Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Monday, December 27, 2010
Happenings of late.
Well, Christmas with all the trimmings, excitement and joys is over. I had a good one, but really was not up to the usual par. I am afraid I have been a bit of a grump!!! I am having allergy problems, or at least I think that is it, as after I take medications in the mornings, and evenings I itch all over!!! Looked up the side affects of one I take and that is one of the side effects, not the mild one, but the severe one!!! Went to the advice nurse, didn't get help there, doctor wasn't in, and the pharmacy couldn't tell me what the fillers were to this medication. I have a feeling that a latex product of some sort is one of them, but didn't get relief, so have to wait until the doctor is in. Hopefully that will take care of the problem. If not, I am not sure what I will do!!! Enough of my grumping. I hope that all had a good Christmas. The best part of mine was hearing from all my chicks, hearing that they were okay. My hubby and I went to a couple of good movies, and today I had lunch with my sisters. One being from out of state and which I don't see often enough. We've had a lot of rain already and more coming by the end of the week. I will not complain, just happy that I am not stuck in a blizzard as some in the midwest and east! I wish all a Happy New Year!! Antique Rose
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Yesterday was our antique club luncheon. We had lots of food, fun and good conversion. The room was decorated with a Pointsetta theme. It was very pretty. We each member brought a bag of food for the local charities. We have had a tree with decorations before but thought maybe this would be better this year. The only down side, one of our members died in November and she will be missed. One of my good friends was sick and didn't make it to the party. All in all a very good year has been had by all. Looking forward to the new year, and new members. Our membership is getting to be quite "vintage". :-) Our oldest member is 96!!!! And still going strong. Lots of eighties and seventies there too. Which goes to show, age doesn't stop you from having a lot of fun with friends. Antique Rose
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Today I attended a Christmas Tea. The decorations were really beautiful, and some were very old, some new, but all displayed just wonderfully. We were really impressed with all the work that it entailed. Not only every available inch was decorated, but with class!!! It takes lots of patience and time to do all of this. The proceeds were donated to a local charity. We had lots of different teas, and pastries. All yummy!! Now for our Antique club Christmas luncheon on this coming Tuesday. Then I can get busy and get my own decorating done!!!! I am finally getting into the Christmas mood!!!! Antique Rose
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Christmas Tea, Recitals, oh my.
Last night I attended a chorus and music concert. My granddaughter was singing. I so enjoyed her part of it, well the other too, but hers the most!! She is so pretty and is so serious about singing, practicing etc for the classes she takes. She also takes dance. I enjoy all the grand children's activities. My daughter fixed a lovely soup/salad dinner as well. Her house was very festive with Christmas decorations!! She is quite talented in that department, as well as many other things. Wish I was as creative, but glad she is, I take pictures and enjoy them!!! This afternoon I went to a volunteer tea at our local senior center. It was festive there as well, and it was fun to be served instead of being the server!!! Finger foods, tea, and yummy sweet treats were on the menu. It was fun visiting with the other volunteers and munching. :-) I have another Christmas event this week, a garden club I belong too is having a Christmas party for the members. Then there is a Christmas tea on Sunday of which is really a lot fun to attend. The lady who puts the teas on, has over 30 Christmas trees, each decorated differently and so many other decorations through out the house, just beautiful. Look forward to seeing another set of friends there, Then next week we have our antique club Christmas party/luncheon. What fun, but will also be glad that I have nothing planned after that, and I can get started on my own home. My dear husband brought me a beautiful Poinsetta plant today. Wow, is it big and beautiful, Antique Rose
PS- I tried my hand at drying some persimmons this week and they turned out quite yummy. I think I did a great job for a first time try. I took samples and everyone liked them, they looked like sparkling jewels of orange. My friend gave me more, so will drying some more this week.
Have you tried drying anything? Apples are next!! I use dried apples for my pies. Hopefully they will be as good. :=)
Friday, December 3, 2010
The garden club had a craft session today. We had glass blocks, that had a hole drilled in the
side at the bottom, and we put lights in them and then ribbons on them. They look very festive. I have one more to make. Different color lights and ribbon. Hopefully it will turn out well too. I hope to get more things out on the weekend, seems like the holidays came around much too quickly!! Antique Rose
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
At the senior center today, we were very busy getting the tables, etc ready for the dinner . A man that used to volunteer in earlier years, came and made center pieces for the tables. Turkeys made from apples. Quite clever!! Also a turkey out of pineapple and various other veggies for the large center piece. With yummies to eat on the larger one. Thought they were quite good, and wanted to share. Antique Rose
Saturday, November 20, 2010
My Thankful list.
I thought today I would make a list. Not a bucket list, a thankful list.
1. My husband, who is also my best friend.
2. My family
3. My friends
4. My home
5. Food
6. Good books to read
7. Walks which are good for my soul and mental health!
8. Being able to look for my treasures at my favorite thrifts, fleas, etc
9. Being happy with what I have!!!
I hope I have not forgotten anything that I consider important, but I think not. I hope that all my blogging friends have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. M-mmmmm I can smell those apple pies baking,and the turkey roasting!! Can't wait, can you? Antique Rose
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Flea Market Finds.
I went to the local flea today, not expecting to find anything special, but was surprised to find three plates, a pitcher, and also an old book for a garden club written in 1941!! Really cute, and illustrations were in Harper Magazine too. Since I now belong to a garden club, thought it would be a neat thing to show and tell. I have several older books on gardening, so it was a great find for that collection. Oh, yes and I found an army messenger bag that I think my granddaughter will like. It was a nice day, except the wind was really blowing. Sorry the pictures are not up to par, used old camera, haven't emptied the new one yet that has vacation pictures. Usually don't get that glare.
Well, back to chores. Antique Rose
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Hi again,
I think that I am almost back to normal. Nice to be back home. I still have not walked as much as before vacation, but have been very busy!! Over last weekend we went to daughter's for a dinner and Music Concert. Two of our granddaughters were in it. Love to hear all those strings. It was really nice. Daughter had a nice barbecued rib dinner for us afterward. Love those ribs!!!! Had a nice visit. Next one is in Dec, and other granddaughter will be in this one. I do like to see them preform. On Tuesday(yesterday), I had my antique club meeting. It turned out very wells. Our guest speaker, spoke on Julienne Jewelry. Very interesting and pretty. The speaker also has a shop(antique) in a nearby town. Plan a trip there to check out the rest of their wares!!! Our hostesses put on a nice spread of sandwiches and salads, and dessert of course. It was nice to see everyone and visit. Had our sign up sheet for our Christmas luncheon in December. Yum, it is so good every year. Looking forward to that and a Christmas Tea the weekend before that. I can hardly believe it is this time of the year already!! I am sure I won't be really, well maybe. Gotta put in some long days to do so. Other great news, I got my bridges to fit over my implants. Yea, they look nice(and that they should!!), cost an arm and leg, just hope I get to use them for many years, before I pass this life!! ha Antique Rose
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Back from trip, and catching up.
I missed out on Halloween, but since we don't have many little trick or treaters, guess that doesn't matter! We had a nice trip across the country. We got to see our great granddaughters, which was nice, but since they didn't know us, due to being so far away, it was a a bit hard to get to know them. They were busy hiding behind Mommy!! It was good to see them anyway, then it was off to see our grandson that is in Army, and stationed at Ft. Bragg. We did have a nice visit there!! Next stop for grandson's was Florida. We had a good visit, or should say I did, hubby was sick!! A real bummer, since he didn't want to give whatever he had, he was at hotel more than he was visiting. I would have loved to stay longer, but since "sickie" didn't feel like it, we started back home! The various states were quite nice, we went through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Missouri, Georgia, and Florida. After staying at so many different places, I might have forgotten one, living out of suitcase is not my cup of tea. Having done it once, I think I will fly next time, and stay longer at one place. We saw lots of beautiful scenery in most of the states, had no mishaps over all most 8,000 miles, so I think our guardian angel was at work!! We did see a few things in between visits and the various states. Saw Graceland, The Grand Ole Osprey, Laura Ingalls Wilder's home place, which was really neat, and a Cherokee Village. I was interested in the Indian village as I have a bit of Cherokee blood. All were very interesting. Of course I had a few peeks in some shops, found a few birds to add to my collection. :-) Like Dorothy said, "there's no place like home", I am glad to be back. After I catch up, I will post some pictures. Antique Rose
PS-Forgot, went to Branson too, that was fun!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
18th Birthday
Hello again,
Had a family get together over the weekend. My daughter's oldest daughter turned 18, or is on the 14Th. She always requests unusual cakes, and this was no exception!! She wanted rats and spiders on it. Good thing that it tasted great!! A red Velvet cake with wonderful homemade cream cheese icing. Yum!!! Had a great out to dinner at a local Japanese restaurant. Really enjoyed it. Sunday was a fun day as well, went to an Antique faire. Found some cute ear rings made with typewriter keys, one had x and other o. Hugs and kisses. :-) Then an indian head nickel pendant. Made in the year I was born. I put it on a silver chain, and it looks great. Last but not least, a bracelet with leaves and nuts (silver), really nice and it fit. I usually don't find stuff for myself to wear, but look for china, etc. So it was different this time. My granddaughters and daughter found a few treasures as well. I go to our Antique Club trip tomorrow and then leave next day for our cross country trip, hope to find treasures and adventures. Antique Rose
Friday, October 8, 2010
Getting ready for a road trip.
