Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Yesterday started off with rain, now mind you, I had asked for sunshine to go with us on a trip to Kellye Park and the Japanese Friendship Garden!!! Well, by the time we reached our destination, it had slowed to a shower, then after a few steps inside the garden, nothing but sunshine!! It was a beautiful park with lots of beautiful trees, shrubs, water, and stone statues. A really fun walk and I took lots of really nice pictures. Plan to get them developed and give some to the club, for future guests to look at and want to go next year. At the park next to the friendship park was lots of homes built around the 1850's to early 1900's. We got to go inside a few and really learned a lot about the families, and how they lived. Aren't we lucky, inside toilets, and running water, etc. You don't realize just how much things have improved in that way. I don't know that we are any happier, but like to think so!!! We visited a early dentist office, wow, that really made me appreciate my dentist!!! We brought our lunches and had a nice picnic in the park and had beautiful roses all around. I hope to go back on a weekend, and see all the homes that are only opened on weekends and holidays. We had a very knowledgeable docent also. That always makes the trip more enjoyable too. We arrived back to the senior center, right on time. Till next time~~~~~Antique Rose
Monday, April 26, 2010
Time well spent with the loves.
Went to my Daughter's home on Sunday morning. We went to a concert that the older granddaughter was playing in. She plays the Oboe. It was an enjoyable afternoon. She had to be early for rehearsal, so while she was doing that, and before the concert was to begin, the rest of us gals went to lunch and then looked around in a couple of stores. Got back just before all available parking was gone!!! After a two hour concert, we then went to the Old Spaghetti Factory and had a nice dinner. I'm sure the one that participated in the concert was really hungry!! Back home after that and a good visit before bathes and bedtime. It was a surprise to the grands that I was staying the night. My granddaughter informed me that I snored!! :-). Stayed around and visited until the gals got in from school, then it was time to leave. Hugs all around, you never can have enough of those!!! Antique Rose
Another rain expected tonight and tomorrow, hoping it is not into Weds as well, a trip with the senior garden club then, and we're visiting some beautiful gardens!!! Plus my lilac(new one) and my peonies are just opening up!! I hope they survive!!!!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Saturday's wanderings.
A beautiful saturday once again. After breakfast, we went for a drive, looking up old addresses we have lived at before. You do this once you've been married for a long time, and have more to look back to, than perhaps future. Just remembering our first years together, as our 50th is coming soon. :-) Ah, to be that young again!! Don't really feel old, yet know that I am perhaps in the autumn of my years. Anyway, back to our Saturday. Went to a farmer's market in a town nearby, as I thought they would have sweet peas, one of my favorite flowers. Yea, they did, as you can see in the photo I put on today. Then on to another little town nearby to look in a couple of thrift stores I like to go too. As it turned out I found a couple of purses, and my hubby a couple of shirts. Had fun, and didn't spend too much money!! We had a late lunch, so just snacked later instead of having a normal dinner. Will be going to my daughter's tomorrow to see a concert that my granddaughter is in, then back for an overnight stay with them. Should be fun!!! Antique Rose
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Raining again!!!!
Rain, rain, go away, Antique Rose want to play!!! Rained all night, and is a dreary, grey day with drizzle, then rain, then more of the same. Feel rather blah and not so good. Blood sugar was too low all at once, felt like a limp rag!! Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Hoping you have sun where ever you are. Antique Rose
Sunday, April 18, 2010
A Lazy Weekend
I've been waiting for this weekend for sometime, you know the kind, flowers are beginning to show their wares, birds singing, it isn't cold, and you want to shout, hurrah!!!!!!!! We went to the valley to do the yard work for my mother-in-law and it was just great, warm gentle breezes, not hot, but not cold, just right. Not many of the weekends are like this, so we enjoyed it. :-) Went for our regular Japanese food at a local town. Looked in a favorite store, and just had a good visit. Today we had a good day as well. Sleep in, well, until 6:30 AM, which is late for me, as I get up at 5:00AM during the week. We just had a cup of coffee and toast, then around 10:00AM went out for brunch. Yum, there's a really good breakfast place about 12 minutes away. Great food, good service and then a walk around the town. What a relaxing day. I really needed it. With all the rain and cold, it was a real treat not to wear layers of clothing to be warm. Since I am no spring chicken, I am cold a lot. :-) Just got the word from my son, the place and time of our 50Th Wedding Anniversary dinner is set. Looking forward to that. I am hoping that all the people that I invited will come and help us celebrate. And they said it wouldn't last!!! :-) I really do have the best husband!! Still brings flowers for no reason other than he wants too, never forgets a birthday, or any other special time. I am lucky!!! Antique Rose
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tomatoes, love them!!
