Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Cooler weather.
Woke up to a cool morning, with just a few sprinkles that let me know that the weather is now like fall should be. I took an umbrella, but didn't need it. It was a nice crisp morning to walk. The leaves are turning and the mornings are darker when we walk. Might have to go a bit later if that continues. My walking partner is having a knee problem, so we have slowed a bit when we walk. Had for me as I usually walk at a faster clip!! :-) I don't want to lose her though, so will slow down for her to get better. I put on a nice stew to slow cook for the rest of the day, smells so good in the house. That is one thing I miss when it is too hot to cook!! Smells of stews, beans, etc and the baking. I want to start that soon too. I can't always eat everything I cook or bake, but I like to at least enjoy the fragrance! Nothing like a pie, cake or bread to make the whole house smell wonderful. So not only the land scrape changes, but the smells as well. Autumn has never been my favorite time of year, but it is growing on me. I like the colors, so bright, pumpkins, leaves, and even those rainy dark days. I have always dreaded the rainy days, but now even enjoy those. I guess it pays to change with the seasons, since we don't have a choice. :-) Antique Rose
Monday, September 28, 2009
Well, just got news that our friend came through surgery and there is a good outlook for recovery!! We had prepared for the worse. Now looks like he will be okay with lots of care. We are keeping our fingers crossed and our prayers going. :-) On to the next, our great grandson, is home recovering from surgery as well. A bit of nail biting, but everything is now okay. Yea!!! I feel relieved and thankful for that too. The week will be so much more relaxing now!!! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I am sure they helped. Just knowing that so many care is really great.
Made a pot of homemade soup, just the thing for an overcast day we are having, There is a fall feeling this week. Crispier mornings as we walk the lake and soon the rainy season will be here. I am ready for this. I tire of the hot days. I am sure in a few weeks, I will be saying just the opposite. :-) Well that is just the way us humans are. Never quite satisfied with what the weather is any given day. I am thankful for all today, could have turned out so differently. Antique Rose
Made a pot of homemade soup, just the thing for an overcast day we are having, There is a fall feeling this week. Crispier mornings as we walk the lake and soon the rainy season will be here. I am ready for this. I tire of the hot days. I am sure in a few weeks, I will be saying just the opposite. :-) Well that is just the way us humans are. Never quite satisfied with what the weather is any given day. I am thankful for all today, could have turned out so differently. Antique Rose
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A Lazy Week-end.
I was ready for the week-end, it was a rather rough week. Sick grand children, money woes, etc. I was in a blah state of mind all week. Didn't sleep well, just was not myself. As the week came to an end, it got some what better(thank goodness), and hopefully I will have a better one coming up. Not only grands have been sick, but a dear friend is in the hospital, not doing well at all. It's really is sad to see friends sick, and not much that you can do, but be there for them. Some days are better than others. I am not sure he will recover, and that is hard to take too. He is a great guy and very active with lecturing, writing, etc. He taught with my husband for years. It used to be showers, weddings, etc, now is visiting the sick and funerals. I do appreciate the fact that I can still get out and walk, and do most things that I have always done. I think perhaps we forget how lucky we are until we see a friend that can't even get out of bed much less do as they always have done. I will be thankful for each day as they come. :-) I will not be grumpy if I have an ache, as at least I can feel it. I did hear from my sister who just had surgery. No cancer in the lymph nodes, and that is very good news. She is waiting to hear if that is all and she won't have any chemo. That is great!!!!! I am going to enjoy the week-end. Hope you have a great one too. Antique Rose
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Need some Guardian angels for my sweeties.
