Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Saturday, February 8, 2014
It has been some time since I last wrote!! Two years to be exact, where did the time go, had planned to write once a week, and then for whatever reason, I failed to do so!! I hope to be more
diligent in getting my thoughts, events, etc written every week. Hope all fellow bloggers have been doing well.
I guess the first thing to write about is family, it has increased by one, a great grandson, named
Henry. I suppose that he was named after my Dad, so that would be his great great grandfather. My
Dad would be pleased. Another granddaughter has graduated from High school, and is in her first
year of college. She is doing well. I miss her!!!!! The older sister is now a junior in college, and is
not home except at Christmas and a couple of weeks in the summer. So I am sure that the home
place is rather quiet with just one granddaughter left at home. She will be sweet sixteen next month.
If you remember last I wrote, the Garden club wanted me to become their president. I had said
no, but I ended up being president anyway, as no one else stepped up to the plate. I have found I do
a rather nice job of it, and I enjoy it too. I am starting my second year, and have planned most of the
year and hope to have another successful year. I have lots of eager members and ones that help with
various tasks, so it is enjoyable and not all work and no play. We are going to a Flower show in March,
which we enjoyed last year. I know the way the different areas now, so won't waste any time, but
head right to the plants!! There were so many nice ones to see and buy. Lots of succulents which I
really have grown to love!! We are also beginning to start plants to sell for our own Plant Sale in
May. We were very successful with the last one. I will tell more activities laster. :-)
I went to Florida last summer to visit my Grandson and his family. Had fun and enjoyed my
visit. Hopefully will go again before the Great Grandson is too old to play with his Grandmother!!
He beat me playing different card games, will have to practice them before going again!! ha
Sad to say, my brother who was very ill, passed away last month! My brother, and two sisters
made it back to Oklahoma in time to say our good byes before he passed. I think he was pleased that we came. I think he was waiting on us. Buried him on Tate Mountain with his Mom and Dad and
several other relatives. I had just been home hours, when my husband's Mom died. Hopefully that
will be the last, for a good long while!!!
On a happier note, went to a friends birthday celebration today. It was at a Chinese restaurant.
Good food and nice people, it was fun to be there. She is a fellow Bingo player and she turned
70 today. Need to have more of these type of things!! My friend is going to Cancun in a week, she
really needs the warmth of the Island. She has Asthma and C. O. P. D. She is on oxogen all the
time. We have had rain the last few days, and cold weather along with it, that is not good for her
even if we do need it!! Well, that's it for this time. Until next time, take care. Antique Rose
It has been some time since I last wrote!! Two years to be exact, where did the time go, had planned to write once a week, and then for whatever reason, I failed to do so!! I hope to be more
diligent in getting my thoughts, events, etc written every week. Hope all fellow bloggers have been doing well.
I guess the first thing to write about is family, it has increased by one, a great grandson, named
Henry. I suppose that he was named after my Dad, so that would be his great great grandfather. My
Dad would be pleased. Another granddaughter has graduated from High school, and is in her first
year of college. She is doing well. I miss her!!!!! The older sister is now a junior in college, and is
not home except at Christmas and a couple of weeks in the summer. So I am sure that the home
place is rather quiet with just one granddaughter left at home. She will be sweet sixteen next month.
If you remember last I wrote, the Garden club wanted me to become their president. I had said
no, but I ended up being president anyway, as no one else stepped up to the plate. I have found I do
a rather nice job of it, and I enjoy it too. I am starting my second year, and have planned most of the
year and hope to have another successful year. I have lots of eager members and ones that help with
various tasks, so it is enjoyable and not all work and no play. We are going to a Flower show in March,
which we enjoyed last year. I know the way the different areas now, so won't waste any time, but
head right to the plants!! There were so many nice ones to see and buy. Lots of succulents which I
really have grown to love!! We are also beginning to start plants to sell for our own Plant Sale in
May. We were very successful with the last one. I will tell more activities laster. :-)
I went to Florida last summer to visit my Grandson and his family. Had fun and enjoyed my
visit. Hopefully will go again before the Great Grandson is too old to play with his Grandmother!!
He beat me playing different card games, will have to practice them before going again!! ha
Sad to say, my brother who was very ill, passed away last month! My brother, and two sisters
made it back to Oklahoma in time to say our good byes before he passed. I think he was pleased that we came. I think he was waiting on us. Buried him on Tate Mountain with his Mom and Dad and
several other relatives. I had just been home hours, when my husband's Mom died. Hopefully that
will be the last, for a good long while!!!