Well, I haven't been on much lately. I am getting ready for a cross country trip to see grands and perhaps see things that I have not seen before. I have been busy with getting things done before I leave, and hopefully have not forgotten anything!! Usually we do not go for more than a few days, so this time there is more preparation. But then I get ahead of myself. Last weekend I had a craft fair to go too. It was fun to see people I knew and find a few handmade items. A lovely scarf , a purse, and a necklace and earring set. Also went shopping and got a couple of button bouquets at a local antique store. They are so neat!! Will have to take a picture and put it on soon. My sweet peas that I planted a couple of weeks are growing quite nicely, and hopefully they will not be dead when I return. No one to water them, so perhaps we will get a sprinkle or two that will help them! Still walking at the lake, and volunteering at the local senior center. So many nice people there, and I like being around them. Guess you could say that it is my second family!! I will miss them . My daughter's oldest daughter turns 18 this month, and tomorrow is the family get together. That is always fun, and I enjoy being with them. Lots of special hugs and kisses. Never too many of them!!! There are pictures to be picked up! Yea!!
Love pictures of the family, don't you? I also have a monthly birthday party at the senior senior this afternoon. Antique Rose
Monday, September 20, 2010
My wanderings of the past few days.
This past week went by so quickly, and I didn't get to write, or should say wasn't in the mood to write, and so probably will forget some things!! I am getting used to walking alone, and take my camera with me daily and take lots of pictures of the sunrise, ducks, and life in general. I like taking pictures, so it keeps me busy. Still volunteering at the senior center, there's excitement there, the 30Th anniversary is this week, and they have been painting, etc to get ready for the big event. I had my Antique club meeting, and did see my former walking partner, she looked good, so guess the freedom of not having schedules, etc has helped her. I told her I missed our morning talks as we walked. The antique meeting went well, our guest speaker gave a talk on lunch boxes. It was quite interesting, and the prices very surprising!!! Quite a big jump from the perhaps ten dollar original to the present day prices. She had around 500 lunch boxes, some that her Dad had left her when he passed. She said she usually bought two or three per year this days. She has a problem with storage. The food the hostesses prepared was good as usual and a good time was had by all. This weekend I went to the nursery that I just love, to get some sweet pea plants. Had been told in the summer that I should get them in Sept, so I got twenty four seedlings and got then planted today. Yea!!!!!! Hope to have lots of sweet pea bouquets this spring. I love there smell, and these are the old fashion kind that have the fragrance that I love. When I was getting the soil ready and adding some things to the soil, I dug up some daffodil bulbs, whoops!!! Now have to put them in a pot!!! Will to that tomorrow. I hope that they still bloom! My friend brought me some more roses from her garden today, and another friend, some tomatoes! So nice to have great friends. I was beat when I finished with planting and getting soil ready. It was a nice feeling of accomplishment though, so worth it!!
Ready for the rest of the week, have two dental appointments, not fun, but necessary.Until next time. Antique Rose
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Events of the past few days.
Well, last week was rather surprising, my walking partner of five and a half years, made an announcement that she no longer was coming to the senior center to volunteer or walk on any type of schedule. We walked around the lake Monday morning, and she didn't even mention it to me in private. Just told everyone else. I was rather hurt at first, but then, I got over it as I know she has been under a great strain with her older daughter having stage four cancer, another daughter getting married, and the youngest having a lot of problems with her health!!! I hope that being home and having a much lighter load will help. I do miss her companionship, but I will still do my walking. Who knows, perhaps another person will want to walk early as well. If not so be it. I also went to the garden club meeting. I like all the different people I have met in that group, and have learned new things about gardening. I will continue to attend the meetings, and tours as they come along. Looking forward to an outing this Thursday, and then there's the monthly birthday party for the seniors birthdays of September. That is fun to help with and see all the people who are in their eighties and nineties. I think it is wonderful that they are still participating in the groups, classes, etc. I hope I am when I reach that age!!!!
I had a great three day holiday. Did you? We had company on Sunday, then a very quiet Monday. I always enjoy having my daughter and family for a visit. Today, as usual my son and his daughter come for dinner. Gives him a break from cooking, and a day for us to visit. Works out great. It has been like fall this week. Not my favorite time of the year, although I love the colors of fall. The pumpkins are coming!!! I love to visit the pumpkin patch, no little ones to take, but I like taking pictures of the "patch". Till next time. Antique Rose
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Anniversary Dinner
Well, this has been a wonderful week. Full of love. Our grandsons came from out of state to be with us on our anniversary. It being the 50Th, my son and daughter put on a lovely dinner at a local restaurant which was decorated beautifully with lovely orchids from Hawaii, and leis for myself and husband. Don't we look festive? I was quite surprised. All except for three people that were invited, came. It was great seeing them all together, and visiting and reminiscing about old times. My son gave a touching story of our first years, and other tidbits of our life together, and it made my hubby teary!! My daughter and granddaughter sang a couple of songs, and one played the violin as they sang. The other granddaughter and her boyfriend played a duet on the violin and flute. It was so lovely, and romantic. The two grandsons that came from out of state also spoke. Such love felt by all.:-) The dinner was nice as well, I had salmon, and it was excellent!!!
Lots of pictures were taken by sons, daughters, granddaughters, brother in laws, and brother. I will have many pictures to look back on, and relive the wonderful 50TH. Oh, not to leave out, my husband sang the Hawaiian Wedding song to me as well. Till next time~~~ Antique Rose
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Weekend Celebrations
This past Friday, I went to the Japanese Gardens in nearby town. It was really beautiful. The garden was really in good shape, everything trimmed to perfection!! A Kori pond was there also, and we got to see them being fed and it was something to see. Didn't know there were so many different colors!! There were lots of turtles sunning themselves too. There was a nice senior center on the premises and we had a nice lunch before returning home. I plan to go back again and perhaps bring a picnic lunch. Quite peaceful and relaxing.
Yesterday we went to my daughters and helped granddaughter celebrate her 15Th birthday. A great hot day dinner of Chinese Chicken Salad was consumed and a yummy birthday cake. It was a plain yellow cake(requested by the birthday girl) and it was quite moist and tasty and went with the Mango ice cream quite well. Sometimes you forget that the simple is best!!! Anyway, we had fun and I played Monopoly with the girls. Next birthday coming up in October.
A busy week coming up, Antique club meeting, dental appointments, and a new washer and dryer coming in sometime as well. Antique Rose
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Art and Wine Festival
Yesterday was our annual wine and art festival. My friend met me there, and we explored each and every row!! Had a taco lunch, and walked/talked some more. I found two lovely dresses to wear on a trip we're planning later in the fall. Needed something comfy to wear, and these fit the bill. Also found a nice shirt and tee with cute bumble bees on them, that will be nice to bring as well. It is going on today, but don't know if I will be able to go again.