Well, the fall didn't start off too good. My great granddaughters are sick as well as one of the great grandsons!!!! I just hate it when children, especially small ones are sick, you feel so helpless! My youngest had such a high fever today, she had a seizure. I am praying that she is better soon, she will be at doctors tomorrow. My great grandson has had so many spells of strep throat that he has to have his tonsils out this month, that is if his present bout with it is over by the time he is scheduled for surgery!!! Makes my heart sad, as I am not close enough to give a hand for the mommies to get some rest!!! Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers!! I hope to hear that they are better, soon. It is still not the season for really cold weather, so I am glad of that. You would think by now, I would not be such a worry wart, but you never get past worrying about your children whether they are two or fifty two. Antique Rose
Monday, September 21, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
End of the week happenings.
Another busy week filled with walking, visiting old friends, and waiting. My sister had cancer surgery on Thursday, finally heard from her on Friday. She was fine, had just got home after a long day. She said everything went well, and they wouldn't know all the results for a couple of weeks. Why, it takes so long to find out the results, is something that should be changed!! The tension, stress of the unknown is hard on a person!!! Especially the one that has had the surgery. They can put men on the moon, make all kinds of gadgets, etc, etc but you still have to wait forever to get results!!! I am glad that everything went well, and she came home to recoup. That makes all three sisters that have had similar surgeries. Seems like cancer is everywhere, and affects all areas!! My little great grandson has strep, and was to have his tonsils removed this coming week, does that mean he has to postpone surgery? I haven't heard yet. Poor thing sure has had his share of being sick. On the good news side, my granddaughter and family like his new post in Okinawa!! Thank goodness, she had been stressed over moving so far away!! Everyone else seems to be fine, so I have lots to be thankful for. Antique Rose
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
After my morning walk at the lake, and volunteering at the senior center, I cam home with the hopes of doing some gardening. I began, I had ninety daffodil bulbs to plant!!! I wasn't sure if I could get them all planted in one day, but I surely was going to try!!! The soil was hard, I first turned it over with a shovel, then raked, then dug with a trowel. I then began my planting. The first thirty were not bad, then on to the second thirty, it got a bit harder, my hands were beginning to feel rather stiff, but I carried on. The last thirty was the hardest, but I was successful in my endeavor !!!!!!!! Oh, yes, forgot that I had some "naked ladies" to plant also. A friend at the senior center had dug up some for me, from his yard, and they needed to be planted right away, so I also planted those. Doing yard work is like therapy for me, and I enjoy it, even if I do get sore and stiff from doing so!! I feel I have accomplished something, and I know that in the spring I will reap the rewards with lots of wonderful yellow and pink blossoms from my hard work!!! Stay tuned for pictures in the spring. :-) Another thing I like, taking pictures of my flowers as they come into season and bloom. I feel now that I am ready for the fall/winter season in the garden department. Weeds will have to be pulled and some more trimming on the plants that are now winding down, but I have a handle on things, and it won't take long to do those things. Until next time. Antique Rose
Monday, September 14, 2009
First rain of the season.
We had our first rain last evening and into last night. Had said it would only be a shower, but no it came down quite hard for a period of time. Very nice, and the air was fresh and crisp for our walk around the lake this morning. We also had lots of bread to give away at the center, unlike last week when there was very little. The people was quite pleased to get four plus loaves. I don't know what they do with it all. I can hardly use a loaf in a week. But perhaps they have large families or give to neighbors. It was nice to say, take more if you like. Also got a lot of stuff taken by the local charity truck, after they forgot our street last week. Glad that I had the stuff covered, with the rain we got!!! I also got a package off to the great grandson, So I had a very productive morning. Even got my ingredients for my dinner for tomorrow as it is Tuesday and my son and granddaughter are here for dinner. Some days just go the way you want. :-) My friend at the center also brought me some lovely red tomatoes from his garden. They are yummy!! Nothing like home grown tomatoes. They are great to just eat, or put in a lovely salad. I can remember eating them by the apron full at my Mom's garden. All you needed was a shaker of salt and that was heaven!!! I do miss them and their wonderful garden, those green beans, okra, corn, etc were just yummy. I bet they are in charge of the heavenly garden spot. Makes me smile just to think of them doing so. Well, on second thought, my Dad is probably off leading a few new people around the area. He loved to go and he didn't stay in any one spot long. Well, I'll leave you with that picture!! Antique Rose
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
New week!! Starting my fall decorating.
