Will go to a jewelry party this coming Saturday. That should be fun! The fall/winter catalog is out. This is at my daughter's home, so will see the grands too!! Last week my husband and I went to Yosemite. My first time, second for my hubby. It was a nice trip, and although I enjoyed seeing the park, I enjoyed our side trips to small towns even more!! Got to look for treasures,found a few of course!! Till next time, Antique Rose
Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Happy Fall Everyone
Hi Everyone, haven't been on for awhile. Busy with trips, and going here and there. Time just gets away from me!! It's that time of the year, boutiques, open houses, and fall holidays. Can't believe that it is almost Halloween!! We don't have many trick or treaters as schools, churches, and malls have things for the young people and most of the little ones go there. I miss the little ones in their cute costumes. Bought candy just in case, but likely will be stuck with most of it, but as always, get the good stuff, so we can munch occasionally!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Our trip to the Botanical Gardens was really nice. The grounds were divided into sections from different parts of the globe. We went to most of them in the time that we were allowed and the docent took us too. It had been predicted that it would rain heavy all day, so we the hardy, prepared, wore our coats and brought umbrellas. But the gods were with us, and we only had a few sprinkles and had a wonderful day of walking, talking, laughing and lunch together on the grounds. We had a wonderful bus driver, who drove so smoothly, we forgot that we were on the freeways!!! Not one miscue and we arrived and left at the appointed times. I hope to go back someday in the spring when things are in bloom.
Tomorrow our Antique Club is going on a trip. That should be fun as well. It rained today, so am hoping it is a clear day tomorrow. We will be inside for the most part, but these ladies are older and hopefully there will be no falls because of rainy streets!!! Stay tuned, treasures are out there to be found!!! Antique Rose
Monday, September 26, 2011
Last weekend I spent Saturday with friends and family of a dear friend. She passed away on Sept 12Th. I will miss her mischievous blue eyes and wicked humor!!! She put on an act that she was one tough lady, but those who knew her, know that she was a softie!!! She is now looking down on us and smiling, no longer in any pain, and I am sure cracking a few jokes with the man on high!!! Another friend and I had been going to see her and she knew we cared and we did our best to make her days happier.
I am proud to say I have been good and walking Monday through Friday like a good ole gal. :=) I take the weekends off and don't feel one bit guilty!!! I still go to the senior center and put several hours in each day, after said walk. I have made so many friends there, it is actually fun, not work!!! With bingo thrown in a couple times twice a month, it keeps a lady busy. Not to say I don't do other things. I have cut back on buying so much, at the various thrift,collectible and antique places. Not a bit of room left to fill, so am in process of eliminating and clearing out some of the stuff I have!!! I like so many different things, it is hard to decide which to keep and which to get rid of. :-( But I am working on it.I have given the bingo gals stuff to use for prizes, so that is good, still have more to go!! Must get some of this done before the rainy season, as boxes sit on the patio.
On Sunday, my husband and I went to our son's house and had a lovely dinner. He is a good cook, and even made apple pie for dessert!! Yum, yum!! We will go there for Thanksgiving this year. That will give my daughter a rest as she usually has it at her house. Of course we will bring food as well. There will be one less at the Thanksgiving table, as the elder daughter of said daughter has gone off to college.
My son recently moved to Santa Cruz, where he loves it, even though he has a long commute now. He has less allergies there, plus has always loved the ocean!!!! His son that just got out of the service is living there as well as his daughter. He said he felt "joy" having them with him, so we are doubly happy for him!! Having a great girlfriend is good too! :-)
This month was my father's birthday, he would have been 99 and I have no doubt that he would have lived to 100 if my Mom had not got sick and he had to be separated from her!! They had been married for 72 years, and were like two peas in a pod, not having been a part before her illness. My husband and I have a few years to reach that long, but did celebrate our 51St this year~!!!And they said it wouldn't last!!!!!! Hopefully he will be playing golf for some years to come!!!!