On a more sober note, my walking partner and friend's daughter is not doing well. I think that the cancer was too wide spread, I am waiting for an update. Then found out today that a long time friend had passed away last Thursday. She was really a nice person, and will be missed. It makes you realize that each day is one to be enjoyed and treasured. Antique Rose
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Weekend ramblings~~~~~~~~~
Yesterday hubby and I went to the valley to sit with his Mom, while his sister got a break. We had a nice time, lunch out at our favorite Japanese restaurant and stayed around until sister returned. My Mother in law looked good, but since her fall, she has gotten so she can't remember things. She uses a walker, and hopefully will not take anymore tumbles!! She is lucky she didn't break any bones.
Today, I started early, trimming and pulling out weeds, etc in the back yard. I can really feel the aching muscles!! Gotta take something so I will be able to walk my usual around the lake tomorrow. Hey, the bright side is the back looks great. I always enjoy yard work, but I can tell that my age is making it a bit more work than it used to be. Oh, well, I will keep doing it for as long as possible! I picked my first tomatoes the end of last week, they taste wonderful!!! Those bacon, avocado, tomato sandwiches are yummy!! Not bad in salads either. They are ripening just right, so I can keep up with them. Antique Rose
Monday, July 19, 2010
Need some Prayers
Hello everyone,
My friend, and fellow walking partner needs all the prayers that can be said. Her daughter had emergency surgery, and was told she had stage 4 colon cancer, and perhaps had spread into her liver, she will find out results of the biopsies this week. I would appreciate you adding her to your prayers, that she may recover and be well again. This is the second daughter who has had cancer, I am sure my friend could use a prayer too. I cannot imagine having to go this this yet a second time . Thanks so much. Antique Rose
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Another successful luncheon.
Another meeting, another success!!!!!!! The ladies who were the hostesses this time did a great job with their salads, bread, and desserts!! Very tasty, and decorations were very festive.Everyone enjoyed them. I got recipe for an exceptional "Pea" salad, was told it was a vintage recipe. Husband wants me to make it for him, so guess that will be one of the items on our next week's menu. :-) Our decorations were patriotic themed. Some very clever ideas there. That was Tuesday. Today, my sister and brother-in-laws came and we went to Lowe's to purchase a new vanity for our main bathroom. After having picked it out, he also installed it. It looks great and was a wonderful 50Th anniversary gift to us. Many thanks to them. We fixed them a nice dinner as thanks, and we enjoyed it along with their company. We should do it more, as time is quickly passing!!!! Well, tomorrow is Friday, the week has flown by once again. With walking each day at the lake, and going to center to volunteer, the time really does fly. This weekend we are being treated to dinner out, and also dinner in. How is that, great huh?!! I know we will enjoy it!!!! Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend. Antique Rose
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Friday's Happenings
Had a nice lunch at the center today, which is unusual, I don't often eat a large lunch! But they were having a special one, a "luau" and it was fun, not only the food, but putting on Hawaiian dress.
It was special eating with friends there. Everything was decorated so pretty!! I stayed afterward to help with the monthly birthday party. They had little gals doing Hawaiian dances and they were so cute!! I got a few pictures before my camera's batteries gave out. I usually charge it the night before I am going to use it, but forgot!! Drat!! I think this was one of the nicest programs they have had for a while. My friend brought me some roses from her garden, they smell so good! Tomorrow is the monthly flea market here, so after breakfast I am going to see what I can find!!
Stay tuned. Antique Rose
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I'm back.
No, I haven't been anywhere but here, but for some reason was not in the mood to write anything! I guess everyone has those times. Anyway, I have been busy!! I put up a few jars of Apricot jam, and have plums that are waiting. It has been some time since I made jam, as it really is cheaper to buy than get all the stuff needed to do so. I figured since a friend gave me the apricots, I should make a batch and give them some of the booty!! Hope to get the plum jam made later this week. Last Friday my friend and I went on another garden tour of a local regional park. It was quite interesting and we had a picnic lunch later. We have another coming up in August. I have a meeting of the Antique club next week. Everything is in order, and also it is our month to have our annual white elephant sale. That should be fun and also make some money for the club. I will make a cake to take as well. I try to do something each month to help the different hostesses. We had a very quiet 4Th. My husband had to go to the valley and help with getting his Mom back home from the convalescent hospital, we had our own little barbecue just the two of us. It was back to the usual routine today, walked around the lake and helped out at the center. Went to the oral surgeon and they made an appointment to do the next step in the process of getting the implants. Long time in coming, and they won't be finished in time for my 50Th anniversary celebration, but at least they will have started!!!!! That does it for this time, have the grands coming tomorrow. Antique Rose
Friday, July 2, 2010
Happenings, Fair and Parks
Hi everyone,
Another busy week. My usual walks at the lake, and volunteering. A trip to the Fair yesterday, and that was fun, not only that, it was not hot, like it usually is!! A big plus. :-) We looked at gardens, that were presented by several local nurseries. Really nice. Got lots of good pictures which I will use for screen savers. I like to change often! :-) Then today, my friend and I went on a regional park tour. Really well in formed docent talked about it's history and some of the people who owned the land and donated it to the parks system. Ditto on the pictures, I plan to go back again soon!! My friend and I think perhaps we will do some volunteering there as well. Very nice people to deal with. We had a nice picnic type lunch, enjoyed after walking around the place! :-)
Also this week got my hostess letters out, and they have already decided on the food to be served as well as the decorations. Ah, so nice when all goes smoothly!!!! Have been invited to a barbecue, but chose to stay at home and have a restful do nothing day. Gotta have those once in a while. Hope everyone has a safe, fun day with loved ones and friends. Antique Rose
Monday, June 28, 2010
Dance Recital
Hello again,
Yesterday we spent an enjoyable afternoon with Family. My daughter fixed us some really yummy munchies, and then a lovely dinner. Chinese chicken salad was the entree of the day!! It was really great, and light enough for a hot day!! The dance recital was long, but we enjoyed it, and especially the dances in which our beautiful granddaughter participated. She loves dance and you can tell. She is very dedicated to practice. I hope she gets to continue her dance!!!!!!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Very busy week.
Well, it's been a week since I blogged. It has been a very busy week for me. My usual walks at the lake, and volunteering, but then a friend brought me a big box of lovely Apricots, and it has been a rather big job getting all the stuff to make jam. It has been a while since I have made jam, and the first batch was a bit stiff, but managed to get two other batches to come out great. My, I can hardly wait to eat some of it!! :-) Now for some yummy biscuits to go with the jam!!! Also my daughter met me at a local mall and helped me find a dress or two for my 50th celebration coming up in August. If I hadn't looked now, the summer dresses would be a thing of the past, since the stores start getting rid of things you need and bring those winter things in before you can stand to think of sweaters, etc. But I get ahead of myself, I did find a dress, and the granddaughters did as well. So guess except for some new shoes to match, I am ready as I will ever be!!! I don't wear dresses too often, so feel a bit odd wearing them. Guess I have been a pant suit, jean type of gal too long. Hopefully I will get more than a one time wear out of it. :-) Tomorrow is another fun day for me, my granddaughter has a dance recital. She is in three different dances, so it should be fun to watch. Of course that meant Mom had to buy three different costumes!!! Well, I will let you know how it goes next time! Antique Rose
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Wonderful day, a barbecue.
Yesterday was a windy blustery day once again. But I went to my daughter's for a barbecue, and stayed inside and had a very pleasant afternoon/evening. It is always a fun day when I spend it with my loves!!!! They are like mini tornado's, and never a dull moment is had!! :-) It keeps you young and happy. Not only a good visit, but yummy, yummy food was had by all. When the son in law barbecues he does, chicken, steak, shrimp. and fish. My daughter marinates the fish and chicken breasts, it was so delicious!!!!!!!!!! I am going to get the marinade and make some for myself at home. My hubby doesn't like fish, so don't fix it often, but that is soon to change!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, the dessert was very good also. Daughter helped the granddaughter fix some Cinnamon crumb bars, and they were excellent. I thought my blood sugar reading would be high today, but surprise, it was great!!! Well, that was my day, hope yours was just as much fun. Antique Rose
Friday, June 18, 2010
End of the week walk.