This week has been busy and it will be over soon. I did accomplish some things, however. I always dread the thought of putting all the one seasons stuff away, and getting out the next, but when I actually start, it is not bad. I have the pumpkins and fall decorations out and ready to put on the shelves. Getting everything dusted, and put in their boxes is a all day affair but that is what comes with having so many knick/knacks!! I have not collected anything new for a while, really don't need anything else, but I know that I probably will find some even though I shouldn't!! There's always something new to look at. Ah well it is fun to hunt and look even though I don't buy. Life would be on the dull side if not for "wishes" or the thrill of a hunt. I hope never to grow up and not be able to "play". That keeps you young!!! I did have another successful Antique club meeting, and all the hostesses were great. Lots of food, and a good speaker on Halloween, and her collectibles. Quite interesting and her collectibles, charming! She is having a Christmas tea, early in December that will be lots of fun, most of the club is going. A thing to look forward too. Even though I am not ready for that season as yet. :-) Our next adventure is a trip to a local town, which will be all decorated for the fall/Halloween season. Still have seats on the bus to fill, want to come?? Well, my sister is having surgery next week. I will keep her in my prayers and thoughts, and hope all comes out for the best! I just hope that this is the last surgery for our family, there has been too many!!!
Oh yes, the local flea is this weekend too. Like I said, it is the hunt that is fun, seeing people I know, etc. So ta ta for this time. Antique Rose
Oh yes, the local flea is this weekend too. Like I said, it is the hunt that is fun, seeing people I know, etc. So ta ta for this time. Antique Rose
Monday, September 7, 2009
Another Wonderful Day
Another lovely afternoon was spent with my daughter and granddaughters. It always goes by so quickly!! She liked the plates and cups I brought her and I got to see new pictures, and of course got to bring some home of the granddaughters. They're getting older, much too fast!! Of course they are beautiful!!! The girls and I played the game of "Life" which was fun. Helped with the last bit of dinner preparations and and then shared a wonderful dinner of "ribs" and salad, plus other things. My daughter is an excellent cook!! Yum, everything tasted quite yummy!!! She made this really yummy dip that was called "Georgia Caviar" made with black-eyed peas, and other ingredients. It was soooooo yummy!! Brought the recipe home to make myself. :-) I think it could be used as a salad also. Quite addicting!!!! My oldest granddaughter took an art class over the summer, and she showed me her art that she had done at that time, quite good!! I hope she goes to an art school after high school and expands her talent. She gave me my choice of some of her work. I intend to get it framed and put on my walls here. I am amazed at what she does. I hope that she knows she is good, and pursues her dream. I only wish I was half as good at drawing things!! My son does great art work too. I wondeer where they get their talent, it seems to have skipped me!! Drat!!!!!!! With all the hard classes to prepare for college they seem to have little time to do artful things, hopefully they will not suck all that creativity from them while preparing them for life!!!!!!!!! I know that my grandson stopped drawing at an early age, as he said that they only wanted everyone to do the same way in everything, nothing different and he quit doing his art work!!!!!! Which made me very sad. He is now doing more in his twenties. Yea!!!! Back to my day. A nice one that I can tuck into my memories to savor yet another time in the future. Antique Rose
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Dad
Today is my Dad's birthday, had he lived he would be 97 years today. He lived a full 93 as it was, but I miss him and wish that he was still around. :-) No matter how old they are when they leave us, it still is sad!! I was close to my Dad, and miss him a lot. I am sure he is looking down and smiling, and is very busy traveling those unknown roads in heaven!! He had a restless foot and kept us moving around most of our lives, up until I married, and I haven't moved much since! ha
