It has been some time since I last wrote!! Two years to be exact, where did the time go, had planned to write once a week, and then for whatever reason, I failed to do so!! I hope to be more
diligent in getting my thoughts, events, etc written every week. Hope all fellow bloggers have been doing well.
I guess the first thing to write about is family, it has increased by one, a great grandson, named
Henry. I suppose that he was named after my Dad, so that would be his great great grandfather. My
Dad would be pleased. Another granddaughter has graduated from High school, and is in her first
year of college. She is doing well. I miss her!!!!! The older sister is now a junior in college, and is
not home except at Christmas and a couple of weeks in the summer. So I am sure that the home
place is rather quiet with just one granddaughter left at home. She will be sweet sixteen next month.
If you remember last I wrote, the Garden club wanted me to become their president. I had said
no, but I ended up being president anyway, as no one else stepped up to the plate. I have found I do
a rather nice job of it, and I enjoy it too. I am starting my second year, and have planned most of the
year and hope to have another successful year. I have lots of eager members and ones that help with
various tasks, so it is enjoyable and not all work and no play. We are going to a Flower show in March,
which we enjoyed last year. I know the way the different areas now, so won't waste any time, but
head right to the plants!! There were so many nice ones to see and buy. Lots of succulents which I
really have grown to love!! We are also beginning to start plants to sell for our own Plant Sale in
May. We were very successful with the last one. I will tell more activities laster. :-)
I went to Florida last summer to visit my Grandson and his family. Had fun and enjoyed my
visit. Hopefully will go again before the Great Grandson is too old to play with his Grandmother!!
He beat me playing different card games, will have to practice them before going again!! ha
Sad to say, my brother who was very ill, passed away last month! My brother, and two sisters
made it back to Oklahoma in time to say our good byes before he passed. I think he was pleased that we came. I think he was waiting on us. Buried him on Tate Mountain with his Mom and Dad and
several other relatives. I had just been home hours, when my husband's Mom died. Hopefully that
will be the last, for a good long while!!!
On a happier note, went to a friends birthday celebration today. It was at a Chinese restaurant.
Good food and nice people, it was fun to be there. She is a fellow Bingo player and she turned
70 today. Need to have more of these type of things!! My friend is going to Cancun in a week, she
really needs the warmth of the Island. She has Asthma and C. O. P. D. She is on oxogen all the
time. We have had rain the last few days, and cold weather along with it, that is not good for her
even if we do need it!! Well, that's it for this time. Until next time, take care. Antique Rose
Old Fashion Girl

Cutie with big bow
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New "Rose" pitcher.
Ah, roses, I love them.
In Honor of My Mom
Happy (93rd) Birthday Mom
Thought for the Day.

Something to think about.
I joined your blog. I love the cactus photo and the sweetpea bouquet!