Well, another week has quickly gone by. It was cold for the most part, at least in the mornings when my friend and I walk!! You would have thought it was February instead of June. It was back to the layered look! :-) Was hoping for warmer weather by this time, but at least it warms a bit in the mid morning/early afternoon, before becoming down right cool again. The Canada geese are back in full force!!!!! I did get a picture or two of some goslings and a family of Mallard ducks this week. There were not as many as last year, but I will take those. :-) Also, I have been fortunate enough to get a few pictures of some deer that are in a vacant field not far from where I live. We have crowded them out of their natural habitat. It is sad that we have, and such a treat to see them still around. Had my daughter and granddaughters over mid week, we had fun shopping and visiting. I will see them tomorrow as well, for a Father's Day Barbecue. :-) Hope all my fellow bloggers have a fun Father's Day. Antique Rose
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Weekend doings.
I was all ready for a great day at the flea market. Well, let me tell you, it was a windy, blustery day, like I had not seen in recent memory!!!! Things were being blown over, and I heard a few things crashing and breaking!!! The sellers said they had not seen it before . Anyway, since it was so windy, and cold to boot, I didn't look my usual. I did find a couple of cups and saucers, and two small plates. The main thing that I collect, cookie plates, I found one. So guess it wasn't a complete bust, but not as pleasant as I had hoped for, being that it is June!!!!! It has been an unusual year in the weather department. I shouldn't complain, it wasn't flooding, or shaking like so many places. The estate sale, wasn't as advertised, it wasn't even a good garage sale!! I am disappointed when anyone does that. It was a good weekend anyway, got to relax and get the yard watered, etc Didn't have to cook, so that was a plus too. I have been walking an extra time around the lake this week, have 10 and half miles in, and it is only Tuesday!!!! Having son and his daughter for dinner tonight, guess I better get off and do some preparing early!!!! Antique Rose
Friday, June 11, 2010
A busy week.
It was a busy week for me, and I am tired from all the running around, but satisfied and happy!
This past Tuesday was our installation dinner and it was quite festive. One of our members was gracious enough to have it at her house once again. The room was decorated with flowers and looked great. With tables elegant with table cloths and napkins shaped like flowers as well. The twenty-six ladies that were present were served a four course luncheon that was delicious!!!!! It started off with a green salad with rolls, followed by a pasta course, then salmon and beef with fresh veggies for the entree. A special chocolate cake with ice cream was our dessert. The installation went off without a hitch, and oh, yes, I forgot champagne for a toast, and ice tea or coffee to have with our dinner. It was fun, and we had fun talking and laughing threw out lunch.
Next day I went to my daughter's for a trip to several local towns in the valley. The granddaughters were along too, and we had fun looking for treasures. A lovely picnic lunch was enjoyed and we plan to make another day trip soon! The granddaughter's are growing up so quickly!! The oldest one will be off to college next year, seems like she just was a kindergartner a few moments ago!!! A couple of days of walking around the lake, getting some plants in the ground and bingo, the week was at an end. Also helped with the senior centers birthday party for the month of June, which is always fun. Ah, and it is time for the monthly flea market tomorrow, and there's an estate sale in town. What hidden treasures will I find?? I will let you know!! :-) Antique Rose
Monday, June 7, 2010
Vintage Fashion Show
I went to a friends home where a vintage fashion show was to be. The weather was great, not too hot and a slight breeze. It took place in the backyard, around her pool, with tables placed all around. There were 80 some ladies there, all ready for the show. Fashions from the 20's to 80's were on parade. Young ladies were the models and it was fun to watch. We had a very nice lunch to munch on while the ladies were on the runway. Topped with a lovely dessert of Strawberry Shortcake. Before and after the show there were some articles for sell for charity, and of course I found a few treasures!! Tea pot and sugar/creamer to match. A tea cup and saucer, and a few linens, of which four were vintage table cloths. What a nice way to spend an afternoon, good friends, yummy food, and of course some new treasures. :-) Antique Rose
Friday, June 4, 2010
Garden Tour
My friend, Judy, and I went on a garden tour today. What a nice relaxing way to find new plants, ideas on decorating your gardens and just plain fun to talk to other fellow garden lovers!!! We toured 5 homes and all were quite different, but also had some of the same plants. Lots of shade plants in one, lots of sunny type in another. The flowers were in glorious color and I took lots of pictures so I would not forget what went good together!!! One of the homes had my favorite flower, the Sweet Pea. You could smell them when you entered the backyard, and they were beautiful too!! I cannot wait to plant some in the fall, hope to have them next year growing up a wire fence!! There were waterfalls, bird houses, and old windows fixed so cleverly that it made you want to go home and start fixing the same for yourself!! Each hostess had a couple of different drinks, punch, lemonade, etc for the ladies, which was very welcome indeed as it turned out to be one of the hottest days we've had. :-) At the last one, there was a beautiful array of food for lunch and also a drawing, in which 5 lucky ladies won plants. I look forward to the next trip which will be in July. I believe a Japanese garden in a nearby city. Ah, it was great. Antique Rose
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Fun Day with the Family
I left early this morning to meet my daughter and granddaughters for a fun day at a Lavender
Farm. We got there just before time for the class that they had signed up for. While they were making their wreaths, I checked out the gift shop and found some yummy smelling hand lotion and soaps, with lavender scent of course!!! Also some lavender pendants for a necklace or two. Rather neat if I say so myself. Then off to the fields of lavender and a very helpful man who told us about the various kinds of lavender and what they were used for and how to prune them when needed. After the wreaths were completed, we had a very nice picnic lunch on the premises. A
yummy chicken salad sandwich with fresh blueberries, strawberries, and apples. Also some cookies, and chips to round things off!!!! A friend of mine also came along and I think she really enjoyed the day. If that wasn't fun enough, we stopped on the way back from farm to visit a special store we both like. Found a couple of my "cookie plates' that I had to buy, and daughter found a special cup and saucer. Back to daughters, good byes for the day and home. Tomorrow we are going to see each other again at a once a year Antique Faire. Stay tuned, for the goodie report!!!! Antique Rose
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Fun weekend.
Well, yesterday started off nicely, with breakfast out. A special "flea", a once a year that takes place at the regular flea market place, but no new items allowed, just people cleaning out their garages, etc. I found some really great bargains, like vintage table cloths for two dollars a piece!!! I could hardly contain myself from shouting, yes!!! Also some dresser scarves for a dollar each. I can't remember ever getting these two things so reasonable!!! Spent the rest of the day happily doing chores around the house. Then today, another couple of hours looking in a favorite place where a lady was retiring, with a 70% off sell. Found a plate, 2 tablecloths, and a book on flowers that had beautiful pictures of said flowers. Felt really lucky for having found these things. My hubby was riding his bike while I did this and he found a cute little cafe to have lunch there. As it was on the way home, I got to stop at my very favorite nursery. It has so many beautiful plants, flowers, etc, it is just fun to look. Well~~~~~~~ What luck, they also had bunches of Sweet Peas for sale, grown on the premises !!!!! Got two bunches, and they smell heavenly!!!!!!!! The lady told me they had six packs to set out in Sept. I will be there with bells on to plant some, so I will have them in my own yard. They are my absolute favorite flower, but have such a short life!!! Next is lilacs, love their smell as well. I have those. :-) Well, that was my weekend, hope yours was as great!! Antique Rose
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Last night my husband and I went to a Granddaughter's Choral Concert. It was really good!!!!!! You could tell that a lot of time was spent practicing all the songs, everything was memorized !!!!!( Looking forward to attending a dance recital by this same granddaughter in June.)
