Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Happenings of the weekend.
We had a day without rain on Friday, so my husband took me to a favorite store in a near by town to hunt for some treasures. This was of course after my walk and volunteering. I did find a few. A couple of Irish table cloths, that were embroidered and trimmed with Irish lace. They will have to be cleaned very carefully, as they had been stored for some time. I hope to get them in tip top shape!!! I also got a box of Christmas linens that were very nice, for ten dollars, a real bargain!! Before going home, we also went to another local place and I found two plates, with roses, of course, and three bird figurines that I also collect. I had not gone treasure hunting in a while, so thought I was very fortunate! The birds were from the 40's and 50's. They are so neat!! Today was our weekend to go to the valley to do my husband's Mom's yard work. After he is finished my sister in law always treats us to lunch at a favorite Japanese restaurant. Had my usual Sesame Chicken , which is always delicious!!! We also went to Home Goods, a neat store that carries lots of high end stuff, but at reasonable prices. I find a fruit spread there, that we both love!! Well, that was part of our weekend, wonder what Sunday holds in store. Here's hoping that my blogging friends are having a great one too. Antique Rose
Monday, January 25, 2010
Wonderful time with "loves"
Have an enjoyable day with Daughter and family yesterday. Arrived in the afternoon, and had just enough time to visit a short while and have a cup of coffee before going to a concert. Two of the granddaughter's were in the concert. One plays the violin, and the other the flute. The concert was really nice. Music was first the strings, the a really nice combination of teachers, musicians, and students playing several jazz numbers. The conductor was really good too. This is the first time my older granddaughter really liked what she was doing, she kept saying, "it was fun", now that is what I like to hear. Someone enjoying what they play. She is in a jazz group, as well as the marching band, community band, and a college band. She is quite busy and manages to bring home excellent grades as well. Her sister, who plays the violin is just now in an orchestra in middle school, so this was her first with a group. I am sure she will be doing lots of things like the older sister by the time she reaches high school. The sister who doesn't play an instrument, is in dance, and is very good at that. Isn't it nice, I can have music, dance, etc and enjoy the grands at the same time!! I am so lucky! Now, for dinner. My daughter is an excellent cook, she made a delicious soup, called Chicken chili Verde. It was soooooo good!!!!
That with a great salad, Texas caviar, and some french bread, oh, my!!!! Yum, yum!!! I got the recipe, I have to try it myself! Then, for dessert, a wonderful, warm, apple crisp. Oh, it was so good. I was sure my blood sugar would be extra high this morning, but no, it was good. On that subject, I now take a small amount of insulin at night, and my larger amount in the mornings, seems to have conquered the high blood sugar. I am so happy about that!!!!!!!!!!!! After a couple of months of pure frustration, it is great!!! Now if I could only get my walks in, it has been raining daily, and so haven't for a week, but will try again tomorrow. Antique Rose
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Soggy Weather
Ah, the last few days have been quite wet. We have needed rain, and boy, are we getting it, with a bang. Even a tornado warning or two here in California!!! That's pretty unusual. My daffodils are peaking out out of the ground, but it is too wet and muddy to pull any weeds that have grown along with them. I am really looking forward to getting into the garden and doing necessary chores. I know that the weeds are going to win, if that doesn't happen soon!! Which means I will do double duty when I finally get to dig!! I have not got to walk the last few days either, and that's not good. My walking partner has informed me she won't walk when it is raining. We did that last year, but she has been having problems with her knees, and so doesn't want to now. I can understand that. I am sure that we will get to walk soon. We still go to the senior center and do our volunteering, so that is nice. Although there were not too many people who showed up!!! At our age, we tend to be more careful of wet side walks, etc. Last month one of our long time volunteers fell and broke her hip. She has not returned yet, and may not. On a different subject, I have been trying to get my blood sugar down, and I think that I now may have done that, at least it is today, after my diabetic nurse suggested I take a small amount of insulin at night to boost the morning dose. Yea, it was quite good this morning, so I am quite pleased. She said I could be one of those people who are insulin resistant and therefore need to have it twice a day. Whatever works is fine with me, as the shots really aren't bad, and I want to have decent readings!!! :-) Antique Rose
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Update on life.