I have a trip coming up with the Garden Club, then the following week a trip with the Antique Club. Both should be fun and with different friends. What have you been doing lately?
Hope all are well and happy. Antique Rose
Sunday, September 18, 2011
I'm Back. Time flies
Hello, I can't believe that it has been so long since I wrote in this blog!!! I guess I have been busy!! Walking at the lake, volunteering at the senior center,etc. Had my grandson here three weeks while he was waiting to move to another town, he just got out of the army(six years), and we enjoyed his company! Anniversaries, just had my 51st in August, yes guess that means I am getting old! Summer get togethers, birthdays, wow the list goes on. I think I am back in the groove now, and will post weekly at least. At my age I forget some things if not written as they happen. My oldest granddaughter of my daughter has gone away to college, the next one is a junior in high school, it seems like they are all getting grown up at once!! Had a lovely dinner with daughter and family last evening and then to a jewelry party.Had fun, food was great, and best of all a good visit with my loves. Life is good. Antique Rose
Friday, July 15, 2011
This week's events.
Hello, I have been very busy these past few days. Our son is moving, and we are cat sitting for a while, until he re locates. It took a bit getting used too her and visa versa. My Antique meeting/luncheon was good, and although it was my turn to just attend the meeting, I ended up doing the same as the past four years. The gal who was to start doing that job had jury duty, so once more I was it!! It all turned out quite nice, so I was glad for that. I took a day off of going to the senior center to give my grand daughters a lesson in pie crust/pie making. You can see the results in the above picture. They had fun doing the various steps, and loved it even more when they got to have a serving of the results!! "Ma" this is soooooo good when you get to eat the pie when it is warm!!!! Usually they get to eat it the next day. They liked it warm best. :-) My friend and I also took another friend out to lunch. She is now in a care home, and loves to get out once in a while, and we like getting to see her as well. So it was a good week. The weather has been a bit on the cool side, but we expect more hot weather next week. The summer is quickly passing by! Antique Rose
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Busy Time
I have been a busy lady the past few days. I had two of my granddaughters over for five days. It was fun, we were so busy with talking, going to the senior center, as well as walking at the lake. My friend at the center showed them how to make swans out of apples, and they got to take the finished product home. It was very pretty, and they were impressed with the beautiful work. We walked around the lake several days, they enjoyed the ducklings as much as me, and took video of said ducks. There were lots of families and some were new born, others in various stages. The two miles went by quickly with chatter and lots of laughs. I went to the county fair with a couple of friends, while hubby entertained the grands with a movie and lunch. They had fun and so did their "Pa" This past weekend after they had gone home, my friend brought over a large box of fresh picked Apricots. So I made jam. I have made three batches, and still have more to do, have to get more sugar, so had to stop for the day. At the center another friend brought me some plums, so I will make a batch or two from them. Have them already and will do them on same day as rest of the Apricots. Busy, busy, but oh will it taste yummy on those toasts and english muffins come breakfast time. :-) We had a very quiet 4th and felt even more so without the grands. Never a dull moment with them!! They had fun with Ma's IPad and showed me how to work stuff, as they are always up on the latest stuff~~~~wish I was, but I do get a few things after awhile. :-) Anyway, that's what I have been up too, bingo tomorrow and next week Antique club. Taking a few days off from the senior center soon, my said grands want a lesson in pie crust making, now that's something I know a thing or two about!!!
Antique Rose
Friday, June 24, 2011
Walks at the lake.
I got my walks in this week!! Yea, for me. The weather was very warm at the beginning of the week, but cooled a bit by today. I enjoyed them all. Got lots of pictures of the Mallard ducks with their ducklings. I love it when I see them. Just makes my day, I thought they were not to be, but they are just hatching late this year. With everything green and blooming it makes the walks even better! I think I am back, and walking alone is not bad, I did it for years before coming to the lake and volunteering at the senior center. Nice to talk to someone while walking, but I get a lot of deep thinking done while I am alone. Well, getting ready for my two granddaughters to come and stay a few days. This should be fun for them as well as for myself. They want me to show them how to make pie crusts. Stay tuned. Antique Rose
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Worked in the garden today.
