Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Monday, January 31, 2011
Is it almost spring?
Well, we had some lovely weather, in the high fifties and low sixties. After days of thirties and forties, it felt very warm!! The garage sales and estate sales are coming in. Yea, love them and the flea will also be here soon. I went to an estate sale on Friday, got some lovely cups and saucers. My Daughter will get those, and some embroidered tea towels which I will keep. Those type are so much better than the terry cloth ones, don't you think so? Surprised by my dear hubby with a trip to one of my favorite towns to look around and find some hidden treasures on Saturday, plus lunch out. I found a nice shell mirror and some cute earrings. Silver in shape of tulips, guess you could tell I had spring on my mind!! With daffodils blooming, and sweet peas climbing the wires I fixed, can it be far away? I feel almost guilty about our weather when I read about the Midwest and east!!! Snow up to the rooftops, wow!!!! I hope you get a break soon. Still volunteering at the local senior center, and walking, not quite as much as I should, but getting there!!! I have to watch out about sore feet as I'm a diabetic. So if I miss a few days, I will live with that. Have a great week all. Antique Rose
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Spring-like weather.
Got my walk in today, felt sooooo good!! The weather was brisk, but just right for walking fast! Hopefully the rest of the week will be the same. My friend walked with me today, but she will not be at the center until Friday. Had two acquaintances die this week. :-( One, a man at the center who always picked up things from the grocery store for us to give out. Very nice and we will miss him. Then the wife of a fellow teacher. So sad, she had been battling cancer for some time. Seems to be all over the place. Don't you wish you could cure all cancer.!! My former walking partner's daughter is very ill with cancer too. Makes you appreciate good health!!! The weather is bringing out my Daffodils, another day and they will open. Just hope that we don't have another freeze and kill them!! My sweet peas are growing quite nicely. Can 't wait to have a nice bouquet of them!!! If the good weather keeps up, I will work in the garden soon, need to pull the weeds and turn over the soil to ready the ground for some new plants. Our trip to the valley was nice, Mother in law liked the apple pie I baked for her, and she was doing a bit better. She will be 93 on Thursday. My son will be 48 tomorrow, and he is my baby. I must be getting old to have one that old, right? Well, as yet, I don't feel that old. Hope that lasts a long time. :-) Antique Rose
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
This week's calendar
I feel I am on the comeback. Had not walked my normal amount for at least a month, only hit and miss as my heel was really bothering me!! Thought if I laid off my normal 5 times a week routine it would get better, but I was wrong. I got some orthotics things to put in my shoes. My husband has had them for years!! Tomorrow, I will wear both to be balanced, today I just tried the one on the foot that was driving me crazy!! So I have got two walks in and plan to walk the rest of the week !! Yeah!!! Not only do I not feel as good, gained some extra pounds that I now have to shed! :-) Such good friends at the senior center! One brought me dried fruit(they dry their own), apples this time, another tangerines, and lastly a new scarf (pink) to keep my neck warm!! I really enjoy going there to volunteer, and have met so many good, friendly people!! Came home to put the stew on I am fixing for our dinner with son and his daughter, and as I was finishing up on that, my sweetie brought me roses, such a beautiful color!!!! Guess I will keep him around for another 50 years!!!! The sunshine feels good this afternoon, after so many cold dreary days plus rain. Bingo tomorrow and lunch at the center. Antique Rose
Sunday, January 9, 2011
New Year Happenings
Last time I wrote, I was itching and very grumpy! Happy to say the problem was solved, and I now have no more itch!!! Yea for me!! Won't go into detail, but am happy now that I can wake up to a new day without dealing with that anymore. :-) Last week was quite cold, and was very happy to say that it was sunny and in the 50's today, although that is soon to be replaced once again with rain. I will take it as it comes. Last Saturday was our local flea market. I went and found a few treasures. A beautiful rose plate(cookie), a beautiful old box that was made in the 40's or 50's with carved details, really hard to describe, but I love it. It will hold special pictures, or perhaps jewelry, and last but not least, three old books. I love birds, and this book has really neat, pictures by Fern Bisel Peat. Dated 1931, so perhaps not known now, but really beautiful, full page pictures that could be framed, if I wanted. A cat book, with lots of Confucius quotes, and Chinese drawings of cats. Really neat, read it cover to cover already, then last a book from 1891 titled Common Words Difficult to Spell. Guess you can tell I like old books!! Today, my husband and I attended a anniversary party, it was such fun to visit with friends, and have wonderful things to eat. Also a live band(very good I might add) and so got a few dances in as well. Antique club on Tuesday. Will post about that soon. Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.