Well, another Monday come and gone, but with some fun before it was. I had a day with yet another granddaughter. She came to the center with me, and said she had fun talking with the ladies there. We first walked around the lake. She kept up with me!! I was rather surprised as last summer she didn't want to walk. We finished, had a refreshing drink, and then she watched and talked while I did my volunteering. After being there til almost 10:00, we left for home. Had a pit stop, and then hit the local thrifts. She had fun looking, and found a pair of jeans, and on to the next one where we found a couple of tops. She had fun looking as well as me. I found a neat belt, and also some "rose" curtains(all cotton) to make a purse out of. I have been looking for some time for just the right material to do this. So I was lucky to find what I wanted. Know one will know that it was from a curtain. Ho Ho. Well, the ones who read this will! :-) Anyway, we went to Mc D's for lunch and then home. Grandpa was home by that time from his golf game. He measured her, and she had grown almost another inch!!! She is now 5' 2'' and and 1/8 inches. That was in two months!!! Not yet eleven either!! Guess I will have a tall one here!!
Dad came soon there after and she was off to the swimming pool. Will see her again tomorrow. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Oh, she had checked out the new Aqua Adventure at the Park, and pronounced it "fun". So guess the other granddaughters will have to check it out. It certainly was hot enough to enjoy the water!
Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Monday, June 29, 2009
Hot Weather is here.
Seems like the week was very busy, and the weather was hot! Had some Estate sales to go to, and family events as well.
The estate sale was pretty good, got a few things such as table cloth, small embroidered table cloth, and some really neat tea towels with embroidery as well. Usually not full sets, and not the really nice price either. I also found some old annuals from the high school that I attended. These were from the 1930's and had pictures of my in-laws in them. Rather neat. Even my husband had not seen the senior picture of his Dad. I will try to in large them and give the kids copies. You never know what you will find on these expeditions! It is always fun, if not a cheap way to spend an afternoon. :-)
Next, a fun day at my daughters. My granddaughter was having a dance recital. It was a hot day there, a lovely 109 degree's!! Now that is what I call hot. Of course we didn't have to be out in it long, just long enough to get out of car and walk to the Theater. It was really nice inside, and the show very cute/pretty. Of course our granddaughter was the best, and prettiest. What did you think I would say!! Grandma's can be that way!! And besides it is true, I have the prettiest granddaughters that you could ask for. It is always a treat to be with them, and of course always a surprise or two awaits to happen. We also had a fun dinner with them. Only the star was missing, she had to be at a Matinee for dance. We saw the evening show. A birthday for another granddaughter is coming up in July. Stay tunned. I am sure it will be a great time then too. Got to get a letter written, so until next time. Antique Rose
The estate sale was pretty good, got a few things such as table cloth, small embroidered table cloth, and some really neat tea towels with embroidery as well. Usually not full sets, and not the really nice price either. I also found some old annuals from the high school that I attended. These were from the 1930's and had pictures of my in-laws in them. Rather neat. Even my husband had not seen the senior picture of his Dad. I will try to in large them and give the kids copies. You never know what you will find on these expeditions! It is always fun, if not a cheap way to spend an afternoon. :-)
Next, a fun day at my daughters. My granddaughter was having a dance recital. It was a hot day there, a lovely 109 degree's!! Now that is what I call hot. Of course we didn't have to be out in it long, just long enough to get out of car and walk to the Theater. It was really nice inside, and the show very cute/pretty. Of course our granddaughter was the best, and prettiest. What did you think I would say!! Grandma's can be that way!! And besides it is true, I have the prettiest granddaughters that you could ask for. It is always a treat to be with them, and of course always a surprise or two awaits to happen. We also had a fun dinner with them. Only the star was missing, she had to be at a Matinee for dance. We saw the evening show. A birthday for another granddaughter is coming up in July. Stay tunned. I am sure it will be a great time then too. Got to get a letter written, so until next time. Antique Rose
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
This week~~~~~~~~~~~