On a happier note, went to a friends birthday celebration today. It was at a Chinese restaurant.
Good food and nice people, it was fun to be there. She is a fellow Bingo player and she turned
70 today. Need to have more of these type of things!! My friend is going to Cancun in a week, she
really needs the warmth of the Island. She has Asthma and C. O. P. D. She is on oxogen all the
time. We have had rain the last few days, and cold weather along with it, that is not good for her
even if we do need it!! Well, that's it for this time. Until next time, take care. Antique Rose
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Well, it has been ages since I last wrote on this blog. I guess I have been too busy, not in the mood, etc. August came and went with my husband and I celebrating our 52nd anniversary. It seems like just a few years has gone by, but I know that is not the case, some of the grands are making me a great grand mother!! The next one is in February. A boy this time. For the most part, we have been blessed with good health, and all of our children, and grand children and greats are in good health!! That is the most important thing of all!! Each day is a gift, and when I go do my volunteering at the senior center, we all joke about any day we wake up is a good day!!!
This year brought the need for a new roof, a new refrigerator and some car repair!!! Could have been worse, and we are happy that we had the money to do it all. Lately with the winter rains, we are comfy and warm!! Nice not to have to worry if there is a leak!!
I am behind with the Christmas decorations, etc. Just haven't been in the mood, do have a few things out, and I did some cookie baking today, seems like time just whizzes by!!!! Another birthday tomorrow(hubby) and my daughters this coming Thursday. We went out to dinner last night to celebrate hers. Yum!! Granddaughter came home from college, so we will be together once again for the Christmas get together.
I have friends in several different clubs, which keeps me hopping. The antique club luncheon was last week as well as the Garden club and the Bingo gals!!! I am wanted for the president office in our Garden club, but I said no, just don't have the time it will involve. Perhaps if it were the only one I belonged to. Well, I will write more often, so until next time. Merry christmas to all, and a very Happy New Year. Antique Rose
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Wow!! Can't believe that a month has gone by since I last wrote!!! That is one thing that goes quickly "time"!!!!! Hope all is going well with all my friends. It has been a busy month. We had a new roof put on, and let me tell you, I am still dusting knick/knacks!!!! I found out how many of them I had!! Yikes what a job!!! I think I am going to collect something different, like Levi jackets, purses, or jewelry. Those don't have to be dusted!! :-) Not to say I won't find something else, but it is a thought. I can tell you for a fact roof prices have tripled!!!!
I have been having some rash problems with my medications, thought it was an oral one, but I stopped taking all of them, and just gave myself insulin, and still broke out, so I am thinking it is that now!!! I have an appointment in a few days, I will discuss this with my doctor among other things. We shall see. I am tired of itching and looking like a speckled old hen!!!!
I went on a trip to Salt Lake City with my Daughter and Granddaughters, which was fun. We had triple digit weather, but managed to have fun anyway. We were visiting another Granddaughter going to the U. of Utah. We saw the Zoo, Heritage Village, and the Capital among other trips to stores where we shopped!!! I got some goodies, had some laughs and itched!! ha I put sunscreen on that I was allergic too as well, which contributed to the problem of itching, live and learn, guess I will have to wear hats and long sleeves, if I can't have the sunscreen!! Oh, the woes of old age!! But I am back and going to the center to volunteer, they missed me when I was gone. They groaned to learn I was to cut back to three days a week, now only go Mon, Weds, and Fri. But they will just have to get used to it. After eight years of five days a week, was ready for a change, although I felt bad for my fellow volunteers, some of which cannot do the heavy stuff like me!!!!
Oh, yes, we have a neighbor enlarging their home, and the noise level is really bad, they probably won't finish for another couple of months, it has been three already, did I mention that means more dust!! :[( Well enough bitching, life goes on. Antique Rose
Monday, June 25, 2012
Well, as I have been rather busy of late, haven't posted for awhile. Did you miss me?? :-) I am still going to the senior center everyday, although, recently I have decided after I go on a trip in July, I will only go in three per week. I have not been giving my garden enough time, nor my house!!!!! I truly enjoy going everyday, and seeing my friends, but guess they will understand!! I still will be there for bingo, garden meetings, trips, etc .
We had a visitor for twelve days, my grandson from Florida was here to cover the US Open. He put in long hours, but we managed to visit in bits and pieces. Just so happen to have unusual cold weather while he was here, and he caught a head cold!!! We were happy to see him, as it had been almost two years since our last visit. Perhaps the next time, we can see his wife and our great grandson!!!