Hi everyone, I have been quite busy, or at least it seems that way to me. I had my monthly meeting of the Antique club I belong too. It was a nice one. We had a speaker who had been collecting butterflies for over 50 years, and he brought several cases of them to show us. His talk was also very interesting. He had been a teacher for many years also. Our hostesses of the month had decorated a winter theme, and it was very festive looking. The food was excellent as well. So an all around success. That is always nice, since I am responsible for that, being the hostess coordinator. :-) Just a day or so later, our good friend passed away, and so we began to prepare for our goodbyes. The wake for him was last night, and it was really nice. All the children and grandchildren spoke, and told stories from his life. He was quite the man, and loved by all. It was so nice to hear them all and know that he had a full life and not only received love, but gave it to all his family and friends. I thought it was going to be a very sad time, but it turned out to be a happy one. The service is today, and so we will say our last goodbyes then. On another subject, had a mole removed, and was okay, so that was a relief!!
Still trying to get blood sugar on a lower level, now giving myself shots in the morning, instead of the evening, so far, not much different. ahhhhhhh!!! Stay tuned on that. It is getting to be quite frustrating. Oh well, on a lighter note, I have daffodils peaking out of the ground, which means that I have lots of daffodils to look forward too. Hopefully most of the 90 bulbs will make a showing!! Will have to take pictures when they all arrive. My great granddaughter turns 1 year today. Boy, did that year fly by!! Antique Rose
Monday, January 11, 2010
Can Spring be just around the corner?
Yes, I know that we have a ways to go before spring, but I want to get to my garden in the worst way. It's rather like therapy for me, I work out the kinks and puzzles of my mind. I always feel rather accomplished after digging and shoveling and pulling weeds!! There's something about planting seeds, or plants that gives you much satisfaction. The days of really cold weather and rain sometimes get to me. Even though I walk around the lake five days per week, and see the sprouts on the various bushes, and trees I still want to garden. I do take pictures of the trees in bloom, and the baby ducks when they arrive. That's something else I really like to do, but I hesitate to take many these days, I lost all of my pictures when my computer crashed!! Sorta lost my desire to do so. I will again, but not yet. My husband wants me to purchase another computer, but I have not done so. Perhaps after our farewell to the friend we just lost. I don't seem to want to get back into my regular routine yet. Perhaps that is a bit of depression. I so hoped that this year we could squeak by without losing another friend or relative. Since 2004, their has been a steady number of them!! Well, guess you can't stop what will happen! But I got off the topic I started with, didn't I!! Perhaps I just needed to get it off my chest!! So having done so, promise to be a bit more upbeat next time. Antique Rose
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Sad News
I left this morning, walked at the lake, did my hours of volunteering, and came home. I knew that there was bad news when my husband was waiting at the driveway!! Our dear friend died late last night. We will miss him, but know that he is better now, as there will be no more pain. Just after my husband told me that news, we had an earthquake!! Guess our friend was making his present known to the heavens!! Now, the goodbyes will start, and the funeral will be. That will be hard, but not as hard for his friends, as it will be for his family. Our prayers and love go to them at this time! Antique Rose
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
January is here.
I can't seem to get warm, I know my heating bill is going to be high!! I am not complaining, just glad I am not where the snow is so deep!! Can't imagine the bills there!! My grandson is in New York, and there is plenty of snow and he has learned to snowboard. Even in Florida where another grandson is, they are having very cool temps. Have you put all the Christmas stuff away? I began last weekend, and have got most of it done, just need to get all the boxes/bins back into the shed. That is a big relief. I enjoy all the decorating, but putting everything back is a chore!!! :-)
Just after Christmas, my computer crashed, and I had to put in a new hard drive. That was not the worse part, I lost all of my pictures of the past four years that were on it. Dumb me, didn't have a external hard drive that backed them up, I am not computer savvy, so of course didn't do this. So before anymore appear, that is one thing I will have. Such a terrible feeling to lose them!!
I still am feeling sick over it, but I know I will have to get over it, and go on!!! It is not like old times where you have negatives that you can reprint. :-( My daughter has some of the same ones, so I can get those if I want them, but older pictures from the past, that's another matter!!
Guess I have bitched and had enough pity parties, can't blame anyone else except perhaps the computer which has seen way too many visits to the shop!! Had my first computer eight years, and no problems at all.
On another note, it has been a rather sad time with our good friend who has been told he has a short time to live, after all the surgeries he went through. Life just doesn't seem fair at times.
We have visited him quite often, and will truly miss him when he passes.
I hope the next time I visit here, I will be in a better mood. Sorry if I have made anyone feel bad, but had to vent. Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.