Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday once again, so quickly time is passing!! I had a busy week. My walking partner was not here today, so I went alone. It was quite pleasant, and I enjoyed the quiet walk and took my camera with me in case there was anything worth capturing. Although I enjoy the company and usual talk we have each day, I truly enjoyed my time alone. The morning sun was just peaking over our local mission peak, and there was a pink cast to the sky. The ducks and geese taking their morning baths was neat too, as it was not quite light, but not complete darkness either. I finished up my 2.2 miles rather quickly. My mind was not on the walk, but other things that I could mull over while the quiet morning was mine. I picked up painting that was given to me by an artist that visited our senior center, it was not framed, and I took it to a local frame shop where they stretched and framed it. It came out just beautiful. I will bring it to the center next week to show him, and thank him once again. Got a letter off to my great grandson, and a card to my grandson for his birthday on Monday. The little guy called me to say he got it today, and he was very happy with it. It was nice hearing his voice saying "I love you". You never tire of hearing from all your "chicks". Our friend is improving too, so the week was a nice one!! My daughter will come on Sunday, so the week will end quite nicely too. Antique Rose
Monday, October 26, 2009
My Punkin, among the pumpkins. :-)
Wow!! I was looking at old albums today, came across this picture of my first grand baby. He is turning 30 on the second of November. Where has the time gone!!?? Babies are so neat, but they just get older, too fast!! I now have nine grands, and four great grands. They are all precious!!!! But of course there is only one"first" for that short while, and of course a special spot in your heart. :-)Now he has a special punkin of his own, who just turned five. What fun he is going to have with him this Halloween. Antique Rose
Saturday, October 24, 2009
End of week .
Well, another week has come and gone. Although there wasn't anything too exciting happening, there was a few things that came about. My friend and partner in walking has come up with a very sore knee(doctor says it is arthritis), and so I had to go it alone on Thursday and Friday. Not only that her daughter is due for surgery, and her step daughter is in the hospital with an ailment that they can't determine. She was pretty stressed out about all this, as any Mother would be. Her husband is going to have surgery for knee replacement in December, when it rains it pours!! Back to my own, granddaughters have been sick this past week, one with the flu, the other bronchitis.The flu couldn't be treated with antibiotics, but the other could, both are on the mend. Just hope that they don't get behind with studies, as they are both in college prep classes with lots of homework. I think teachers give too much busy work!!! When holidays come, they are always swamped with it, takes away from the family time!!!! Then Friday, there was an estate sale going on. I got a couple of things, but the best was an old frame. I like them for old family pictures that I have. :-) Today we went to our usual route to the valley to do the yard work for my hubby's Mom and Sister. Had a nice visit and lunch, then back home. I was hoping to catch up on some work around the house, but while gone, got a call from an out of town friend who wants to get together tomorrow for dinner. A sad time for him, as his son just passed away!!! It will be good to see them, but sad too. Tonight it is off to my Son's house for dinner. M-m-m- wonder what good dish he decided on, guess I will know that later!!! Antique Rose
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Life in the Pink House
Well, I had a busy week-end. Went to my daughters house for my granddaughters birthday celebration. Had fun visiting with them, and going to a Japanese Restaurant. She turned 17 last week. Ah, they grow up much too fast!! My daughter made a lovely Pineapple Upside Down cake, at her request as her birthday cake. It was quite yummy!! My son and his gal were there as well. On Sunday we had a surprise rain, and that was nice. After having quite a rain storm just a week ago. I am hopeful that means we are in the rainy season and perhaps the drought is over!!! I am not a rain person, but we sure need it!! My yard looks much better since it did rain. Even the tomatoes, which I thought had come to an end, have new blossoms!! Had the son over for dinner tonight, as usual on Tuesday. No granddaughter though, she is away at Science camp. Good visit non the less. A funny thing happened today, at the senior center, an artist(who I had talked to the previous week) came and he had two paintings to show us. He had told me a couple of weeks ago that he wanted to do a painting and hang in at the center. I had told him that would be very nice, and I thought that the center would appreciate. Well, after showing us the paintings, I commented on one of them, and jokingly stated that he could give it to me, that I loved it. He paused a moment, then said, it is yours!!!!! What a surprise thing to happen, I was very happy to say the least to be chosen. He signed and dated it, and I took it to be framed. I think it is going to be quite lovely on my wall.:-) The were quite impressed at the frame shop. Oh, another note, a estate sale is coming up on Friday, yea, I am looking forward to it, as there were none in September. Perhaps I will find yet another treasure or two, then there is a Christmas Open House at a local Antique/collectible store here. Oh, why do they all come at once!!! I love this time of the year with all the holiday boutiques, etc. Don't you?!! Antique Rose
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Antique Club Trip.