I worked for several hours today in the back garden. Pulling weeds, trimming plants that were over grown. I filled the large green bin, and what a feeling of accomplishment I felt!!! Because of the really rainy season, seems like every time I wanted to do something in the yard, it was too wet. Finally feel I have the upper hand!! After watering and putting everything away, I went to the local OSH and got some plants since it was a no tax weekend. I will plant most of them tomorrow. Yea, I love to garden. My first dahlia bloomed and it is a beauty, see picture above. It was a completely different type than last years. I still have some others yet to bloom, can't wait to see what they will be like. Peonies are all but gone, the rain and wind really did them end this year!!! Sweet peas have also are gone. Next year I will do a better job with them. I got some autumn sage to plant, the hummingbirds love these plants, my one has about had it, too woody and old, so this will be good. Got some more geraniums too, pink of course, my favorite color. One rhododendron and a kangaroo paw. It is a new pink color as well, the other one I had a long time ago was a yellow/gold color. Well, it seems I have made a bit of work for myself. I will let you know how it goes. I also have an Antique club meeting/installation luncheon to attend. It should be lots of fun. Antique Rose
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Life and Time Marches on.
Well, I've walked three times this week, that is more than last week, I am getting there!!!!!! I made up my mind to get back in the groove, as I've fudged long enough. The weather is getting better, and I am determined to get back they way I was before my partner quit coming to walk with me. I have to rely on me, myself and I. The buck stops here, so with that said I am going to do it!!!!!!! My lab results were good, and I am thankful for that. Had worried some that it had gone to heck with not walking my usual. I saw ducklings, goslings and baby turtles on my walks this week, always makes my day to discover them. I take my camera and take pictures as I walk along the lake shore. My roses are blooming, and Dahlias are coming up nicely. I am a happy camper!! My daughter's oldest daughter has graduated from high school. The weather was quite windy and cool, sun made an appearance after it was over, guess better late than never!!! We had a lovely dinner out at a Japanese restaurant. Yum!!! The cake my daughter baked was yummy as well. Got pictures and so filed them away for future memories. Next one in two years, how fast time is going by. My grandson who is in the service is out in July, and that will be good. With the garden club having a walk on Saturday, our Antique club having their installation and estates sales every now and then, things keep me hopping. There's one tomorrow so that is three weekends in a row for that. Found some lovely things, so the hunt goes on!!!!! Hopefully will have more pictures soon. Antique Rose
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Estate Treasures
Hello, I have been fortunate enough to go to a couple of estate sales the last two weekends. I knew the ladies, who have passed away, and although that was sad, and I will miss them, their estate sale was wonderful. I found some really neat tea pots, plates, cups and saucers, bird figurines, a bedspread, and some books. I will enjoy the finds, and think of them with fondness as I use them, or should say look at them. I look forward to the next ones over the summer and trips out of town for the stores I usually don't get too until school is out and my daughter and I go.