You had to tap your foot, they sang some really fast paced songs, and then some really slow and both were great!!! And in between the orchestra played and they were really good too!! I am very proud of the granddaughter who put so much time and effort in it. This was the last for this school year, so am looking forward to next year's. Then tonight back to the theater for yet another granddaughter's band concert. The first half was the school band and she played the Oboe, they sounded great, then the second half was the Jazz band and the same granddaughter played the Flute. There was some really rousing songs played, much enjoyed by all. She played a solo on the flute, and it was very good!!! We didn't know that she was going to do this, so it was a surprise for all the family!! She had a big smile afterwards, and thumbs up by the other jazz band members. There were 18 in the jazz band, and of those, only two young ladies. Ah, so many things to go to and see with the grands!!!!!! I really enjoy them. :-) Antique Rose
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ah, we're getting some more of that liquid sunshine today!!! We've caught up with the normal rain totals, and this is a bonus. Late in the year for us, but we'll take it. :-) I think they already said there is another one coming in for this weekend. I got my tomatoes staked over the weekend and some succulents planted that I bought at the garden club sale. They look neat in old tubs. I knew they would when I found them(tubs, that is). There is something about planting that makes my heart sing!!! It must go back to my parents, who always had a garden, and the veggies were really yummy and necessary to keep the family budget. My blueberry bush is growing well, and that makes me happy. Hopefully there will be some of those little blue berries next year. Had a fun time at my daughter's over the weekend. She had a pampered chef party and got to see old friends that I had not seen for awhile. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Birthday Blessings
Today is my 72ND birthday. The whole day was really nice. It was a meeting today as well, of the Antique club that I belong too. The ladies of the club who were hostesses today had a surprise cake for me. Not only pretty, but very yummy. Flowers were in abundance, and everything went off without a hitch in spite of one not doing her hostess duties. We had a wonderful speaker on "old" bottles, which very interesting. I learned a lot about how to tell an old one from a more recent one. I will keep it in mind when out and about doing my "treasure hunting". :-) When I got home there were birthday greetings on the phone, as well as one just after got home. It was from my grandson in New York, and it was good talking to him. Then when my son came for dinner, he brought me yet another bouquet, this one, red roses. So pretty! Ah, is there anything better than a loving family and friends!!! Antique Rose
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A Special Mother's Day
My goodness, what a memorable day I have had!!!! Flowers from my son this morning, a phone call from a grandson in Florida and then a visit from my daughter and granddaughters. My daughter brought me pink roses, and a tote she made that had a picture of myself and my three children when they were very young. My, was I ever that young!? Seems not so long ago, but it must be, as the dark hair is gone and the children are grown with children, who have children!!!! I enjoyed the day with laughter and silliness that makes me smile when I think about it. I am so lucky to have such thoughtful children!!!!! Antique Rose
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The Roseberry Cottage Sugar and Creamer.
Hi again,
I had to show you my "win" from Cindy's "My Romantic Home" giveaway. It was from "The Roseberry Cottage, in Seffner, Florida. I am going to check it out, now that I know what great things they have!!!!! They also sent a beautiful white crocheted doily and a pretty white hankie with pink flowers. How special it made me feel. Antique Rose
Friday, May 7, 2010
May already! Time is flying.
Hello Everyone,
Lost a few days there, and May snuck in!!!! The past few days have been very beautiful with temps in the 70's. Nice to walk early without being so bundled up!! The ducklings are out and about, got a few more pictures. Love it when they appear on our walk. :-) Gosh, Mother's Day is almost here. Hope that all of you have a wonderful one!!!!!! I received roses from my grandson, and they are really pretty. My walking friend brought me some really pretty peonies as well as a birthday gift. So thoughtful!!!!!! She knew I would be a very busy lady next Tuesday which is my birthday, as we belong to an Antique Club, and I have early duties that day. I am sure it will be great as usual, all the ladies of the club are very good hostesses and we're going to have a speaker who is going to bring her "old" bottles, and talk about them. I like old things, bottles included so I am looking forward to that. We're also having a side table for gals who want to bring things that they want to sale. Treasures to be found!! :-) My tomatoes are growing quite nicely, and that pleases me!!! I added something to the soil this year, and I am sure that's why they didn't do so well last year, I had depleted that spot!!!! I also won the give away from Cindy's-My Romantic Home blog. Haven't receive it yet, but am thrilled to have won. A first for me!! :-) She has a beautiful blog, and so talented!!!! I feel inspired by her different projects!!
Going to dinner at my son's this Saturday evening. That will be nice. It's valley time this weekend as well. Busy, busy. Antique Rose
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Yesterday started off with rain, now mind you, I had asked for sunshine to go with us on a trip to Kellye Park and the Japanese Friendship Garden!!! Well, by the time we reached our destination, it had slowed to a shower, then after a few steps inside the garden, nothing but sunshine!! It was a beautiful park with lots of beautiful trees, shrubs, water, and stone statues. A really fun walk and I took lots of really nice pictures. Plan to get them developed and give some to the club, for future guests to look at and want to go next year. At the park next to the friendship park was lots of homes built around the 1850's to early 1900's. We got to go inside a few and really learned a lot about the families, and how they lived. Aren't we lucky, inside toilets, and running water, etc. You don't realize just how much things have improved in that way. I don't know that we are any happier, but like to think so!!! We visited a early dentist office, wow, that really made me appreciate my dentist!!! We brought our lunches and had a nice picnic in the park and had beautiful roses all around. I hope to go back on a weekend, and see all the homes that are only opened on weekends and holidays. We had a very knowledgeable docent also. That always makes the trip more enjoyable too. We arrived back to the senior center, right on time. Till next time~~~~~Antique Rose
Monday, April 26, 2010
Time well spent with the loves.
Went to my Daughter's home on Sunday morning. We went to a concert that the older granddaughter was playing in. She plays the Oboe. It was an enjoyable afternoon. She had to be early for rehearsal, so while she was doing that, and before the concert was to begin, the rest of us gals went to lunch and then looked around in a couple of stores. Got back just before all available parking was gone!!! After a two hour concert, we then went to the Old Spaghetti Factory and had a nice dinner. I'm sure the one that participated in the concert was really hungry!! Back home after that and a good visit before bathes and bedtime. It was a surprise to the grands that I was staying the night. My granddaughter informed me that I snored!! :-). Stayed around and visited until the gals got in from school, then it was time to leave. Hugs all around, you never can have enough of those!!! Antique Rose
Another rain expected tonight and tomorrow, hoping it is not into Weds as well, a trip with the senior garden club then, and we're visiting some beautiful gardens!!! Plus my lilac(new one) and my peonies are just opening up!! I hope they survive!!!!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Saturday's wanderings.
A beautiful saturday once again. After breakfast, we went for a drive, looking up old addresses we have lived at before. You do this once you've been married for a long time, and have more to look back to, than perhaps future. Just remembering our first years together, as our 50th is coming soon. :-) Ah, to be that young again!! Don't really feel old, yet know that I am perhaps in the autumn of my years. Anyway, back to our Saturday. Went to a farmer's market in a town nearby, as I thought they would have sweet peas, one of my favorite flowers. Yea, they did, as you can see in the photo I put on today. Then on to another little town nearby to look in a couple of thrift stores I like to go too. As it turned out I found a couple of purses, and my hubby a couple of shirts. Had fun, and didn't spend too much money!! We had a late lunch, so just snacked later instead of having a normal dinner. Will be going to my daughter's tomorrow to see a concert that my granddaughter is in, then back for an overnight stay with them. Should be fun!!! Antique Rose
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Raining again!!!!
Rain, rain, go away, Antique Rose want to play!!! Rained all night, and is a dreary, grey day with drizzle, then rain, then more of the same. Feel rather blah and not so good. Blood sugar was too low all at once, felt like a limp rag!! Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Hoping you have sun where ever you are. Antique Rose
Sunday, April 18, 2010
A Lazy Weekend
I've been waiting for this weekend for sometime, you know the kind, flowers are beginning to show their wares, birds singing, it isn't cold, and you want to shout, hurrah!!!!!!!! We went to the valley to do the yard work for my mother-in-law and it was just great, warm gentle breezes, not hot, but not cold, just right. Not many of the weekends are like this, so we enjoyed it. :-) Went for our regular Japanese food at a local town. Looked in a favorite store, and just had a good visit. Today we had a good day as well. Sleep in, well, until 6:30 AM, which is late for me, as I get up at 5:00AM during the week. We just had a cup of coffee and toast, then around 10:00AM went out for brunch. Yum, there's a really good breakfast place about 12 minutes away. Great food, good service and then a walk around the town. What a relaxing day. I really needed it. With all the rain and cold, it was a real treat not to wear layers of clothing to be warm. Since I am no spring chicken, I am cold a lot. :-) Just got the word from my son, the place and time of our 50Th Wedding Anniversary dinner is set. Looking forward to that. I am hoping that all the people that I invited will come and help us celebrate. And they said it wouldn't last!!! :-) I really do have the best husband!! Still brings flowers for no reason other than he wants too, never forgets a birthday, or any other special time. I am lucky!!! Antique Rose
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tomatoes, love them!!