It is a month full of birthdays, and school beginning for another year. Last evening my son and his girlfriend took us out to a nice Japanese restaurant and a pleasant hour or so of visiting. It was fun, and nice of them to do this. Yesterday morning, my niece brought a creamer that my sister, her Mom, had sent to me a while back. She had put it away, and forgot about it. Thanks sis, it was one I did not have!! Then later she brought me some yummy ripe, red, tomatoes from her garden, oh did they taste yummy this morning on toast. :-) She also brought an album of old pictures from my Mom and Dad's early years, and I spent time up to midnight scanning them on to my iphotos. Such a treasure. I love the old pictures of my relatives. Don't you?? I had not seen some of them, and some not for years. I had looked for this particular one for a long time, and no one seemed to know what I was talking about, or had not seen it, or didn't have it, etc, etc !! Now I have a copy and I can make copies for my children. Yea!!!!!! So happy about that. Well, on to another jaunt this afternoon. Will write about that tonight. Ta Ta Antique Rose
It is a month full of birthdays, and school beginning for another year. Last evening my son and his girlfriend took us out to a nice Japanese restaurant and a pleasant hour or so of visiting. It was fun, and nice of them to do this. Yesterday morning, my niece brought a creamer that my sister, her Mom, had sent to me a while back. She had put it away, and forgot about it. Thanks sis, it was one I did not have!! Then later she brought me some yummy ripe, red, tomatoes from her garden, oh did they taste yummy this morning on toast. :-) She also brought an album of old pictures from my Mom and Dad's early years, and I spent time up to midnight scanning them on to my iphotos. Such a treasure. I love the old pictures of my relatives. Don't you?? I had not seen some of them, and some not for years. I had looked for this particular one for a long time, and no one seemed to know what I was talking about, or had not seen it, or didn't have it, etc, etc !! Now I have a copy and I can make copies for my children. Yea!!!!!! So happy about that. Well, on to another jaunt this afternoon. Will write about that tonight. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Thursday, September 3, 2009
First week in September
My, my, the week has gone by quickly. Am I the only one that seems to think this? Monday came and now it is Thursday, and the long weekend is almost here. This Saturday we will go to dinner with the son, and then on Sunday a day at my daughters. Usually we don't go out on the holiday weekends, just because the traffic is so bad, but we will make an exception this time. We are also invited to my brother's on Monday if we wish to come. They recently moved to a new home. It would be fun to see them all, so we might go. The center will be closed on Monday, so that won't be a problem. My walking partner says she is taking a day off, so guess I will too. Today is my baby sister's birthday. And what is she doing, sitting at the hospital, getting her last treatment of chemo!!! I am sure she is happy as can be with that!!!! Being the last treatment I mean. No one is happy about getting the treatment itself. Makes you weak and nauseous!!! Happy birthday, sis!!!!
My great grandson has strep!! Poor little guy, and they are going to set up a date for his tonsils to be removed. They think that will help him!! He just started his kindergarten year, so hopefully they are right, and he can be healthier with that being done. You always feel so helpless when the young are sick!!! He has had his share of strep, seven times this year!!!! Hey that doesn't seem fair now does it!!!! I remember those days when every tooth meant a ear infection, or something!! That part I do not miss, but I do miss those wonderful sweet things, I just love babies, and kids in general. They do the darnest things, and cutest things too. Wish I were a bit closer to the grands and great grands for those wonderful hugs and kisses!!!!! :-)Antique Rose
My great grandson has strep!! Poor little guy, and they are going to set up a date for his tonsils to be removed. They think that will help him!! He just started his kindergarten year, so hopefully they are right, and he can be healthier with that being done. You always feel so helpless when the young are sick!!! He has had his share of strep, seven times this year!!!! Hey that doesn't seem fair now does it!!!! I remember those days when every tooth meant a ear infection, or something!! That part I do not miss, but I do miss those wonderful sweet things, I just love babies, and kids in general. They do the darnest things, and cutest things too. Wish I were a bit closer to the grands and great grands for those wonderful hugs and kisses!!!!! :-)Antique Rose
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.