Antique Rose
Friday, May 13, 2011
Recent Happenings
Hello everyone, well I am another year older, had a great birthday with friends and family!! Lots of beautiful flowers and cards, gifts, e cards, and phone calls. It started early in the week and was going on all week!! :-) A friend at the senior center gave me a beautiful shawl, black and very elegant! Another, flowers and still another earrings. The two chefs baked a cake and had a lovely card signed by many. They even sang happy birthday to me, I felt very special indeed. My son gave me flowers, grandson sent a beautiful arrangement from Florida!! Cards with special messages, and phone calls filled with love. And since I love estate sales, garage sales, and flea markets my dear hubby gave me money to spend!! Woot!!! Woot!! I also had a lovely Antique club meeting and the hostesses came through with delicious food and shared stories of their purchases from our last bus trip to a great Antique mall. This afternoon there is a a birthday party for all of us that have May birthdays. Not only do I help with that, I can celebrate my birthday as well. Oh, and their was an estate sale on way home, that money that hubby gave me came in handy!! Oh my, the flea is also tomorrow, the weekend will be busy!! Until next tine, Antique Rose
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Heat Wave
Well,,,,,,,,,,, I asked for warmer weather, got it with a capital T!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday and today close to ninety degrees!!!!!!!!!! I won't complain, after all who knows what next week will bring. It has done in my sweet peas, just when they have decided to bloom! Roses are all opening at the same time, oh well, they are very pretty!! Can't believe it is almost the weekend already, are you ready for your Mother's Day? Got my cards sent out, and that's a plus. It is to the valley we go this weekend. Yikes, it will be hot!! Thank goodness for air-conditioners. Went on a trip to San Francisco this past Tuesday. It was a lot of fun, crowded on the Muni buses, but interesting, and the Legion of Honor was neat. Had a presentation of dresses made from paper. Just beautiful, by Isabelle de Borchgrave, called "Pulp Fashion", must have taken many hours of work just for one, and there were many in the collection. This was close to San Francisco bay, and the Golden Gate Bridge was in sight. Got some lovely pictures to share with the other people in our group. Later~~~~~~~Antique Rose
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Time is whizzing by
Wow, this year is just going by like crazy!!! Had a great Easter with Daughter and family. Lots of good stuff to eat, ham, turkey and the fixings. Yummy cake for dessert! Lots of laughter and memories made. Pictures too, have to have those. The granddaughters are growing up fast!! The eldest of my daughter's is going away to college this year. Wow, only seems a short while ago she arrived on this earth!!! I've been very busy with the senior center, estate sales, bingo, and just taking care of business. I walked more last week, so that is good. Finally have some warmer weather, the goslings have hatched. So neat, little yellow suits on that will soon turn into feathers and look a likes of their parents My lilacs are gone! :-(, but roses(climbing) are beginning to show up and if the wind doesn't blow them all away as fast as they arrive, should be really pretty. I discovered my orchids are beginning to open up as well. This coming week our garden club has their annual plant sale and I am hoping to get some new ones for the patio/backyard. Have a trip to San Francisco on Tuesday, so another busy week ahead. Here's hoping you have had a lovely Spring as well. Antique Rose
Sunday, April 10, 2011
My weekend wanderings.
Well, another weekend almost gone. Yesterday morning, I went to the flea market. It was quite windy, and a bit cool, but I enjoyed it none the less!! I found a pretty creamer, pink roses of course. Then a couple of necklaces , even if I don't wear them, they are eye candy!! Last, but not least a small photo album(my daughter now has that), it was pretty and the style, vintage. Later in the morning my daughter and granddaughters came for a visit. It is always a fun day, full of laughter and running around. We went to a local store we both like that was having their spring open house. Did I find anything, silly question, of course I did and the granddaughters found a couple of treasures they wanted as well. So it was an enjoyable day, and after we finished shopping a early dinner at their favorite place. Today it was back to the old routine, stripped the bed, did some laundry, and of course hit the computer. I became a great aunt again today, a very handsome boy of my nephew. My sister became a grandmother for the first time. They are thrilled!!! I am very happy for them. Must rest now, have a busy day tomorrow, my son is coming to help me clear and organize things.!! Hopefully it will look better!! I will get to rest my weary bones on Tuesday. Our Antique club will have it's first trip of the year. Yea, another fun time hunting for treasures!! Antique Rose
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Goodbyes and hellos.
These past two weeks have be trying, but that is life. Another friend is gone, and my walking partner's daughter also passed away. While one was sad, she had a long life. Not so with the daughter, so that was sad and I felt really bad for my friend!! She has had quite a lot on her plate the last two years!!!
