush, or talk too, although, I might when I am working in the garden and am alone! :-) It was thoughtful and something that I will treasure for years to come. I then went to Tracy to my daughters. I always enjoy my visits, with her and the granddaughters. They are fun to be around and never do I have a dull moment while there!!! The youngest one was having fun making short videos of us. The dinner was delicious as usual, steak, chicken, and fish were on the menu. Son in law barbecued the meats, while she did the rest. Everything looked and tasted great. The cake was quite yummy, a lemon with a yummy icing and fresh fruit on top. The strawberries, blueberries and blackberries were all very sweet. Mmmmm mmmmmm good!!! I was full as a tick(old saying). Lovely cards too. Funny and sweet. I don't think that it could have been any better. So nice to hear from all the grands and children. Phone call while I was gone also. Could it have been any better, I don't think so. I go to bed a happy lady, with memories stored for another day. Ta Ta Antique Rose :-)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Saturdays Flea
Todays Flea was pretty good, it was bigger than last time. That means more to look through, and more selection as the people want you to buy for Mother's Day. Well, I did find a few treasures, the first thing was a bag of old cards, and a letter from WII, which was quite interesting. Next a really neat shell box, shaped different than the others I already have, marching on, came upon a couple of old birds, and I thought they looked like really nice ones, except you really couldn't tell for sure as they were pretty dirty!!! Well, got them for a song, and thought I could clean them up. I was right, they are real beauties that just needed an owner who cared!! Of course that was me!! On I went and guess what, I found another shell item. A really nice shell box that was made to put in a box of kleenex, and it was a bargain price, so couldn't pass it up. I left then, as I knew my hubby would be waiting in the car. It was a nice pleasant day, warm enough to enjoy without being cold, or too hot. Didn't see anyone I knew like usual, but then it is Mother's Day week-end and that could mean they were out of town. So that takes care of the flea for another month. See Ya! Antique Rose
Friday, May 8, 2009
Birthday/Mother Day Greetings
My Mother's Day began yesterday when I received some greeting cards in the mail, and a package too!! How exciting, cards for birthday and some for Mother's Day. It means a lot when my "chicks" remember me. Cards with pictures are especially nice, and if you know me, you know that I cherish pictures!!! You can never have too many of them, especially of those far away that you don't see every day or week. The package contained a beautiful card, as well as an album of pictures of the grandson and great grandson :-), with beautiful written notes by the granddaughter. Then today, another surprise, 2 dozen long stem roses, in different colors from my grandson in North Carolina. They are very beautiful. So thoughtful of him!! And another card with pictures of my great granddaughters!!!!!!! And the week-end is coming up with dinner at my daughters!!!! Since I know she is especially busy this time of the year, well who are we kidding, she is always busy, it means a lot to me that she takes the time to have me over for dinner. I am glad summer is coming, and it will give her a break from the hectic schedule that she has all through the school year!!!!!!!! My husband gave me a beautiful ring, an emerald that is surrounded by tiny diamonds set in a 14 karat gold setting. I was surprised, as I thought I had seen the last of "new" rings!!! What a guy!!!! I didn't go to the senior center for the May birthday celebration, as I was helping the husband fix a board to go over a table to support my latest buy at the local Discovery shop. A really nice floor shelf. I have seen them for more, and I now have it in the living room and it is full, finally got some of those treasures from the "storage" room!!! Yea!!!!!!! I will have to be more selective in the future, as I am running out of space for sure!!!!!!!! Yea, I know I always say that, and I fully intend to abide, oh, did I say there's a flea tomorrow, wonder what I will find!!!! It is the hunt that is exciting and getting that treasure for pennies. I can't help it, I am addicted to fleas, and estate sales, they are so much fun!!!! Ta Ta Antique Rose
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Yesterday I visited my "baby" sister. She recently had major surgery. She wasn't feeling that great last week, but when I saw her this time, she had good color, and was moving around better! That made my day, as I had been a bit worried. I guess I am and always will be a worry wart, but just can't seem to change, although I try!!! Anyway, I came home with a lighter heart. :-) Felt great the rest of the day. Little things always seem to be the best!!! A smile for a stranger, a hug for someone you love, a note from someone who hasn't been heard from in a while, all those things make my day!! Today, got several cards wishing me a happy birthday, and some for a happy mother's day, so it was a good mail day too. :-) Nice to hear from all my "chicks"!!! Just hope the great grandson is feeling much better, he has strep and pneumonia!! What a combo!!! Poor little thing. Wish I could hold him and make him feel better. Perhaps the letter I sent will cheer him. I love writing to him, and getting that phone call from him saying he loves me. :-) Can't buy those things in a store!!!! Take care, Antique Rose
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I'm back!!!!!!!!! My computer was down for 6 days and also my phone!! I felt like I was on an island far, far away from everyone!!!!!! I was beginning to get really mean!!! sorta like the old saying, "I want my maypo", instead, it was "I want my computer"!!! Can't hear from my sweetie pies in other states, when it is down!:-( Now I am happy again!! I guess if you don't use a computer or stay in touch with your grands, you wouldn't understand, but those who do, would! Anyway, hopefully it will be okay and won't happen again.
With the rain that we recently received, my flowers are growing by leaps and bounds!! One Dahlia has bloomed, and is a very pretty white one. Orchids are out, along with the climbing roses. The roses are a lovely pink, and they also smell good. The orchids are yellow, and lavender/pink in color. Of course the wind did some of them(roses) in and now the ground is covered in petals. My tomato plants are also growing. I will have some red and yellow pear tomatoes like last year, and a new type called Oregon girl sounded rather nice, so planted one of those. I guess it will do well, if not next year, will stick with the cherry or pear again.
I will go see my sister again tomorrow, hopefully she will be feeling better than last time. :-)
I found out yesterday that my great grandson has pneumonia. I sure hope that he is going to be okay, now that he has medication. The doctor thought it was only a virus, but had an ex-ray and found out it was the other. Good thing the mommy insisted on that!!!! Doctors do not always no everything. Well, I will write more tomorrow. after I see my sis. Ta Ta Antique Rose
With the rain that we recently received, my flowers are growing by leaps and bounds!! One Dahlia has bloomed, and is a very pretty white one. Orchids are out, along with the climbing roses. The roses are a lovely pink, and they also smell good. The orchids are yellow, and lavender/pink in color. Of course the wind did some of them(roses) in and now the ground is covered in petals. My tomato plants are also growing. I will have some red and yellow pear tomatoes like last year, and a new type called Oregon girl sounded rather nice, so planted one of those. I guess it will do well, if not next year, will stick with the cherry or pear again.
I will go see my sister again tomorrow, hopefully she will be feeling better than last time. :-)
I found out yesterday that my great grandson has pneumonia. I sure hope that he is going to be okay, now that he has medication. The doctor thought it was only a virus, but had an ex-ray and found out it was the other. Good thing the mommy insisted on that!!!! Doctors do not always no everything. Well, I will write more tomorrow. after I see my sis. Ta Ta Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.