Just a note, I went to several local places for tomato plants. Finally found the ones I wanted at
OSH hardware. Got the necessary soil and fertilizer. Got then in the ground, didn't wilt, so I think they will be fine!! Yea, got them in before the next rain that is expected first of next week!! Very happy about that!! I guess the urge to plant never goes away, it is in the blood. I had to dig up some of my Dahlia bulbs/tubers for that spot, so now have to find them another place~~~~~~stay tuned. Antique Rose
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Antique Club Trip
Well, our trip was fun!! Went to a Peninsula antique mall, and had a day of "hunting treasures!!! It was lots of fun, talking and finding things that we couldn't or didn't want to do without!!!! A lunch at local Mexican restaurant and back to more stores!!! I found some really pretty pitchers with roses of course. Will take some pictures and post them. At least I can do that now, even though I can't use my scanner yet!! We've had rain for several days, but today was without rain, for which we were very thankful. The rain has left my Flags rather ragged, but hopefully it has not harmed my orchids!!!! Spikes are out, and should be opening soon. Lilacs are almost gone, the rain made their stay a bit short. I got some pictures though, so will have those to look at. :=)
Ta Ta Antique Rose
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Beginning of the weekend.
Yesterday was a fun day, beginning with a trip to our local Mc D's for breakfast. Then on to the flea that comes once a month. I was lucky, I found a Nippon tea set that consists of a tea pot and five cups and saucers. I also bought some cute little birds, not old, but neat and they go on the selves with the older ones just fine. A phone call from my daughter asking our plans, and if they could come over. Well, of course they could. We had a fun time, went to a few antique places and fooled around for a few hours before heading back home. Got some good pictures of the local train station with the girls in them of course, and some flower pictures as well. We exchange picture cards, that way I get the ones she takes, and visa versa. We then went to dinner. That was good, no cooking!!! A bit crowded, but that is what happens if you don't get there early!!! Came home and continued our visit. Last day of spring break. Back to the homework grind next week!!
Trip with Antique club coming up Tuesday. Yea!! I am also making a curtain for my bedroom window. Not sure how good they will turn out, but have to give it a try!! Antique Rose
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I am a bit behind!! Had a lovely day at my daughter's for Easter. She fixed a lovely dinner of Chicken Enchiladas and the trimmings. I brought the ham. It was all very yummy, topped off by a lemon cake. I was sure I had over eaten, but was pleasantly surprised!! She fixed some tasty munchies too! :-) Got some great pictures of the granddaughters, you know that you can't have too many of those!! Just wish the fourth one could have been there! It was her turn to be with her Mom. This week has been busy as well, walking and volunteering. I walked a total of 10 miles so far. Hope to have that doubled by the end of the week. I walk early with my regular partner, then another with a friend that walks later. I plan to be able to wear a spiffy dress for my 50Th :-)
The plans are in the works right now. Not until August, but that gives me time, right!? Next week is our Antique club trip to a town on the peninsula that has a great Antique mall. Yea!! I think it will be a lot of fun, especially with the other gals of the club, who are really great. Lunch out or bring your own. Also this month is our volunteer appreciation day, where we get served dessert. I have five years in now, but of course there are lots with much more. Eh, it's a start!!! I really like doing it, and have met lots of really nice people. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Monday, March 29, 2010
Fun with the grands.
Well Friday I got more weeds pulled, then finished up early on Saturday. Let it rain, I am ready!
About noon on Saturday had the granddaughters visit, and so had lunch ready for them. They are fun to be around, and we had a fun time while their mother and her brother did some more looking around for a place to have my 50th celebration. When she returned, we had a lovely visit before later going to dinner. They are like having a mini tornado visit. Never a dull moment!!!! I really have enjoyed having them around a bit more than usual. They are so busy with school work and their various music and dance lessons that it is not always possible. My daughter brought a blueberry bush for me, and I got that planted as well. Hopefully the rain will come now and it will begin to grow well. Perhaps next year I will get enough to make a blueberry tart. My daughters favorite. I heard from my good friend that moved to S. Carolina yesterday, it was nice to hear from her and know that she likes her new place. Was a bit concerned that she wouldn't like her move. :-) I also went to an estate sale yesterday late morning. Should have gone earlier, but still managed to snag a few bargains!!! For a dollar and a half I got a table cloth, six hankies, three dresser scarves, a beautiful luster bowl with roses and an aluminum tray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I did well~~~~~~~~~~Antique Rose
Friday, March 26, 2010
Music Festival
Last evening, my husband and I went to my daughters house. She fixed a yummy dinner of Chili Verde and trimmings!!!!!!!!!! So good!!!! What a cook she has become. The occasion was a music festival district wide of the bands, orchestras, and choirs of the various middle and high schools in the Tracy unified school district. Wow!!!!!!! it was so good, I loved all the different songs that were played. Made me smile and made me tap my toes!!! Each one did separate pieces, then at the end all played and sang together!!!!! I hated for it to end, I enjoyed it so much!!! Three granddaughters played and sang in this event. I was so proud and impressed by their performance. :-) Can't wait for the next one in May and the dance recital!!!!!!!!!!! So lucky to have such beautiful and talented granddaughters!!!! Antique Rose
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Latest happenings.
Hello, yesterday was a fun day, going to my daughter's for dinner and then a play. The play was the High School's last play of the year, called Les Miserables, I think I got that right! Anyway, I enjoyed it, and being with the grands, one of which played the music section. She plays the Oboe and Piccolo. It was a long 3 hrs for her!! I get ahead of myself!! The dinner was sooooo yummy!! Baby back ribs, corn on the cob, salad and rice. She is such a good cook!!!! Looking forward to my next time over there when we go see the District Music Festival, and all three granddaughters will be in the event. One in the Chorus, one in the band(flute),and one in the Orchestra(violin), such a treat for me!!!! We went a couple of years ago, and really enjoyed it. Today, they are coming here to visit, and we will celebrate the youngest granddaughter's birthday. We'll go to a local Mexican restaurant (her choice) for that. Should be fun. Perhaps we will get to go to a Spring Open House at a local town, my daughter usually misses. Later~~~~~Antique Rose
Monday, March 15, 2010
Weekend ramblings~~~~~~~~~
Hello again. I welcomed the weekend, I was tired and needed to sleep in! Well, I guess you call sleeping till seven o'clock late for me, as usually get up at five am during the week. :-) I had a flea market to go too, then an anniversary celebration after that. The day started off quite cold, even had ice on the car!!! It really didn't get very warm later, but at least thought it would be warmer inside for the get together!!! I found a really nice shell box at the flea. Hadn't found one in a while.
After coming home and grabbing a hot cup of coffee and relaxing for a bit. We got ready for the anniversary celebration. I dressed warm, and it is a good thing I did. They left doors open on either side of the room, and I was quite cold by the time I left. It was good to see our friends and the happy couple !!! Fifty years is a long time to be happily married!!! Their two daughters put the affair on, and not only were the speakers fun to listen too, the food was yummy as well. We have one coming up in August, hopefully it will come off as nicely!!! It will just be family, but that adds up to quite the number!! That is one reason I hope that all the dental work will be finished. :-) I heard from a friend that just moved to South Carolina. It was fun to hear her voice and know that she is doing fine and likes her new home. Antique Rose
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hello, well I had another implant today, and it went well. Doctor said that mine from last week were looking good and that I was a fast healer. I am finished with implants now, and have to wait a certain amount if time(usually four months) before the next step. I have a feeling it won't be quite as long as that!!! Anyway, I am on my way to having a beautiful set of teeth by the fall!!! That will be nice. It has been sometime since I could say that!!! With my 50Th anniversary coming up, I look forward to having a beautiful picture, with a big smile!!!!