On a lighter note, my Morning Doves came back, built their nest, and for the last couple of weeks have been taking turns sitting on the nest with two eggs. Well, they hatched, and the parents are busy feeding the hungry children!!! My young Lilac bushes/trees are getting leaves much to my joy, as I thought they may have been messed up with the rain and cold weather just as they were budding!! And a blueberry bush that my daughter gave me last year isn't dead!!! It has new leaves, that really is good, had thought about pulling it up and planting yet another one. So guess I don't have to do that! :-) My Dahlia bulbs are not showing yet, so not sure of those, it rained so much they may have rotted. :-( So it is a waiting game! Sweet peas are beginning to bloom, they smell so good. I have small plants to put in containers for our garden plant sale, so have things to keep me busy! Spring is finally here, I think!! Went to the farmers market yesterday, they had sweet peas to buy, was tempted, but figured I would have my own soon, so didn't, I did get apples, blackberries, blueberries and salad greens. Yum!! Well, looking forward to this coming week. Ta Ta Antique Rose
Monday, March 21, 2011
Rain, Rain, go away.
We had rain most of last week, and very heavy rain over the whole weekend. So the intermittent sun was most welcome today. I know we have not quite reached our rain total for the year, but getting it all at once is not much fun!! When my husband wants to go to the mall, you know he is getting cabin fever!!! We had a date to go to our daughter's for our granddaughter's birthday party, but that too was put off as the flu bug hit their house!!! At the last weather report it is not going to be much better for most of this week and into the next weekend!! Yeek!!!!!!! Well did have a day of bingo(don't usually stay for the whole thing) and was quite lucky to win a few times. Also did my volunteering this morning. Found out that a friend there, fell and broke her hip, her surgery was today. Hoping she recovers quickly. My prayers are with her. This year has not been kind to the older seniors!!!! Antique Rose
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Past few days~~~~~~~~
I had planned to write last Friday, but then the earthquake happened in Japan, and I just didn't feel like it. Everything seemed so insignificant in comparison. My heart goes out to all the people who lost loved ones, and who will suffer many years to come!!! I certainly hope that they don't have more with the threat of nuclear meltdown!! Thoughts and prayers be with them. My granddaughter and family are in Okinawa and they are alright, which I am very grateful!! Now for some happier notes. Last Friday I helped with the senior center's monthly birthday party. There is a man who helps me do certain tasks, he is very talented. He paints, writes poetry, stories, etc. He wrote a poem for me for my birthday in May. Really nice!! Never had a poem written just for me, so I felt very special. You just never know what talent people have!! Guess he has been writing for a long time. What really amazes me, he is almost blind, but never lets that stop him from doing things he wants to do!!! He let me read a story he wrote for his friends grandson's first birthday, it was quite good. No wonder, Grandma cried when she read it!!! Saturday I went to the local monthly flea. Found a pretty small tea set, a nice wood box, and some jewelry. There's an estate sale coming up this Friday, that I plan to go too, no telling what treasures I will find there!! The hunt is part of the fun, don't you think, and I meet the nicest people there as well. I walked everyday this week, thank goodness I am back on track there!! Now hopefully the weather will permit me to finish the week!! We have had rain in the forecast all week, but managed to get the walk in between the showers!!! Was to have gone to my daughters for granddaughters birthday party, but her sister has the flu, so it was postponed until the following weekend. Hope everyone is having a great week. Antique Rose
Monday, February 21, 2011
The President's weekend.
