Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Fun Day with the Family
I left early this morning to meet my daughter and granddaughters for a fun day at a Lavender
Farm. We got there just before time for the class that they had signed up for. While they were making their wreaths, I checked out the gift shop and found some yummy smelling hand lotion and soaps, with lavender scent of course!!! Also some lavender pendants for a necklace or two. Rather neat if I say so myself. Then off to the fields of lavender and a very helpful man who told us about the various kinds of lavender and what they were used for and how to prune them when needed. After the wreaths were completed, we had a very nice picnic lunch on the premises. A
yummy chicken salad sandwich with fresh blueberries, strawberries, and apples. Also some cookies, and chips to round things off!!!! A friend of mine also came along and I think she really enjoyed the day. If that wasn't fun enough, we stopped on the way back from farm to visit a special store we both like. Found a couple of my "cookie plates' that I had to buy, and daughter found a special cup and saucer. Back to daughters, good byes for the day and home. Tomorrow we are going to see each other again at a once a year Antique Faire. Stay tuned, for the goodie report!!!! Antique Rose
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Fun weekend.
Well, yesterday started off nicely, with breakfast out. A special "flea", a once a year that takes place at the regular flea market place, but no new items allowed, just people cleaning out their garages, etc. I found some really great bargains, like vintage table cloths for two dollars a piece!!! I could hardly contain myself from shouting, yes!!! Also some dresser scarves for a dollar each. I can't remember ever getting these two things so reasonable!!! Spent the rest of the day happily doing chores around the house. Then today, another couple of hours looking in a favorite place where a lady was retiring, with a 70% off sell. Found a plate, 2 tablecloths, and a book on flowers that had beautiful pictures of said flowers. Felt really lucky for having found these things. My hubby was riding his bike while I did this and he found a cute little cafe to have lunch there. As it was on the way home, I got to stop at my very favorite nursery. It has so many beautiful plants, flowers, etc, it is just fun to look. Well~~~~~~~ What luck, they also had bunches of Sweet Peas for sale, grown on the premises !!!!! Got two bunches, and they smell heavenly!!!!!!!! The lady told me they had six packs to set out in Sept. I will be there with bells on to plant some, so I will have them in my own yard. They are my absolute favorite flower, but have such a short life!!! Next is lilacs, love their smell as well. I have those. :-) Well, that was my weekend, hope yours was as great!! Antique Rose
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Last night my husband and I went to a Granddaughter's Choral Concert. It was really good!!!!!! You could tell that a lot of time was spent practicing all the songs, everything was memorized !!!!!( Looking forward to attending a dance recital by this same granddaughter in June.)
You had to tap your foot, they sang some really fast paced songs, and then some really slow and both were great!!! And in between the orchestra played and they were really good too!! I am very proud of the granddaughter who put so much time and effort in it. This was the last for this school year, so am looking forward to next year's. Then tonight back to the theater for yet another granddaughter's band concert. The first half was the school band and she played the Oboe, they sounded great, then the second half was the Jazz band and the same granddaughter played the Flute. There was some really rousing songs played, much enjoyed by all. She played a solo on the flute, and it was very good!!! We didn't know that she was going to do this, so it was a surprise for all the family!! She had a big smile afterwards, and thumbs up by the other jazz band members. There were 18 in the jazz band, and of those, only two young ladies. Ah, so many things to go to and see with the grands!!!!!! I really enjoy them. :-) Antique Rose
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ah, we're getting some more of that liquid sunshine today!!! We've caught up with the normal rain totals, and this is a bonus. Late in the year for us, but we'll take it. :-) I think they already said there is another one coming in for this weekend. I got my tomatoes staked over the weekend and some succulents planted that I bought at the garden club sale. They look neat in old tubs. I knew they would when I found them(tubs, that is). There is something about planting that makes my heart sing!!! It must go back to my parents, who always had a garden, and the veggies were really yummy and necessary to keep the family budget. My blueberry bush is growing well, and that makes me happy. Hopefully there will be some of those little blue berries next year. Had a fun time at my daughter's over the weekend. She had a pampered chef party and got to see old friends that I had not seen for awhile. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Birthday Blessings
Today is my 72ND birthday. The whole day was really nice. It was a meeting today as well, of the Antique club that I belong too. The ladies of the club who were hostesses today had a surprise cake for me. Not only pretty, but very yummy. Flowers were in abundance, and everything went off without a hitch in spite of one not doing her hostess duties. We had a wonderful speaker on "old" bottles, which very interesting. I learned a lot about how to tell an old one from a more recent one. I will keep it in mind when out and about doing my "treasure hunting". :-) When I got home there were birthday greetings on the phone, as well as one just after got home. It was from my grandson in New York, and it was good talking to him. Then when my son came for dinner, he brought me yet another bouquet, this one, red roses. So pretty! Ah, is there anything better than a loving family and friends!!! Antique Rose
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A Special Mother's Day
My goodness, what a memorable day I have had!!!! Flowers from my son this morning, a phone call from a grandson in Florida and then a visit from my daughter and granddaughters. My daughter brought me pink roses, and a tote she made that had a picture of myself and my three children when they were very young. My, was I ever that young!? Seems not so long ago, but it must be, as the dark hair is gone and the children are grown with children, who have children!!!! I enjoyed the day with laughter and silliness that makes me smile when I think about it. I am so lucky to have such thoughtful children!!!!! Antique Rose
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The Roseberry Cottage Sugar and Creamer.
Hi again,
I had to show you my "win" from Cindy's "My Romantic Home" giveaway. It was from "The Roseberry Cottage, in Seffner, Florida. I am going to check it out, now that I know what great things they have!!!!! They also sent a beautiful white crocheted doily and a pretty white hankie with pink flowers. How special it made me feel. Antique Rose
Friday, May 7, 2010
May already! Time is flying.
Hello Everyone,
Lost a few days there, and May snuck in!!!! The past few days have been very beautiful with temps in the 70's. Nice to walk early without being so bundled up!! The ducklings are out and about, got a few more pictures. Love it when they appear on our walk. :-) Gosh, Mother's Day is almost here. Hope that all of you have a wonderful one!!!!!! I received roses from my grandson, and they are really pretty. My walking friend brought me some really pretty peonies as well as a birthday gift. So thoughtful!!!!!! She knew I would be a very busy lady next Tuesday which is my birthday, as we belong to an Antique Club, and I have early duties that day. I am sure it will be great as usual, all the ladies of the club are very good hostesses and we're going to have a speaker who is going to bring her "old" bottles, and talk about them. I like old things, bottles included so I am looking forward to that. We're also having a side table for gals who want to bring things that they want to sale. Treasures to be found!! :-) My tomatoes are growing quite nicely, and that pleases me!!! I added something to the soil this year, and I am sure that's why they didn't do so well last year, I had depleted that spot!!!! I also won the give away from Cindy's-My Romantic Home blog. Haven't receive it yet, but am thrilled to have won. A first for me!! :-) She has a beautiful blog, and so talented!!!! I feel inspired by her different projects!!
Going to dinner at my son's this Saturday evening. That will be nice. It's valley time this weekend as well. Busy, busy. Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.