Yesterday was another successful Antique club meeting. The ladies I chose to be hostesses did an outstanding job with the decorations(St Paddy's Day) and the food was excellent!! Great chicken salad , egg salad and turkey croissants for the tea sandwiches and Potato salad, plus two great Jello salads completed the luncheon. Well, of course there was cookies, and pastries too! Gotta have those to complete the picture, plus they go well with the tea and coffee. We had an excellent speaker on Victorian interiors and the paints that were used. A very interesting talk. You just never know what you will learn about our various speakers. We are usually pleased. Antique Rose
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I am back, yea
I have not been able to be on a computer for about 9 days!! First, my computer stopped working again, after having a new hard drive! So had to buy another one! Hopefully this one is not a lemon!
It was in the shop lots of times over the four years I had it!! I had implant surgery on this past Tuesday, and did not feel like setting it up, and I thought I couldn't so didn't tackle it until this morning. Well, surprised myself, and got it done!:-) I feel good about that. I had contacted a guy to do it for me, but he never called back! Really annoying, but at least now I know I can do it, and glad I wasn't out anymore cost.
I now have five implants with the last one to be put in this coming weds, oh joy! I look like I have been in a fight, bruises and very sore gums, but at least I got to eat somewhat normally today! After eating soft, soft foods for four days it was a welcome change. I had been home bound for this week, no walking, etc. So when my hubby offered to take me to one of my favorite places, I said a resounding, Yes!! On the way there stopped at a Discovery Shop and found two aluminum trays. Everything in the whole shop was one half off. Whoopee!! Then some really pretty rose plates in a set, but missing some of the pieces. I loved them, and will use them for everyday. I won't feel too bad if they get broken down the road, as they were such bargains. Then it was on to the favorite store. There I found a beautiful rose picture and a pretty bird figurine. I feel quite lucky!! I can now put photos on computer again, so will have to take some pictures of my treasures soon. Antique Rose
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Lazy day.
Hello, having a lazy day here. Worked hard yesterday so that I could have one!!! Went to the mall this morning, looked around for a couple of hours, had lunch and then came home. It is a rainy afternoon. Makes you want to take a nap!! Rain is in the forecast for the next several days, so guess I should get used to it! :-) We need it, but would like to work in the yard at some point.
Hey, good news, I got to stop taking one of my diabetic medications!! I was very pleased!!! And got good lab results on my cholesterol tests!!! Yea for me!! Now if only my dental work was done, and I was writing to say that I was through with that!! Oh, why does all this stuff come in your golden years!!! Antique Rose
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Catching up on life.
Well, I had another successful Antique Club meeting. The hostesses out did themselves with the wonderful food and decorations. We had some great salads as well as sandwiches and desserts!! Our decorations were for Valentine's Day. A beautiful center piece of carnations, white and red and baby's breath. Red heart balloons and hearts everywhere . Had a really interesting talk on ladies Victorian dress. A member of the club gave it, she was dressed in a Victorian dress and had the gloves and parasol to match. Talk was lively and informing and everyone enjoyed it. Don't you just love it when everything goes well? Yeah for us!! Now can relax for a while before the next letters need to be sent out and yet another meeting to plan!!! In the mean time we have a board meeting to check on whether or not all the officers will stay for another year, or if we need to look for new ones. Of course the usual walks and volunteering this week . Also helped with the center's February birthday party on Friday. That is always a fun time. :-) Now for the week end. I got to go to one of my favorite new places, called the The Green Pea. A really neat place, that I could stay and look around for a lot longer than I did!! Found a few treasures. That is always a plus. :-) and had a nice talk with the lady who owns the place. She is a blogger too, and always a pleasure to see and talk too!!! It means a lot that she has checked out my blog. I don't know how anyone has time to do that and also do all the work involved with running a business!!! I then went on to another town further down the highway. Hubby and I had lunch out and he rode his bike around the town while I looked into the shops. Did not buy much there, but had fun looking!!! It is not always finding the treasure that is the most fun(although, I like too), but the hunt is fun as well. We went back by my Daughter's home and took her and the granddaughter's out to dinner. We had a gift certificate from Christmas and so shared it with her. We had fun visiting and eating, and then came home. A nice weekend don't you think?!! Antique Rose
Monday, February 8, 2010
Weekend Wanderings.
I have had a few days off of rain, and it did wonders for me!! Now I am ready for the next storm coming in tomorrow. We have improved our rain total, and that is great as well. I had fun looking in several shops on Saturday, but didn't buy anything, as nothing really jumped out at me and said "buy". Yes, guess I am getting more selective, and that is very good, as my rooms are straining at the seams!!!! I have many "special goodies" that are waiting patiently to be placed in their special places. I need for the summer to come so I can open windows and doors to get this done. It has been especially cold for California this year, and I won't waste precious heat to do this now. I have waited this long, what's a few more weeks, right?!! I am sure when I get to do this, I will discover something I have forgotten, and it will be like shopping all over again!!! :-) As you get older, you do sometimes forget!!! I have my antique club meeting tomorrow, and I have my necessary things all ready to go. I open and close the place where we have these meeting, thus I get there earlier than others. Makes me keep things organized!!! Dear hubby goes and does the heavy lifting and helps me set up also. That is a big help!! It is a bigger job than I was told, but I like it, and love to converse with all the ladies of the club!!! We are having a fellow member do a talk on Victorian clothing. It should be a fun day, with our usual great hostesses with the food and decorations. Want to come?? Now, on the yesterday, Super Bowl Sunday. My daughter and granddaughters were over for a half day, and we went to a local town that has lots of shops(antique and collectibles) to browse through. My daughter found a few treasures as well as the granddaughters. I found one beautiful candy dish, old and with roses like I collect, so it was a fun few hours spent. After they returned home, my hubby and I went to the sons house for a Super Bowl "party", and he fixed a special rib dinner too. Both were yummy, and the team we were rooting for, won. Can't get better than that!!!! All in all a great weekend minus the rain!! And as I write the rain has begun once again. Came in early, but as I said, I am ready for it. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Friday, February 5, 2010
Another week gone.
I had great readings for my blood sugar, so I am a happy camper!! Also went to a class, wanted to find out more about how to read labels. There were about 10 of us, and I did find out some useful things. Also that since I am over 65, and considered the "elderly", I can have higher readings, and still be good. However, I have better readings now than I did years ago!! Go figure, I have been saying that older people should have a bit higher for some time, but of course they had to find this out, and now tell us that!!!! Sometimes I feel that we are just experiments for the pharmaceuticals!!! Well, on to another subject, I finally have an appointment to get my implants (teeth) started. Have been waiting for the oral doctor and dentist to get together for their plans. I am a bit nervous about it, as it will take a two and half session, but I want to get it done all at once, as you have to wait for four months for those to heal before the next step!!! This is not cosmetic , but a needed procedure to have teeth to eat with. :-)!! You say, what have I been doing these past years without them, and why do I need them now!!?? Well, with diabetes you want the best possible dental health, and I figure if I keep using the few I have, they will eventually go bad, from over use!!! Isn't getting older the pits!! Just when you need things the most, they are going away!! Just glad that I can have it done. It is not inexpensive!!! Well, now that I have that off my chest, the week was quite nice, having rain mostly at night, and fair, sunny daytime. I can do better that way, as I get my walks in and we still get the rain that is badly needed. I heard from some of my chicks and so it was a nice week all around. Funny what little things make you happy, hearing from the kids, and grands is one that does, and having daffodils blooming is another. I still have not been able to get in the yard and do necessary work, but perhaps that will come soon. Just need a few days of sun and no rain. I will just be happy when I can do it. I guess the planting, etc can wait. It is still early. At least I can look at catalogs and plan for later. My antique club meeting is early next week, and I am ready for that, so that is good. None of the hostesses has called and said that they couldn't preform their duties. Yea!!! So it is a go!! My daughter is coming this weekend to visit which is nice. Hope it is nice weather for her. Well, that's it for now. Antique Rose
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Happenings of the weekend.