Hello, I had planned to go to a couple of estate sales on Friday, but it was raining and very cold. Decided not to do so. Instead went home and had lunch with hubby. It has been very cold with rain for the last few days, it was getting to both of us, so when there was a break in the rain, we went to some local thrift stores. My husband found a nice jacket, and I really wasn't looking for anything in particular, but found three jackets for a total of $8.47!!!! Now, I ask, where else could you find a bargain like that?!!! These were really nice, on clearance of course, and I think that I will wear them when the weather gets a bit warmer!!! Then after a hot cup of coffee, hubby decided to take me to another town to a store I really like. Found an old book there and looked to my hearts content. We decided to stay in town and have dinner at the local Old Spaghetti Factory. Yum!!!! What a nice day it turned out to be. :-) Stayed in on Saturday, which was another rainy day, did the laundry and few things around the house. Yesterday, no rain, but it was cold!!!! I didn't know how cold until we went to my favorite nursery to check out plants. Of course, my husband went into town and looked around while I looked at plants, but it was sooo cold that I didn't enjoy it as per usual. I was ready long before he came back and picked me up!! We had ice on the cars and frost all around this morning, hoping it did not kill my Lilac tree in the front, which was budding, am keeping my fingers crossed!!! Hope all had a great weekend too. Antique Rose
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Happenings this week.
This past week I walked three days. Not too bad after being off for some time. The weather was quite cold in the mornings, but around 9:30 it was warmed up enough to walk. The afternoons were nice, and I am sure the plants thought spring had arrived!!! . On Friday my hubby took me to an estate sale. Of course the dealers got there way ahead us treasure seekers!! But I managed to find a treasure or two myself. Some bird figurines, a picture, and some planters. So it was fun. It was not as organized as some I have gone too, which made finding things a bit harder. Came back and helped with the monthly birthday party at the center. A fellow volunteer who is my helper, was so sweet. He gave me a Christmas poem written just for me. He had missed the last two parties, so it was late, but I loved it!!! Also on Friday morning, another friend gave me a rose, you push the top and it lights up and glitters. I feel quite special. Hubby and Son gave me beautiful flowers. I also went to the local monthly flea on Saturday. Got some old keys(perhaps a project for later), two necklaces, some cute Valentine and Easter postcards and some succulents to plant for our garden plant sale, so as you can see I was a busy lady this week. Ah, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, I am going to hand out candy to the people who come for bread. Hope you have a great Valentine's as well. Antique Rose
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I'm back, and loving it.
The mornings are quite cool, but after volunteering at the center, I have been walking again. It is not quite as cold by then. The trees are blooming and they look so pretty. Took some pictures this morning, will put them on later today. Had my Antique club meeting Tuesday. Another success!! Wonderful spread of salads and rolls, and since this is our club birthday month, had a beautiful cake for that. One of our own gave a talk on Carnival Glass, which she collects and uses. It was very pretty, and the talk just the right amount of time. I have a birthday party to help with tomorrow as well as an Estate sale to go to, ah life is good!!! Antique Rose
Friday, February 4, 2011
Goodbyes and hellos.
Yesterday, I attended a memorial for a friend. She had been battling cancer for sometime. Why is it we always find out such wonderful things when someone passes that we never knew while they were living!!! Too bad we couldn't have known she was such a talented person and had done so many things before we knew her, it would have been fun to have talked to her about such things while she was still here. It was a time of remembrance and wasn't sad at all except for the fact that she was not going to be around anymore!! Of course we were saddened by her passing. It seems to me that we should always tell a friend or family member that we love them every chance we get. On another note, my husband brought me flowers again. He has always done this through out our 50 years of marriage. I am indeed lucky!!!! Antique Rose
Monday, January 31, 2011
Is it almost spring?
Well, we had some lovely weather, in the high fifties and low sixties. After days of thirties and forties, it felt very warm!! The garage sales and estate sales are coming in. Yea, love them and the flea will also be here soon. I went to an estate sale on Friday, got some lovely cups and saucers. My Daughter will get those, and some embroidered tea towels which I will keep. Those type are so much better than the terry cloth ones, don't you think so? Surprised by my dear hubby with a trip to one of my favorite towns to look around and find some hidden treasures on Saturday, plus lunch out. I found a nice shell mirror and some cute earrings. Silver in shape of tulips, guess you could tell I had spring on my mind!! With daffodils blooming, and sweet peas climbing the wires I fixed, can it be far away? I feel almost guilty about our weather when I read about the Midwest and east!!! Snow up to the rooftops, wow!!!! I hope you get a break soon. Still volunteering at the local senior center, and walking, not quite as much as I should, but getting there!!! I have to watch out about sore feet as I'm a diabetic. So if I miss a few days, I will live with that. Have a great week all. Antique Rose
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Spring-like weather.