Also, we got to see our granddaughter home from college. Nice visit a well, all too quick, and she is now back for summer classes!!! It is always a crazy, loud, and fun day when they come visit! Next, we are going to go(all ladies) to Salt Lake City and have a week of fun there!!
No men allowed!! :-) Stay tuned, stores here we come!!! Am looking forward to the adventure!
The hunt is fun, and a bonus if we find something we can't live without!!! Speaking of which, a couple of weeks ago, got three or four jackets at various Discovery shops. What fun, they are really neat!!! Then this past weekend, found 3 more jackets for a bargain price!!! Woot, Woot!!
For some reason, that is what I look for, well that and earrings. Used to be knick/knacks. Oh, well a change is good they say!!!!!
Yesterday I made two batches of Apricot jam. Yum, love that kind!!! A friend's tree was so loaded it's limb broke. He thought of me and thus the jam. I will give her a jar tomorrow!!!!
Well, what have you been doing? Antique Rose
Monday, May 28, 2012
It's been a while since I have written. Time just seems to fly by!!! I have had another birthday. It was a wonderful week of cards, flowers and hearing from all my chicks!!! Then Mother's Day was here, and more cards and love from my chicks as well as my husband. It usually is quite nice weather wise by now, but we have had some unusual weather with late rains, cool weather . It was nice this weekend except for a cold wind. I had some really pretty peonies, but the late rains really did them in!!! My lilacs weathered pretty well, and I had more on my young plants than last year. The climbing roses were really pretty with lots of pale pink roses, more than I have ever had, so happy about that!!!! Only thing wrong with those, they bloom but once a year!! I worked in the garden for several hours today. Planting some plants that I purchased at our Garden club plant sale. I hope they grow good, you never know, some things do better than others. Got some new plants that are suppose to have pink flowers, we will see.
We had our volunteer BBQ and guess what!! I had the most volunteer hours of anyone since they opened the center!!!!!!! Got a nice plant, got to sign the big check, and also a great luncheon. I have met many nice people, and still enjoy the work, even though I probably spend too much time there!!! Have neglected some of the chores of the house and garden. Since we were closed today, got busy !!! Always feel a sense of accomplishment when I work in the garden. Do you? I am sure I will feel the affects of it tomorrow. :-) Yesterday got to spend the day with my daughter and granddaughters. It was fun, an antique faire in a town nearby. Found a few treasures, and some for the grands. It will be here again in October. We look forward to that. Well, of course it is Memorial Day, and I thought about men in my life who have served and are serving. Glad for the freedom that we have because of those men and women. Just wish we didn't have to have any more wars, and loss of life!!!!!!!! Until next time~~~~Antique Rose
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Spring is here.
Hello, long time since I wrote, time seems to slip away! Since I last wrote, I have had another Antique club meeting. The theme was St. Paddy's day. It was quite festive and as usual the food just wonderful!! The ladies seem to out do themselves every time. :-) Had a garden club meeting also, and we are going to visit a local garden called Fioli Gardens. It's sold out, so we have a full bus. They say the Gardens will be in full bloom with spring flowers. Should be fun, bringing my camera so I can give the pictures to our club. That will be in April. Glad it isn't this week, as it has been cold and rainy!! The Senior Center where I volunteer, is giving the volunteers a BBQ luncheon. That should be fun, suppose to dress like cowgirls and boys if we like. Wonder how many will do this. I wear pants most of the time, so guess I could add a few things to look like a cowgirl. We will see. My sweet hubby took me to my favorite store to for vintage treasures, didn't find anything this time, but the hunt was fun!! Half the fun is looking. :-) Then today was the open house for a local store that I love. Needless to say, found a few treasures there!!! Hey, with 10% off , had to get something didn't I?? It was the Spring thing, with lots of chicks, rabbits, etc as Easter is coming up. My friend just came back from a trip to China, she had been gone almost three months, I was happy to have her around again!! This month was also a birthday month for my granddaughter, and we had a family party. Always fun and food was quite yummy!! She wanted a Taco bar, with all the trimmings. And a special cake, which of course was quite decadent!!!!!!!! So much for my blood sugar count the next day, although it wasn't as high as I thought it would be!!! Good for me. :-) I spent a couple of hours going through some Children's books to give to a friend who teaches third grade. I hope that she enjoys them as much as I have. No small children around these days to read them too, so wanted someone to have them that would appreciate them like I have. I think that about brings me up to date(left out any bad stuff, or ordinary things). :=) Antique Rose
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.