We had a day without rain on Friday, so my husband took me to a favorite store in a near by town to hunt for some treasures. This was of course after my walk and volunteering. I did find a few. A couple of Irish table cloths, that were embroidered and trimmed with Irish lace. They will have to be cleaned very carefully, as they had been stored for some time. I hope to get them in tip top shape!!! I also got a box of Christmas linens that were very nice, for ten dollars, a real bargain!! Before going home, we also went to another local place and I found two plates, with roses, of course, and three bird figurines that I also collect. I had not gone treasure hunting in a while, so thought I was very fortunate! The birds were from the 40's and 50's. They are so neat!! Today was our weekend to go to the valley to do my husband's Mom's yard work. After he is finished my sister in law always treats us to lunch at a favorite Japanese restaurant. Had my usual Sesame Chicken , which is always delicious!!! We also went to Home Goods, a neat store that carries lots of high end stuff, but at reasonable prices. I find a fruit spread there, that we both love!! Well, that was part of our weekend, wonder what Sunday holds in store. Here's hoping that my blogging friends are having a great one too. Antique Rose
Monday, January 25, 2010
Wonderful time with "loves"
Have an enjoyable day with Daughter and family yesterday. Arrived in the afternoon, and had just enough time to visit a short while and have a cup of coffee before going to a concert. Two of the granddaughter's were in the concert. One plays the violin, and the other the flute. The concert was really nice. Music was first the strings, the a really nice combination of teachers, musicians, and students playing several jazz numbers. The conductor was really good too. This is the first time my older granddaughter really liked what she was doing, she kept saying, "it was fun", now that is what I like to hear. Someone enjoying what they play. She is in a jazz group, as well as the marching band, community band, and a college band. She is quite busy and manages to bring home excellent grades as well. Her sister, who plays the violin is just now in an orchestra in middle school, so this was her first with a group. I am sure she will be doing lots of things like the older sister by the time she reaches high school. The sister who doesn't play an instrument, is in dance, and is very good at that. Isn't it nice, I can have music, dance, etc and enjoy the grands at the same time!! I am so lucky! Now, for dinner. My daughter is an excellent cook, she made a delicious soup, called Chicken chili Verde. It was soooooo good!!!!
That with a great salad, Texas caviar, and some french bread, oh, my!!!! Yum, yum!!! I got the recipe, I have to try it myself! Then, for dessert, a wonderful, warm, apple crisp. Oh, it was so good. I was sure my blood sugar would be extra high this morning, but no, it was good. On that subject, I now take a small amount of insulin at night, and my larger amount in the mornings, seems to have conquered the high blood sugar. I am so happy about that!!!!!!!!!!!! After a couple of months of pure frustration, it is great!!! Now if I could only get my walks in, it has been raining daily, and so haven't for a week, but will try again tomorrow. Antique Rose
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Soggy Weather
Ah, the last few days have been quite wet. We have needed rain, and boy, are we getting it, with a bang. Even a tornado warning or two here in California!!! That's pretty unusual. My daffodils are peaking out out of the ground, but it is too wet and muddy to pull any weeds that have grown along with them. I am really looking forward to getting into the garden and doing necessary chores. I know that the weeds are going to win, if that doesn't happen soon!! Which means I will do double duty when I finally get to dig!! I have not got to walk the last few days either, and that's not good. My walking partner has informed me she won't walk when it is raining. We did that last year, but she has been having problems with her knees, and so doesn't want to now. I can understand that. I am sure that we will get to walk soon. We still go to the senior center and do our volunteering, so that is nice. Although there were not too many people who showed up!!! At our age, we tend to be more careful of wet side walks, etc. Last month one of our long time volunteers fell and broke her hip. She has not returned yet, and may not. On a different subject, I have been trying to get my blood sugar down, and I think that I now may have done that, at least it is today, after my diabetic nurse suggested I take a small amount of insulin at night to boost the morning dose. Yea, it was quite good this morning, so I am quite pleased. She said I could be one of those people who are insulin resistant and therefore need to have it twice a day. Whatever works is fine with me, as the shots really aren't bad, and I want to have decent readings!!! :-) Antique Rose
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Update on life.
Hi everyone, I have been quite busy, or at least it seems that way to me. I had my monthly meeting of the Antique club I belong too. It was a nice one. We had a speaker who had been collecting butterflies for over 50 years, and he brought several cases of them to show us. His talk was also very interesting. He had been a teacher for many years also. Our hostesses of the month had decorated a winter theme, and it was very festive looking. The food was excellent as well. So an all around success. That is always nice, since I am responsible for that, being the hostess coordinator. :-) Just a day or so later, our good friend passed away, and so we began to prepare for our goodbyes. The wake for him was last night, and it was really nice. All the children and grandchildren spoke, and told stories from his life. He was quite the man, and loved by all. It was so nice to hear them all and know that he had a full life and not only received love, but gave it to all his family and friends. I thought it was going to be a very sad time, but it turned out to be a happy one. The service is today, and so we will say our last goodbyes then. On another subject, had a mole removed, and was okay, so that was a relief!!
Still trying to get blood sugar on a lower level, now giving myself shots in the morning, instead of the evening, so far, not much different. ahhhhhhh!!! Stay tuned on that. It is getting to be quite frustrating. Oh well, on a lighter note, I have daffodils peaking out of the ground, which means that I have lots of daffodils to look forward too. Hopefully most of the 90 bulbs will make a showing!! Will have to take pictures when they all arrive. My great granddaughter turns 1 year today. Boy, did that year fly by!! Antique Rose
Monday, January 11, 2010
Can Spring be just around the corner?
Yes, I know that we have a ways to go before spring, but I want to get to my garden in the worst way. It's rather like therapy for me, I work out the kinks and puzzles of my mind. I always feel rather accomplished after digging and shoveling and pulling weeds!! There's something about planting seeds, or plants that gives you much satisfaction. The days of really cold weather and rain sometimes get to me. Even though I walk around the lake five days per week, and see the sprouts on the various bushes, and trees I still want to garden. I do take pictures of the trees in bloom, and the baby ducks when they arrive. That's something else I really like to do, but I hesitate to take many these days, I lost all of my pictures when my computer crashed!! Sorta lost my desire to do so. I will again, but not yet. My husband wants me to purchase another computer, but I have not done so. Perhaps after our farewell to the friend we just lost. I don't seem to want to get back into my regular routine yet. Perhaps that is a bit of depression. I so hoped that this year we could squeak by without losing another friend or relative. Since 2004, their has been a steady number of them!! Well, guess you can't stop what will happen! But I got off the topic I started with, didn't I!! Perhaps I just needed to get it off my chest!! So having done so, promise to be a bit more upbeat next time. Antique Rose
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Sad News
I left this morning, walked at the lake, did my hours of volunteering, and came home. I knew that there was bad news when my husband was waiting at the driveway!! Our dear friend died late last night. We will miss him, but know that he is better now, as there will be no more pain. Just after my husband told me that news, we had an earthquake!! Guess our friend was making his present known to the heavens!! Now, the goodbyes will start, and the funeral will be. That will be hard, but not as hard for his friends, as it will be for his family. Our prayers and love go to them at this time! Antique Rose
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
January is here.
I can't seem to get warm, I know my heating bill is going to be high!! I am not complaining, just glad I am not where the snow is so deep!! Can't imagine the bills there!! My grandson is in New York, and there is plenty of snow and he has learned to snowboard. Even in Florida where another grandson is, they are having very cool temps. Have you put all the Christmas stuff away? I began last weekend, and have got most of it done, just need to get all the boxes/bins back into the shed. That is a big relief. I enjoy all the decorating, but putting everything back is a chore!!! :-)
Just after Christmas, my computer crashed, and I had to put in a new hard drive. That was not the worse part, I lost all of my pictures of the past four years that were on it. Dumb me, didn't have a external hard drive that backed them up, I am not computer savvy, so of course didn't do this. So before anymore appear, that is one thing I will have. Such a terrible feeling to lose them!!
I still am feeling sick over it, but I know I will have to get over it, and go on!!! It is not like old times where you have negatives that you can reprint. :-( My daughter has some of the same ones, so I can get those if I want them, but older pictures from the past, that's another matter!!
Guess I have bitched and had enough pity parties, can't blame anyone else except perhaps the computer which has seen way too many visits to the shop!! Had my first computer eight years, and no problems at all.
On another note, it has been a rather sad time with our good friend who has been told he has a short time to live, after all the surgeries he went through. Life just doesn't seem fair at times.
We have visited him quite often, and will truly miss him when he passes.
I hope the next time I visit here, I will be in a better mood. Sorry if I have made anyone feel bad, but had to vent. Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.