Just a note, I went to several local places for tomato plants. Finally found the ones I wanted at
OSH hardware. Got the necessary soil and fertilizer. Got then in the ground, didn't wilt, so I think they will be fine!! Yea, got them in before the next rain that is expected first of next week!! Very happy about that!! I guess the urge to plant never goes away, it is in the blood. I had to dig up some of my Dahlia bulbs/tubers for that spot, so now have to find them another place~~~~~~stay tuned. Antique Rose
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Antique Club Trip
Well, our trip was fun!! Went to a Peninsula antique mall, and had a day of "hunting treasures!!! It was lots of fun, talking and finding things that we couldn't or didn't want to do without!!!! A lunch at local Mexican restaurant and back to more stores!!! I found some really pretty pitchers with roses of course. Will take some pictures and post them. At least I can do that now, even though I can't use my scanner yet!! We've had rain for several days, but today was without rain, for which we were very thankful. The rain has left my Flags rather ragged, but hopefully it has not harmed my orchids!!!! Spikes are out, and should be opening soon. Lilacs are almost gone, the rain made their stay a bit short. I got some pictures though, so will have those to look at. :=)
Ta Ta Antique Rose
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Beginning of the weekend.
Yesterday was a fun day, beginning with a trip to our local Mc D's for breakfast. Then on to the flea that comes once a month. I was lucky, I found a Nippon tea set that consists of a tea pot and five cups and saucers. I also bought some cute little birds, not old, but neat and they go on the selves with the older ones just fine. A phone call from my daughter asking our plans, and if they could come over. Well, of course they could. We had a fun time, went to a few antique places and fooled around for a few hours before heading back home. Got some good pictures of the local train station with the girls in them of course, and some flower pictures as well. We exchange picture cards, that way I get the ones she takes, and visa versa. We then went to dinner. That was good, no cooking!!! A bit crowded, but that is what happens if you don't get there early!!! Came home and continued our visit. Last day of spring break. Back to the homework grind next week!!
Trip with Antique club coming up Tuesday. Yea!! I am also making a curtain for my bedroom window. Not sure how good they will turn out, but have to give it a try!! Antique Rose
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I am a bit behind!! Had a lovely day at my daughter's for Easter. She fixed a lovely dinner of Chicken Enchiladas and the trimmings. I brought the ham. It was all very yummy, topped off by a lemon cake. I was sure I had over eaten, but was pleasantly surprised!! She fixed some tasty munchies too! :-) Got some great pictures of the granddaughters, you know that you can't have too many of those!! Just wish the fourth one could have been there! It was her turn to be with her Mom. This week has been busy as well, walking and volunteering. I walked a total of 10 miles so far. Hope to have that doubled by the end of the week. I walk early with my regular partner, then another with a friend that walks later. I plan to be able to wear a spiffy dress for my 50Th :-)
The plans are in the works right now. Not until August, but that gives me time, right!? Next week is our Antique club trip to a town on the peninsula that has a great Antique mall. Yea!! I think it will be a lot of fun, especially with the other gals of the club, who are really great. Lunch out or bring your own. Also this month is our volunteer appreciation day, where we get served dessert. I have five years in now, but of course there are lots with much more. Eh, it's a start!!! I really like doing it, and have met lots of really nice people. Ta Ta Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.