This week so far has felt a bit more like summer. I didn't have to layer so much when walking early in the morning at the lake. The mother ducks were out with their ducklings, and there was a feeling of hope that things were looking a bit better in the world. I heard that my brother was looking for a house in Tracy. That was a bit of a shock, will have to go see him and find out the details. I hope he is not moving his shop as well. I would miss seeing him fairly often. I will have lunch with my sis tomorrow. She is feeling a bit weak with having Chemo recently. Not a fun thing to endure. She also shaved her head, not wanting to wait until her hair fell out. That does take a a bit of courage. I will be glad to see her. Hopefully she will be over this trial and be up to her old self in the fall when the treatments are over!! It makes me sad to see her have to go through this mess. She is my baby sis and it is never easy to see people you love dearly, suffer. My thoughts are with her, and hope she knows I love her, and pray that she is okay. We don't get together often enough, she still is working, and I am retired, which makes it that way. Life can be a real bitch at times, I guess for most people at any given time. I have another letter to send off tomorrow for my great grandson. I would love to see him, but Florida is a bit out of the way to go too often, and I dread a long flight that I would have to take to see him. Perhaps sometime next year before he starts school. We'll see. In the meantime, I will just have to be happy with a call once in a while and letters. He likes getting mail. I guess most of us do. I think most of us get used to sending emails, and forget that letters can be read over and over when you want that hello from a long distance. I miss letters that I used to get from my Mom and also my Aunt. I wished I had saved them all. But when you are young, you really don''t think of things like that, or don't have the room, or what ever reason. Hindsight is great, isn't it. Well, until next time. Be happy, and smile. Antique Rose
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Summer will be here soon.
When I saw these pictures of melons, it made my mouth water! I love eating a piece of sweet, red, watermelon. The kind that makes juice run down your chin. Oh, yum! I was born in Oklahoma and they have great melons, red and yellow. Yellow ones are even sweeter than the red, but harder to find. My Dad used to bring one home if I were visiting as he knew I loved them. I miss that moment in time. I try to find yellow ones here in Calif, but am not always successful. I will settle for the red however. My hubby likes them cold. I like them any old way. Can't be a more refreshing fruit in the good old summer time. With that thought, I will be on the look out for them. These days they are smaller, even personal size no seed ones, which will do in a pinch, but I mean to look for those larger ones, that even though they have seeds taste better. Well will leave you now, hope I made you want some watermelon too. Chow! Antique Rose
Monday, June 8, 2009
Niles wanderings.
Yesterday I met my Daughter and Granddaughters in Niles. They were having Charlie Chaplin days. We had a fun day of shopping and seeing the museum with the books, etc about Charlie. We might even see the movies next time, but there were lots of people in a very small area, and we didn't want to wait. We looked in several shops however and enjoyed ourselves!! I also took pictures of the granddaughters with the "Charlie Chaplin" look alike. Quite the character. It was fun to just look and talk, and later we went back to my house and got ready for dinner in San Jose at the Spaghetti Factory. Always a fun place to eat, and the girls liked it too, which made it even more fun!!!!!! We came back home and visited until they had to leave. The older granddaughter had an art class that started today, so had to prepare for that. The others probably got to sleep in. Not me, I was up at 5 am and out the door at 6:30 to go for my walk at the lake. Saw lots of ducklings this morning. I had my trusty camera ready, and got a few nice pictures of them and also the Canada Geese for my great grandson's letter I will get off soon. He likes the pictures and I like taking them. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Yesterday and today my husband and I painted the hallway in our house. What a job, messy, and tiring. I had paint all over my hands and clothes, I looked like I had been playing that paint ball game. We laughed about that. It looks so much brighter and better than before. The paint these days doesn't smell like the older ones did, so that helped a lot. I will have to decide now on how or where to put the plates(rose) and a few pictures. I have plenty, but need to decide where they will look best and how I want to arrange them. That is a hard job too. I don't want to put them up. then change them and have holes all over. Sorta defeats the paint job, so now I have those things to decide. Will wait a week, as tomorrow I am going to the Charlie Chaplin days in Niles. My daughter and family will meet me there, as well as my son and his daughter. Should be fun. Will take my camera for those candid shots, to put on the i photo page. Always room for more pictures, right? I will post all the adventures of tomorrow on Sunday night or Monday. Stay tuned for that. Ta Ta Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.