Yesterday was our second annual trip of the antique club. We had a full bus signed up, but then a rain storm came in, and only eight people showed up. I guess we could have postponed the trip, as it was very rainy, windy, and not the most pleasant weather, but we didn't!! The eight of us went on the trip to one of our favorite places and enjoyed it anyway. We had to have our trusty umbrellas with us at all times, as the rain did not let up at any point!! We went on our way, looked in the various shops, bought a few things, or at least I did!! Then we had a nice lunch and looked some more. I got a really neat book of poetry for my granddaughter who, is 17 today!! She writes poetry and likes the old poetry books. I also found a creamer with roses, Victorian I think, and also a beautiful rose plate. The plate will go to my daughter. All in all a good trip. I wish that it would have been sunny, so we could have walked without carrying an umbrella, but we needed the rain badly, as we've had a couple of drought years, so won't complain at all. :-) You make what you can of what you have, and if you can manage that, you can be happy!!! I got up early as usual to walk, but walking partner's knee was bothering her, so walked alone after the volunteering was done. I got some nice pictures around the lake and ducks, so was happy, and felt better for having walked. Antique Rose
Monday, October 12, 2009
"Calls" they are so sweet.
I have a five year old great grandson. He is getting over tonsil surgery, and he had some complications with it, so he is just now getting back to normal. He called me tonight, to thank me and to say that he liked the package I had sent to him last week. The movie "Where The Wild Things Are" is coming out soon, and I sent the book plus the little boy who is in the book to him. I also write to him and put other books, etc in the package. He was very excited and he liked them all. It makes your day when you hear their little voices, doesn't it? It does mine!!! Antique Rose
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Perfect Sunday.
I was up at 5 AM and having breakfast with Hubby before meeting my daughter and granddaughters. We met at an Antique Faire in a local town. It was packed with people and lots of really neat stuff to go through. My daughter found table clothes and Christmas decorations, and perhaps a few other things, I was busy walking and talking with the grands and finding things for myself. I also found some old pictures, and of course the grands like looking through those, and they picked out a few they wanted. My middle grand loves old cameras and and she found a booth with lots of those, and bought two!!! She was so excited. They each found a few things they liked, and then it was on to lunch. Hubby/Pa treated us to that at the local Mc D's. After that it was on to another local town and another antique place they all like to see. I found some really neat old cards, and will post those eventually. All lin all a very nice day with my loves. Nice to get those hugs and hear their laughter. :-) Driving home, the roads were packed, and slow!! It took almost an hour to drive perhaps 10 miles. There is some road work on the road back(I could have taken another road had I thought about it, but I did make it home before my husband got too nervous. :-) Too bad the local football team didn't win, but hey can't have everything going your way!!! Antique Rose
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Flea Market
Had a fun day looking through two different flea's. One an annual one at a local Mobil Park. got a couple of scarves and a bedspread and then a couple of cups without their saucers. They were made in England and had beautiful roses on them, so I wanted them, saucers or not. The spread will go to my daughter. She doesn't always get out and about and find the bargains that I do!! Then on to the flea market that comes every month on the second Saturday. It was larger this time, but I was more selective than usual. Although I saw some things I might like, I didn't buy, as I am trying not to get anymore things until I get some of the stuff put away, or rid of that I don't really like anymore. My tastes have changed over the years, and guess that it is changing once more. I did find a couple of books however. They were old, and one had neat poems and pictures of the early 1900's in it. The other one, a collectible by John Steinbeck. A issue of 1938. A good year! :-) Oh, forgot one thing! Duh!! A beautiful medium sized mirror that was framed by shells, my weakness!! Very pretty, and put to use right away. So all in all nice hunting expedition! We came home for lunch, and then went to see our friend in the convalescent home. He was in good spirits and even had a few funny stories. It was nice to see him smiling again, and his color better. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Midweek Happenings
