Antique Rose
Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A Day with loves.
Had a delightful day driving around the various towns near where my daughter lives. The grand daughters were with us also. Was treated to a nice lunch of Mexican food, which we all like, and I enjoyed especially with their company!! Found some wonderful little shops and a few treasures, which is always fun! We didn't have nearly all the time needed to explore all of the ones we saw, but then we have something to look forward to another time. :-) Got a couple of pictures, that will be just the beginning of the new trove of pictures to add to my computer. Of course I will have a backup for these, won't be silly enough to lose more!!! Had a brief, but scary beginning to my day. My blood sugar was quite low this morning(after many that weren't!!) and thought I was going to pass out. My husband was here, thank goodness, so he helped me get it back up. Thought for a bit I would have to call and cancel my day with my daughter, but after an hour or so, felt like my self again! So had a slow beginning, and a wonderful in between, with a lovely ending. Ta Ta
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A stressful Day
Hello, haven't had my computer since Christmas night. As it turned out, my computer crashed, and now has a new hard drive. That meant I lost my pictures, and all my email blogs, except for the ones on this blog!! I really thought I had lost those too, but seems I could get those!! For that I am thankful!! Would hate to think that I had to start from scratch!! I was quite stressed about the pictures, as many were taken by digital camera, and I have no way to replace. Hard lesson learned, get a back up hard drive!!! Will soon, and that won't be a problem again!! Anyway, I have to let it go, or else I really will be sick!! Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and the new year will be great. We are getting much needed rain, yea!! It has been on the cold side too, but managed to get some walks in, between the rain and so that makes me happy. I have not made any New Year resolutions, have you? I just hope that I can keep my blood sugar level on the low side, and continue to exercise as usual. One thing I am happy that the holidays are over with is because I bake too much, and that means I eat too many sweets. I can resist most of the time, but no always!!! Take care, will write again soon. Antique Rose
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!!!! May it bring you much happiness and joy!!! Antique Rose
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Looking forward to Christmas
Yea, I have my decorating finished. Not as much as in recent years, but I am happy with what I have done! Just too busy with going to the senior center and volunteering to do more. Also walking everyday cuts done on the time too. Can't stop that, so will be happy with it. I did finish my cards, made some fruit cake, so I am ready to make some cookies, etc. Got my out of state cards off and heard that they received them, so that is good. I was hoping for pictures, but guess I won't be getting any for a while. I don't need anything, but I do like pictures. It is something you can look at whenever you get the lonesomes to see them, and know that is not possible. I have always loved pictures, old and new. We have had some lovely rain, and they say we are in a rain pattern, and will get more, so that is great!! Was worried about having to cut back on water, the old "water rationing" has been mentioned in recent months if we do not get enough this year. I can remember when I was younger, we had flooding every year in certain areas around here!!! Times, they have changed!! My hubby's birthday is tomorrow. I am glad that he is around still!! He is a keeper!!! Even when I am having problems with my medications, etc and am grumpy, he is there for me. He makes me laugh each day, and tells me I am still a good looking chick, even with my new wrinkles, etc. I feel sorry for other women who don't have a good one like me. I am indeed lucky!!! Well, I have heard from most of my "chicks" and they are pretty healthy, so I am happy about that as well. Have company coming this weekend, my daughter has a birthday on Sunday, and they are taking us out for a birthday dinner. Have a gift and card all ready, and looking forward to seeing them. Hope that all my friends are happy and looking forward to Christmas. Antique Rose
Monday, December 7, 2009
Yikes, it's December
Okay, another month slipped in while I was not looking!! Well, should say, not ready for! Anyway, it is here, and I have made some progress. Got cards made out and sent off, some fruitcake made, and going to my Antique club Christmas luncheon tomorrow. Things are just coming too fast. This week especially is busy. Perhaps I will be done with the decorating soon. Have the tree up, but not decorated, fall stuff taken off the various places, but haven't got the Christmas ones up. Okay, I am working on it, just a bit slower this year!! Dealing with an allergic reaction to a medication(new), then having to be taken off of it, and taking another one to counteract that one! Since I was allergic to the oral ones, now have to take insulin!! Bummer, but what can I do, but comply!! So with all that going on, I haven't been as successful with the decorating, this is in between going for my walks, volunteering, etc. I guess when yo consider all those things, with a few unexpected happenings, I am not so off the calendar. Anyway, on another subject, we had snow on the hills around here, got mighty cold last night,and will be again tonight, with rain coming in also. We could do without the snow, and cold, but rain we need badly!! Well, after the luncheon, I will let you know how things went. Should be fun, and with good food, good company and also a great bill of entertainment, it should be a great day. Ta Ta, Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.