Hey, good news, I got to stop taking one of my diabetic medications!! I was very pleased!!! And got good lab results on my cholesterol tests!!! Yea for me!! Now if only my dental work was done, and I was writing to say that I was through with that!! Oh, why does all this stuff come in your golden years!!! Antique Rose
Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Lazy day.
Hello, having a lazy day here. Worked hard yesterday so that I could have one!!! Went to the mall this morning, looked around for a couple of hours, had lunch and then came home. It is a rainy afternoon. Makes you want to take a nap!! Rain is in the forecast for the next several days, so guess I should get used to it! :-) We need it, but would like to work in the yard at some point.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Catching up on life.
Well, I had another successful Antique Club meeting. The hostesses out did themselves with the wonderful food and decorations. We had some great salads as well as sandwiches and desserts!! Our decorations were for Valentine's Day. A beautiful center piece of carnations, white and red and baby's breath. Red heart balloons and hearts everywhere . Had a really interesting talk on ladies Victorian dress. A member of the club gave it, she was dressed in a Victorian dress and had the gloves and parasol to match. Talk was lively and informing and everyone enjoyed it. Don't you just love it when everything goes well? Yeah for us!! Now can relax for a while before the next letters need to be sent out and yet another meeting to plan!!! In the mean time we have a board meeting to check on whether or not all the officers will stay for another year, or if we need to look for new ones. Of course the usual walks and volunteering this week . Also helped with the center's February birthday party on Friday. That is always a fun time. :-) Now for the week end. I got to go to one of my favorite new places, called the The Green Pea. A really neat place, that I could stay and look around for a lot longer than I did!! Found a few treasures. That is always a plus. :-) and had a nice talk with the lady who owns the place. She is a blogger too, and always a pleasure to see and talk too!!! It means a lot that she has checked out my blog. I don't know how anyone has time to do that and also do all the work involved with running a business!!! I then went on to another town further down the highway. Hubby and I had lunch out and he rode his bike around the town while I looked into the shops. Did not buy much there, but had fun looking!!! It is not always finding the treasure that is the most fun(although, I like too), but the hunt is fun as well. We went back by my Daughter's home and took her and the granddaughter's out to dinner. We had a gift certificate from Christmas and so shared it with her. We had fun visiting and eating, and then came home. A nice weekend don't you think?!! Antique Rose
Monday, February 8, 2010
Weekend Wanderings.
I have had a few days off of rain, and it did wonders for me!! Now I am ready for the next storm coming in tomorrow. We have improved our rain total, and that is great as well. I had fun looking in several shops on Saturday, but didn't buy anything, as nothing really jumped out at me and said "buy". Yes, guess I am getting more selective, and that is very good, as my rooms are straining at the seams!!!! I have many "special goodies" that are waiting patiently to be placed in their special places. I need for the summer to come so I can open windows and doors to get this done. It has been especially cold for California this year, and I won't waste precious heat to do this now. I have waited this long, what's a few more weeks, right?!! I am sure when I get to do this, I will discover something I have forgotten, and it will be like shopping all over again!!! :-) As you get older, you do sometimes forget!!! I have my antique club meeting tomorrow, and I have my necessary things all ready to go. I open and close the place where we have these meeting, thus I get there earlier than others. Makes me keep things organized!!! Dear hubby goes and does the heavy lifting and helps me set up also. That is a big help!! It is a bigger job than I was told, but I like it, and love to converse with all the ladies of the club!!! We are having a fellow member do a talk on Victorian clothing. It should be a fun day, with our usual great hostesses with the food and decorations. Want to come?? Now, on the yesterday, Super Bowl Sunday. My daughter and granddaughters were over for a half day, and we went to a local town that has lots of shops(antique and collectibles) to browse through. My daughter found a few treasures as well as the granddaughters. I found one beautiful candy dish, old and with roses like I collect, so it was a fun few hours spent. After they returned home, my hubby and I went to the sons house for a Super Bowl "party", and he fixed a special rib dinner too. Both were yummy, and the team we were rooting for, won. Can't get better than that!!!! All in all a great weekend minus the rain!! And as I write the rain has begun once again. Came in early, but as I said, I am ready for it. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Friday, February 5, 2010
Another week gone.
I had great readings for my blood sugar, so I am a happy camper!! Also went to a class, wanted to find out more about how to read labels. There were about 10 of us, and I did find out some useful things. Also that since I am over 65, and considered the "elderly", I can have higher readings, and still be good. However, I have better readings now than I did years ago!! Go figure, I have been saying that older people should have a bit higher for some time, but of course they had to find this out, and now tell us that!!!! Sometimes I feel that we are just experiments for the pharmaceuticals!!! Well, on to another subject, I finally have an appointment to get my implants (teeth) started. Have been waiting for the oral doctor and dentist to get together for their plans. I am a bit nervous about it, as it will take a two and half session, but I want to get it done all at once, as you have to wait for four months for those to heal before the next step!!! This is not cosmetic , but a needed procedure to have teeth to eat with. :-)!! You say, what have I been doing these past years without them, and why do I need them now!!?? Well, with diabetes you want the best possible dental health, and I figure if I keep using the few I have, they will eventually go bad, from over use!!! Isn't getting older the pits!! Just when you need things the most, they are going away!! Just glad that I can have it done. It is not inexpensive!!! Well, now that I have that off my chest, the week was quite nice, having rain mostly at night, and fair, sunny daytime. I can do better that way, as I get my walks in and we still get the rain that is badly needed. I heard from some of my chicks and so it was a nice week all around. Funny what little things make you happy, hearing from the kids, and grands is one that does, and having daffodils blooming is another. I still have not been able to get in the yard and do necessary work, but perhaps that will come soon. Just need a few days of sun and no rain. I will just be happy when I can do it. I guess the planting, etc can wait. It is still early. At least I can look at catalogs and plan for later. My antique club meeting is early next week, and I am ready for that, so that is good. None of the hostesses has called and said that they couldn't preform their duties. Yea!!! So it is a go!! My daughter is coming this weekend to visit which is nice. Hope it is nice weather for her. Well, that's it for now. Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.