Well, I got my flu shot this past Monday, and felt good about that. The weather is getting cooler and colds will abound soon. It has been a bit nippy on our morning walks. I also got an appointment for a mammogram and got that over with. Everything clear, at least according to the technician who preformed it. So that is two down, also tried to get an appointment to have some spots on my hands checked, as well as my annual mole check. Seems my doctor has gone back to school to become a surgeon!! Now have to try a new doctor of dermatology. I liked the other, but no choice here, so got on her list. Filled up and probably won't get in for six weeks. Unless there is a canceled appointment. :-( Oh, well six weeks will past very quickly! Time seems to be flying at my age! We also went to see our friend who is recovering from cancer surgery. He was happy to see us, and was much better than last time we saw him. Hopefully things are looking up, and he will gain strength back to walk again. Well, that is it until the weekend, which is going to be a busy one, more on that later. Antique Rose
Monday, October 5, 2009
Good News
Good news, our friend who had recent cancer surgery is on the mend. The cancer was confined to his bladder and had not spread any further, so now he can recoup and get well. We are so happy for him and his family. Hope to go see him in a couple of days. Today was the first time he had solid food. A good sign that he is feeling better, and probably out of ICU. Also the little great grand son is beginning to eat once again after having his tonsils removed. He had been quite sick, and wasn't wanting any food. Not even the ice cream, etc that he could have had. Hopefully he will now be on the mend also. A cooler Monday, it got down in the 40's last night. Our walk was a crisp one!!! My walking partner, was told by the doctor that she has arthritis in her knee and that is why she has been having some pain, and swelling . So she is checking out herbal remedies. Before she does anything else with medications. The usual at the senior center. Plenty of bread to give out. I made my mammogram appointment, and was surprised to have gotten it this week. I thought I would have to wait for a few weeks. My Dermatologist doctor is back to school to become a surgeon, so now I will have to check out a new one! Poo!!
This will be the third one in two years!! Oh, well the moles have to be checked, plus some places on my hands that need to be looked at. All in all a nice day all around. Hope everyone else had a great day too. Antique Rose
This will be the third one in two years!! Oh, well the moles have to be checked, plus some places on my hands that need to be looked at. All in all a nice day all around. Hope everyone else had a great day too. Antique Rose
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Weekend Happenings.
This was our weekend to go to the valley, ho, ho, ho!! My husband takes care of his Mom's yard work, and we visit and have a nice lunch. My sister in law, always has lunch for us, or takes us to lunch as she appreciates our help. She lives with hubby's Mom. As it turned out the other sister was there too, so we had a nice visit with all. The three gals went to Home Goods, one of our favorite stores, and looked to our hearts content. I found a nice pumpkin(not real), but with a nice turkey carved on it, will look good on the dinning table for decoration for Halloween as well as Thanksgiving. Also Kohl's is nearby and I found some undies there as well. Nice!!! Came back, and had a nice salad/sandwich lunch and some more visiting while the guys watched some football. Our favorite teams won this weekend which made it even nicer. Stopped by Mc D's for a cuppa coffee and a nice apple pie. All in all a nice day. Today, got my haircut, and it looks and feels much better. Probably will be a bit cool tomorrow morning, as it will get down in the 40's tonight, but I will do okay, just add an extra layer of clothing for our morning walk at the lake. It was a nice lazy day, didn't do much, and guess that is the way a weekend should be, right? Anyway, am ready for the new week. Got to make some appointments for mammogram and dermatology. Need to have my moles checked as I usually do annually. So with that thought. Good night. Antique Rose
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Cooler times.
Another cool morning walk!! You can tell autumn has arrived. I had long sleeves and a jacket.:-) It was a nice change, and I am enjoying it. Later, when I came home, I made homemade apple sauce. It smelled soooooo good!!! Also baked some sweet potatoes to go with our left-0ver stew for dinner tonight. The house warmed up a bit from the oven, and that was good, as I am not ready to turn on the pilot lights to the heaters!! Once you do that, the PG&E bills start to rise!! I will wait as long as possible before we do that. Hope all that read this is having a great start to the fall season as well. Ta Ta Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.