Got my walk in today, felt sooooo good!! The weather was brisk, but just right for walking fast! Hopefully the rest of the week will be the same. My friend walked with me today, but she will not be at the center until Friday. Had two acquaintances die this week. :-( One, a man at the center who always picked up things from the grocery store for us to give out. Very nice and we will miss him. Then the wife of a fellow teacher. So sad, she had been battling cancer for some time. Seems to be all over the place. Don't you wish you could cure all cancer.!! My former walking partner's daughter is very ill with cancer too. Makes you appreciate good health!!! The weather is bringing out my Daffodils, another day and they will open. Just hope that we don't have another freeze and kill them!! My sweet peas are growing quite nicely. Can 't wait to have a nice bouquet of them!!! If the good weather keeps up, I will work in the garden soon, need to pull the weeds and turn over the soil to ready the ground for some new plants. Our trip to the valley was nice, Mother in law liked the apple pie I baked for her, and she was doing a bit better. She will be 93 on Thursday. My son will be 48 tomorrow, and he is my baby. I must be getting old to have one that old, right? Well, as yet, I don't feel that old. Hope that lasts a long time. :-) Antique Rose
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
This week's calendar
I feel I am on the comeback. Had not walked my normal amount for at least a month, only hit and miss as my heel was really bothering me!! Thought if I laid off my normal 5 times a week routine it would get better, but I was wrong. I got some orthotics things to put in my shoes. My husband has had them for years!! Tomorrow, I will wear both to be balanced, today I just tried the one on the foot that was driving me crazy!! So I have got two walks in and plan to walk the rest of the week !! Yeah!!! Not only do I not feel as good, gained some extra pounds that I now have to shed! :-) Such good friends at the senior center! One brought me dried fruit(they dry their own), apples this time, another tangerines, and lastly a new scarf (pink) to keep my neck warm!! I really enjoy going there to volunteer, and have met so many good, friendly people!! Came home to put the stew on I am fixing for our dinner with son and his daughter, and as I was finishing up on that, my sweetie brought me roses, such a beautiful color!!!! Guess I will keep him around for another 50 years!!!! The sunshine feels good this afternoon, after so many cold dreary days plus rain. Bingo tomorrow and lunch at the center. Antique Rose
Sunday, January 9, 2011
New Year Happenings
Last time I wrote, I was itching and very grumpy! Happy to say the problem was solved, and I now have no more itch!!! Yea for me!! Won't go into detail, but am happy now that I can wake up to a new day without dealing with that anymore. :-) Last week was quite cold, and was very happy to say that it was sunny and in the 50's today, although that is soon to be replaced once again with rain. I will take it as it comes. Last Saturday was our local flea market. I went and found a few treasures. A beautiful rose plate(cookie), a beautiful old box that was made in the 40's or 50's with carved details, really hard to describe, but I love it. It will hold special pictures, or perhaps jewelry, and last but not least, three old books. I love birds, and this book has really neat, pictures by Fern Bisel Peat. Dated 1931, so perhaps not known now, but really beautiful, full page pictures that could be framed, if I wanted. A cat book, with lots of Confucius quotes, and Chinese drawings of cats. Really neat, read it cover to cover already, then last a book from 1891 titled Common Words Difficult to Spell. Guess you can tell I like old books!! Today, my husband and I attended a anniversary party, it was such fun to visit with friends, and have wonderful things to eat. Also a live band(very good I might add) and so got a few dances in as well. Antique club on Tuesday. Will post about that soon. Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.